412 OG-All-P/N/W-AFI-Mar 2021 Flashcards
1 During low-level operations if an aircraft has two pilot positions both pilots are required to have a low altitude chart?
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FTv3 para 2.3
2 For local sorties, aircrew will have access to
A.AFI 11-202 Vol 3
B.AFI 11-2FT Vol 3
C.412 TW Inflight Guide
D.All of the Above
Reference: AFI 11-2FTv3 EAFB Sup 2.4.2
All of the Above
3 All of the following are true except:
A.All aspects of test missions will be thoroughly briefed by the cognizant engineer or aircraft commander.
B.Briefed mission elements and events may be modified and briefed airborne as long as flight safety is not compromised.
C.The alternate mission, if briefed, should be as complex or more than the primary.
D.Aircrews should debrief weather conditions to weather personnel when weather encountered during the mission was not as forecast.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 2.7.4, 2.7.6
The alternate mission, if briefed, should be as complex or more than the primary.
4 Aircrew shall not fly ILS approaches requiring precision runway monitoring unless there is a mission/test need and __________.
A.authorization from FOA
B.authorization from the SPO
C.the pilot has accomplished the associated training
D.the aircraft is within 90 days of depot maintenance
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FTv3 3.2.1
the pilot has accomplished the associated training
5 ______ may approve touch-and-go operations with maintenance engineering support personnel (MESP) or mission essential personnel (MEP) onboard.
A.Flying Unit Commander
B.Operation Group Commander
C.Test Wing Commander
D.None of the Above
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FTv3 3.2.3
Flying Unit Commander
6 A PIC may deviate from any flight rule in the all the following circumstances except:
A.An in-flight emergency requires immediate action
B.When flight rule is unknown by PIC
C.Deviation is required to protect lives
D.When safety of flight dictates
Reference: AFI 11-202, Vol 3: 1.6
When flight rule is unknown by PIC
7 Do not use rolling maneuvers to maintain or regain formation position below ____ feet AGL or in airspace where aerobatics are prohibited.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
8 All of the following are true except:
A.During the day, minimum taxi interval is 150 feet if taxiing staggered but may be reduced when holding short of or entering the runway.
B.Minimum taxi interval in trail (on the taxiway centerline) day or night is 300 feet on centerline.
C.Minimum taxi interval with ice/snow/slush is 300 feet.
D.Taxi in front of aircraft being armed/de-armed with forward firing ordnance is approved if cleared by the ground crew.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
Taxi in front of aircraft being armed/de-armed with forward firing ordnance is approved if cleared by the ground crew.
9 Weather requirements for safety chase formation is
A.discernable horizon
B.three miles visibility
C.clear of clouds
D.All of the Above
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FTv3
All of the Above
10 Flight leads will direct chase positions in flight as required by test objectives.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
11 Safety Chase is a visual formation that maximizes the briefed chase duties.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
12 During Area Chase, the aircraft need only remain in the designated test area and maintain radio contact with the test aircraft.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
13 The weather requirements for Safety Chase are:
A.Takeoff minimums
B.Discernable horizon, 1 mile visibility, clear of clouds
C.Discernable horizon, 3 miles visibility, clear of clouds
D.Discernable horizon, 5 miles visibility, clear of clouds
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
Discernable horizon, 3 miles visibility, clear of clouds
14 Chase pilots will not stack lower than the lead aircraft when operating below ____ feet AGL.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
15 Unless approved by test and safety review boards, the minimum altitude (ft AGL) for an airborne pickup is:
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
16 Except for emergencies, the day VMC minimum altitude for position changes within a formation is:
A.500 feet AGL over both land & water
B.500 feet AGL over land and 1000 feet AGL over water
C.1000 feet AGL over both land & water
D.1000 feet AGL over land and 1500 feet AGL over water
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
500 feet AGL over land and 1000 feet AGL over water
17 Which of the following is NOT true regarding formation procedures?
A.Flight leaders will not break up formations until each pilot has a positive fix (visual, ATC, INS, TACAN, VOR or other suitable system waypoint) from which to navigate.
B.In the traffic pattern, IP/SEFEs may maneuver as necessary to observe performance to a minimum altitude of 50 feet.
C.Minimum altitude for formation low approaches is 100’ day, 200’ night.
D.Normal spacing between overhead breaks will be 5 seconds.
Reference: AFI 11-2FT, Vol 3:,,,
Minimum altitude for formation low approaches is 100’ day, 200’ night.
18 Weather minimums for visual low level training are ___________ for any route or area.
A.1,500 foot ceiling and 3 miles visibility
B.as specified in FLIP for Military Training Routes
C.as specified in unit regulations or national routes
D.a, b, or c, whichever is higher.
