C Flashcards
The set of activities the enterprise performs, the knowledge it has, the products and services it provides, the functions it supports, and the methods
it uses to make decisions
cause-and-effect diagram
See fishbone diagram
The act of transformation in response to a need
change agent
One who is a catalyst for change
change control
Controlling changes to requirements and designs so that the impact of requested changes is understood and agreed-to before the changes are made
change management
Planned activities, tools, and techniques to address the human side of change during a change initiative, primarily addressing the needs of the people who will be most affected by the change
change strategy
A plan to move from the current state to the future state to achieve the desired business objectives
change team
A cross-functional group of individuals who are mandated to implement a change. This group may be comprised of product owners, business analysts, developers, project managers, implementation subject matter experts (SMEs), or any other individual with the relevant set of skills and competencies required to implement the change
checklist (business analysis)
A standard set of quality elements that reviewers use
for requirements verification
The act of two or more people working together towards a common goal
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
A prepackaged solution available in the marketplace which address all or most of the common needs of a large group of buyers of those solutions. A commercial off-the-shelf solution may
require some configuration to meet the specific needs of the enterprise
competitive analysis
A structured assessment which captures the key
characteristics of an industry to predict the long-term profitability prospects and to determine the practices of the most significant competitors
A uniquely identifiable element of a larger whole that fulfills a clear function
concept model
An analysis model that develops the meaning of core concepts for a problem domain, defines their collective structure, and specifies the appropriate vocabulary needed to communicate about it consistently
constraint (business analysis)
An influencing factor that cannot be changed, and
that places a limit or restriction on a possible solution or solution option
The circumstances that influence, are influenced by, and provide understanding of the change
core concept (business analysis)
One of six ideas that are fundamental to the
practice of business analysis: Change, Need, Solution, Context, Stakeholder, and Value
cost-benefit analysis
An analysis which compares and quantifies the financial and non-financial costs of making a change or implementing a solution compared to the benefits gained
See commercial off-the-shelf
create, read, update, and delete matrix (CRUD matrix)
A two-dimensional matrix showing which user roles have permission to access specific information entities, and to create new records in those entities, view the data in existing records, update or modify the data in existing records, or delete existing records. The same type of matrix can be used to show which processes, instead of users, have the create, read, update and delete rights
CRUD matrix
See create, read, update, and delete matrix
A stakeholder who uses or may use products or services produced by the enterprise and may have contractual or moral rights that the enterprise is obliged to meet