C-12 Standards Flashcards
Standardized Briefing Items
Review Required Pubs:
Electronic Flight Bag: Each crew will have at least 3 EFBs with current FLIP and ePubs. Ensure minimum of 50% battery charge IAW AFMC EFB CONEMP (recommend 90% or more for use with Stratus Puck). If conducting an off-station mission during a FLIP change over, crews should download next cycle prior to departing or have the ability to download while off-station (e.g. Wi-Fi in hotel or FBO). For ePubs, the number and letter of the ePubs cycle must be up to date to be considered current (i.e. 21-05xxxT indicates OGV cycle is 21-05 and T is the current C-12 ePubs cycle).
Per 11-2FTv3, local sorties require access to the 11-202V3, 11-2FTv3, EDW IFG, Aircraft TOs/Checklists, and local
approach plates at a minimum. Electronic access is acceptable.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Mission Details
Bird/Drone Avoidance:
Bird/Drone Avoidance: Any crew member to gain visual contact with any flying threat to the aircraft will direct an evasive maneuver, clock position, altitude relative to the aircraft, and then notify when clear of the threat. The PF will maneuver then attempt to gain visual contact with the threat. Usually, crews should climb to avoid the birds rather than descending (birds typically dive to avoid threats) and should not make abrupt evasive maneuvers while on short final.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Crew Duties:
Seat assignments, preflight/forms checks:
Seat assignments, preflight/forms checks: The left seat pilot will conduct the Cockpit Inspection and the right seat pilot will conduct the Exterior walk around, Interior Inspections and Passenger Briefing (if required). The Aircraft Commander is responsible for ensuring the forms are checked and that maintenance has signed the exceptional release prior to flight.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Crew Duties:
PF vs. PNF Duties:
PF vs. PNF Duties: The PF is responsible for flying the aircraft, talking on flight/chase inter-plane frequency, and either commanding changes to the FMS and Flight Control/Autopilot panels if the AP is off or making changes to the FMS and Flight Control/Autopilot if the AP is engaged. The PNF is responsible for making ATC radio calls, running checklists, and making changes to the FMS, Flight Control/Autopilot panels at the PF’s request. EXCEPTION: For FTU sorties, the IP normally talks on the ATC radios regardless of who is flying.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Crew Duties:
Jump Seat Duties:
Jump Seat Duties: If there is an additional crew member occupying a seat with an audio panel, they are responsible for monitoring ATC frequencies, clearing for traffic and birds, and getting ATIS information when directed by the PF or PNF to do so. In an EP/Abnormal scenario, the Jump Seater is responsible for pulling up the applicable checklist in the Dash 1 and assisting as requested by the AC. For emergency/expedited egress, the Jump Seater will normally choose the egress route (air stair door vs. emergency exit). Other duties may be delegated by the AC.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Crew Duties:
Clearing vigilance / no “two heads-down”:
Clearing vigilance / no “two heads-down”: To the max extent possible, both pilots will clear visually, over the radios, and with TCAS. If one pilot is going to be “eyes inside” or “heads down” working on the FMS, etc. they will notify the crew and ensure the other pilot is clearing for traffic.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Crew Duties:
Positive transfer of aircraft control:
Positive transfer of aircraft control: Transfer of aircraft control between pilots will be positive and verbal, with visual transfer as a backup in a comm-out scenario. To pass aircraft control, tap on other pilot’s shoulder and point to the yoke. Pilot taking control of the aircraft will shake the yoke.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Ground Emergencies
Engine Fire on the Ground
Engine Fire on the Ground: PF brings the aircraft to a stop and P sets parking brake. PF and PNF coordinate to execute BOLDFACE items after stopping.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Ground Emergencies
Egress: PF and PNF coordinate to complete the Ground Egress checklist. Primary exit route will be the air stair door unless the emergency dictates use of the emergency escape exit. The Aircraft Commander will exit last and complete accountability for all crew, passengers, and maintenance personnel after egress.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Takeoff Emergencies
Abort: Abort for any emergency/abnormal indication prior to rotate other than a correctable ENG EXCEEDENCE light, BATT CHARGE light, or *L/R NO FUEL XFER lights. Use REJECTED TAKEOFF procedure, power in beta/reverse and braking as required, flaps up, to get the aircraft to a stop or safe speed to clear the runway prior to executing any BOLDFACE or emergency checklists. *EXCEPTION: If a torque limiter failure is identified and a reject will be executed, perform CONDITION LEVERS – “FUEL CUTOFF” (P/CP) prior to reducing power.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Takeoff Emergencies
EFIATO: PF maintains aircraft control, executes the BOLDFACE steps in coordination with PNF, then calls for the EFIATO checklist. If terrain and traffic permits, continue climb out straight ahead until a safe altitude and airspeed is attained. If possible, minimize turns into the “dead” engine. Verbalize when turning into the “dead” engine.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Flight Emergencies
Smoke/Fumes: Crew executes BOLDFACE by having PNF grab both pilots’ O2 masks, PNF dons own mask first then hands PF their mask. After transferring aircraft control, the new PNF dons mask and both crew members move their MIC Select Switch to MASK (P/CP) to establish crew communications. Additional crewmembers are responsible for donning oxygen.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Flight Emergencies
TCAS RAs: PF disconnects autopilot and manually flies aircraft into the green band on the VSI (for climb/descend RA commands). PNF is primarily scanning outside for traffic as PF is primarily focused inside on complying with RA. PNF will notify ATC of deviations by stating “(Callsign), TCAS RA”. If crew can visually acquire traffic and confirm that it is not a threat, both pilots must verbally acknowledge the RA and state traffic position and why complying with the RA is not required, e.g. “Traffic 2 o’clock visual, no factor, 500’ above us and level.”
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Flight Emergencies
TAWS/Terrain avoidance maneuver
TAWS/Terrain avoidance maneuver: if TAWS caution or warning sounds during visual conditions and crew can confirm terrain is not a factor, PF will verbally acknowledge advisory and use good judgment to ensure terrain clearance. If caution or warning is issued at night or in IMC, the crew will comply with the actions listed in T.O. 1C- 12A-1 for “TERRAIN AHEAD”, “TERRAIN, PULL UP” and “AVOID TERRAIN” annunciations.
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an
Standardized Briefing Items
Training/Mission Execution
Taxi Considerations/Run Up Plan:
Taxi Considerations/Run Up Plan:
Run up Location (In Front of Bldg 1414 for Paradrop Missions)
* Check Hot-5 and operation of ICE VANES
* Skip remaining ANTI-ICE & DE-ICE System checks (DAY/VMC ONLY)
* Check Pneumatic Pressure on taxi
* Leave Power at 1800 RPM for Overspeed Gov TEST, LS Pilot - Left PROP GOV TEST Switch/Power Lever, RS Pilot - Right PROP GOV TEST Switch/Power Lever
* AUTOFEATHER TEST Switch - Actuate before Power Lever reduction to begin Test
* Monitor Oil Temp - 100-104 ˚C, Shutdown if not airborne within 5 minutes
Deviations from standards will be pre-briefed and announced to the crew. Any deviation from standards
should not violate any flight manual or instructional guidance. IP Demonstrations or training are an