Reference: AFI 11-2FT, Vol 3:
a, b, or c, whichever is higher.
19 Excessive negative altitude variations will not ensure safe terrain clearance at your MSA. Aircrews will use _______ to determine which route segments are affected by excessive altitude variations.
A.altitude variations from PMSV
B.compute altitude variations using PMSV altimeter settings and D values
C.a or b
D.none of the above
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 3.7.9
a or b
20 Which of the following is not true regarding low level procedures?
A.Below 1000’ AGL wingmen will not fly at a lower altitude than lead.
B.Between sunrise and sunset, the low level environment is at or below 2000’ AGL, VMC.
C.NVGs may not be used to clear terrain visually during night VMC, low level.
D.MSA is 1000’ above the highest obstacle within 5 nm of the planned route.
Reference: AFI 11-2FT, Vol 3:,,, Pg 84
NVGs may not be used to clear terrain visually during night VMC, low level.
21 Crews experiencing a hung store may contact the _________ for permission to release or jettison the hung store in a suitable area.
D.Sq Sup
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
22 Do not practice emergency procedures that degrade aircraft performance or flight control capabilities unless:___________.
A.authorized by AFMC/A3.
B.specifically authorized by an approved training syllabus, test plan or in accordance with applicable AFIs.
C.specifically authorized by the 11-2MDS series.
D.full approved on the flight authorization and no passengers are on board.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 5.18
specifically authorized by an approved training syllabus, test plan or in accordance with applicable AFIs.
23 Fuel jettisoning will be conducted only to reduce aircraft gross weight in ___________. When circumstances permit, jettison fuel over unpopulated areas at and
altitude of ________, when feasible.
A.obtaining valid landing data or when unit needs early recovery; 3,000 AGL
B.an emergency, for operational necessity, or as required for flight test or FCF; 3,000 AGL
C.obtaining valid landing data or when unit needs early recovery; 5,000 AGL
D.an emergency or as required for flight test or FCF; 5,000 AGL
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 5.19
an emergency or as required for flight test or FCF; 5,000 AGL
24 Do not accomplish practice emergency seperation training from the contact position or boom limit demonstration unless the receiver signal system is in normal and the receiver and tanker have assured normal disconnect capability prior to initiating maneuver.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
25 For practice emergency separation training, coordination between the tanker pilot and boom operator and the receiver pilot is mandatory and will occur _________ the event.
B.prior to
D.A and C
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
prior to
26 NVGs may be worn for night tanker rejoins to include flying in the observation position, but will be raised to the ____ and ______ position or removed prior to the pre-contact position.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
27 Plan and fly all missions to avoid areas of known or forecast severe weather including severe icing or severe turbulence which may exceed aircraft limitations. These restrictions do not apply to planned severe weather penetration as part of an approved test plan.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 4.3.1
28 During flight, attempt to avoid thunderstorms by at least:
A.20 NMs at or above flight level (FL) 230
B.10 NMs below FL 230
C.5 NMs for operations below 5000 feet
D.All of the above
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
All of the above
29 The PIC is the final authority whether to take-off, land, or continue a touch-and-go when LAHSO is in effect. The PIC may not accept a LAHSO clearance without MAJCOM training.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 18.2
30 Multi place aircraft (N/A C-130): The pilot flying will periodically announce intentions during departures, arrivals, approaches and ______________.
A.special mission events
B.when circumstances require deviating from normal procedures
C.unsual attitudes
D.the mealtime cruise portion
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 4.4.1
when circumstances require deviating from normal procedures
31 Flight outside of a test program with software that has not passed a safety of flight evaluation is prohibited.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FTv3 para 5.3
32 Normal flying operations (ejection seat aircraft) will not be conducted when surface winds along the intended route of flight exceed _____ knots steady state or when the sea state exceeds ______ feet wave height.
A.35; 10
B.30; 10
C.35; 12
D.30; 12
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 5.5.1, 5.5.2
35; 10
33 Flight Duty Period (FDP). FCF/ACF, proficiency training, test sorties, test support sorties and tactical events must be completed during the first ________ hours of the FDP and are limited to a maximum of ________ sorties per day.
A.6, 6
B.10, 4
C.8, 3
D.12, 3
Reference: AFI 11-202, Vol 3 AFMCSUP I: 2.2.4
12, 3
34 A checklist is not complete until all items have been accomplished. Notes amplifying checklist procedures or limitations may be added to the checklists. Checklist items that do not apply to the unit’s aircraft or mission may be lined out.
