C-2 : Antimycobacterials Flashcards
Microbiology of Mycobacteria
Slow growing aerobic, non-motile rods with resistant lipid rich wall They are facultative intracellular pathogens that can remain dormant
Anti tuberculosis Drug Distribution Considerations:
in younger well vascularized, cellular granulomas, anti TB drugs must enter the interstitium and penetrate immune cells to enter phagolysosomes where bacteria are in necrotic granulomas, drugs must diffuse through the caseated material to reach extracellular pathogens
First line agents anti TB (names)
RIPE regimen - Rifampin (RA), isoniazid (INH), pyrazinamide (PZA) and ethambutol (ETB)
First line agents anti TB dosage
give all 4 for first 2 months then just RA and INH for 4 more months after that (RI of the RIPE)
Isoniazid MOA
active metabolites block mycolic acid synthesis via enzyme/carrier protein inhibition
bactericidal in actively growing microbes, -static in dormant
mycobacterium specific catalsae G enzymes create active metabolites within the micobes
isoniazid kinetics
prodrug given orally
distributes well even in cns and granulomas
metabolized in the liver by acetylation + eliminated in urine
isoniazid side effects
Hepatotoxic - worse w/ alcohol or rapid acetylators
Peripheral neuropathy - parestesias (sometimes cns effects: headache, memory loss, seizure)
- via b6 deficiency caused by INH-pyridoxine binding
- worse in slow acetylators + reversible with b6 supplementation muscle
muscle cramps, fever, rash
Drug induced Lupus, anion- gap acidoses and CYP 450 inh
Rifampin MOA
Inhibits RNA poylemerase
bactericidal effect, especially dormant microbes with a long post antibiotic effect
m ost Mycobacteria (incl. leprae) plus N. meningitidis and H. flu (as prophylactic monotherapy), and Pox viruses
Good for highly resistant Staph endocarditis/osteomyelitis with ciprofloxacin
Good oral absorption + distribution (phagocytes, abcess/cavity, csf)
accelerates its own hepatic metabolism (CYP inducer, incl 3A4)
hepatic and renal elimination
Side effects
Hepatotoxic- increases ezymes, rarely hepatitis
Orange discoloration - urine, sweat, tears
(rare neuro issues)
forms pyrazinoic acid in microbe membrane/metabolism disruption
has a bactericidal effect esp in dormant mycobacteria
Only for M.tuberculosis
good sybstitute for INH in case of resistance
Pyramidazine kinetics
Good oral absorption and good distribution (penetrates BBB)
liver metabolism and urine excretion
Pyramidazine side effects
Hepatotoxicity - as severe as liver necrosis
Hyperuricemia - can precipitate gout attacks; but rifampin decreases uric acid