Reference: AFI 11-2FT, Vol 3: 5.9
35 The PIC will direct all occupants to fasten seatbelts securely when __________ is encountered or expected.
B.a bird flock
C.a typhoon
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
36 In the absence of a test plan or FCF profile, high speed taxi checks will be approved by the FOA and accomplished by a qualified _____.
C.FCF pilot
D.b or c
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 5.11
b or c
37 (Multiplace aircraft) Other than critical phases of flight, crewmembers may leave their duty stations for brief periods to meet physiological needs and to perform normal crew duties.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 5.13
38 NVGs will only be worn in-flight by NVG qualified aircrew or by upgrading aircrew under the supervision of a qualified NVG IP.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3:
39 When circumstances permit, jettison fuel over unpopulated areas at an altitude above _________ AGL, when feasible.
Reference: AFMAN 11-2FT, Vol 3: 5.19
40 Unless authorized by local procedures, touch and go landings on the lakebeds are ________.
Reference: AFI 11-2FT, Vol 3: 5.25.6
41 Crewmembers that require corrective spectacles while performing aircrew duties will carry a backup set of clear MAJCOM-approved corrective lenses while performing aircrew duties.
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 3.7.1.
42 After loss of cabin pressure, initiate an immediate descent to the lowest practical altitude, preferably below ________ ft MSL.
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 3.21.4.
43 Which of the following is not true regarding filing/flying VFR?
A.PIC will utilize radar advisory and monitoring or control services when practical and should ensure flight following by any available means (i.e. FSS or C2 agency).
B.Forecast weather for the departure, planned route of flight and arrival (1 hour of the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)) must be 3,000 ft. ceiling and 3 SMs visibility.
C.When in FAA airspace, adhere to NAS VFR cloud clearance and visibility minimums.
D.Fixed-wing aircraft shall not fly under Special VFR.
Reference: AFI 11-202, Vol 3:, Table 6.1,
Forecast weather for the departure, planned route of flight and arrival (1 hour of the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)) must be 3,000 ft. ceiling and 3 SMs visibility.
44 Which of the following NAS fixed-wing VFR cloud clearances is not correct?
A.Class C and Class D airspace: 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 2,000 feet horizontal
B.Class E and G airspace below 10,000 feet MSL: 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 2,000 feet horizontal
C.Class E and G airspace at or above 10,000 feet MSL: 1,000 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 1 SM horizontal
D.Class B airspace 1,000 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 1 SM horizontal
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: Table 12.1
Class B airspace 1,000 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 1 SM horizontal
45 Aircrew may file to or land USAF aircraft at US P-coded civil airports in all the following circumstances except: _____________
A.in an emergency
B.an alternate is required and no other suitable airport is available
C.when participating in an airshow
D.The wing commander or higher authority approves the flight and the airport manager grants permission in advance
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 4.7.2
when participating in an airshow
46 Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding requirements to fly practice instrument approaches under VFR?
A.VFR cloud clearances and visibilities must be maintained
B.Terminal radar service must be available
C.Aircrews must make all position reports IAW 11-202v3 para
D.receive ATC approval to fly the published missed approach
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 15.2
Terminal radar service must be available
47 No additional MAJCOM training is required to use a Non-USG Terminal Procedures procedure as long as a MAJCOM TERPs office has reviewed the approach IAW AFI 11-230.
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 4.14
48 Pilots must designate an alternate when weather forecasts indicate, from 1 hour before to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival at the destination airfield, including TEMPO conditions, are less than indicated below
A.A ceiling of 2,000 feet above the airfield elevation
B.a visibility of 3 statute miles
C.Forecast crosswinds are outside aircraft limitations
D.thunderstorms are forecast
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 4.16.2
thunderstorms are forecast
49 An airport does not qualify as an alternate in all the following situations except:
A.All compatible approaches require an unmonitored NAVAID
B.The airfield does not report weather observations
C.FLIP “alternate” designation (without NA) is displayed on all compatible approach plates AND an associated note applies.
D.FLIP designation “A NA” is displayed on ANY compatible approach plates.
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 4.16.5
FLIP designation “A NA” is displayed on ANY compatible approach plates.
50 Authorized IFR Departure Methods include all of the following except?
A.A locally designed departure procedure
C.Specific ATC Departure Instructions
D.Diverse Departures (ICAO-Omni-directional Departures)
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 5.9
A locally designed departure procedure
51 Which of the following is NOT true concerning climb gradients?
A.In addition to complying with published climb gradients, the PIC must also ensure the aircraft can always clear applicable published low close-in obstacles.
B.Aircrews can never depart an airfield using non-standard takeoff minimums in lieu of meeting the required climb gradient.
C.Pilots under IFR must plan to cross the DER at or above the departure end restriction
D.The standard IFR departure climb gradient is 3.3% (200 feet per nautical mile)
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 5.10
Aircrews can never depart an airfield using non-standard takeoff minimums in lieu of meeting the required climb gradient.
52 Add the values derived from the FIH Temperature Correction Chart to the published procedure altitudes. Which answers below are correct?
A.When departing from an aerodrome with a temperature of 0° C or less, aircrew will temperature correct all altitudes (including the 400 feet. above departure end of runway (DER)) to a temperature corrected minimum safe altitude
B.Altimeter setting source temperature is below -22°F/-30°C correct all altitudes on IAP.
C.Pilots must advise ATC of the corrected altitude when applying altitude corrections on any approach segment with the exception of the final segment.
D.All the above are correct.
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 7.2., Table 4.51
All the above are correct.
53 When operating inside RVSM airspace all of the following apply except:
A.Pilots will not operate in RVSM airspace without functional RVSM equipment unless specifically cleared by ATC.
B.Vertical separation between properly equipped and certified aircraft is reduced to 500 ft. in special qualification airspace.
C.Formation flights may operate in RVSM airspace if all participating aircraft are RVSM compliant or approved by ATC.
D.Pilots will notify ATC as soon as possible if required equipment fails after entering RVSM airspace.
Reference: AFI 11-202, Vol 3: 3.24.2., 6.10.2.
Vertical separation between properly equipped and certified aircraft is reduced to 500 ft. in special qualification airspace.
54 Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding commencing an approach?
A.For a straight-in or sidestep approach, the reported weather must meet the required visibility minimums before beginning descent.
B.For a Circling Approach the reported weather must be at or above both the published ceiling and visibility minimums before beginning descent.
C.If the reported weather decreases below minimums after starting a descent the pilot may continue the approach to the MAP and either execute a missed approach or continue to land if conditions permit.
D.If the reported weather decreases below minimums after starting a descent the pilot will abort the approach and contact ATC immediately.
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 14.2
If the reported weather decreases below minimums after starting a descent the pilot will abort the approach and contact ATC immediately.
55 Which of the following is not guidance regarding actions at DH/DA/MDA and missed approach point?
A.To descend from DH/DA/MDA the aircraft must be in a position to execute a safe landing.
B.Any turns on the missed approach will not begin until the aircraft reaches the MAP
C.Climbing prior to the MAP is not permitted.
D.Do not descend below 100 feet above the threshold elevation (THRE) or touchdown zone elevation (TDZE) using the approach lights as a reference unless the red termination bars or red side row bars are visible and identifiable (N/A on CAT III approaches).
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 19.1
Climbing prior to the MAP is not permitted.
56 The PIC is the final authority whether to take-off, land, or continue a touch-and-go when LAHSO is in effect. The PIC may not accept a LAHSO clearance without MAJCOM training.
D.When the runway approach lighting system (ALS) (or any portion, but not including sequenced flashers or visual glide slope indicators) is inoperative, pilots shall increase the published visibility minimums of an instrument approach as directed by the inoperative components table in the TPP, as stated on IAP/NOTAMs/ATIS/other airport information source or by 1/2 mile if no other guidance is provided.
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 18.2
57 Who is the waiver authority for Flight Duty Period (FDP)?
D.Program Manager
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 3.2.
58 What is the maximum flight time a pilot can log in 7 consecutive days?
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 3.4
59 Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding crew rest/Flight Duty Period (FDP)?
A.Crew rest is free time and includes time for meals, transportation, and rest. This time must include an opportunity for at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
B.Crew rest is compulsory for aircrew members prior to performing any duties involving aircraft operations and is a minimum of 12 non-duty hours before the Flight Duty Period (FDP) begins.
C.If an aircrew member remains after flying to perform official duties such as working on an OPR, the crew rest period begins once the flight debrief is complete.
D.For continuous operations when basic aircrew FDPs are between 12 to 14 hours, subsequent crew rest may be reduced to a minimum of 10 hours by the PIC.
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 3.1
If an aircrew member remains after flying to perform official duties such as working on an OPR, the crew rest period begins once the flight debrief is complete.
60 Crew rest is not required to preflight and load an aircraft.
Reference: AFMAN 11-202, Vol 3: 3.1.
61 The arc of a ______ is the shortest distance between two points on a sphere, just as a straight line is the shortest distance between two points on a plane.
A.Short Circle
B.Wide Circle
C.Great Circle
D.Circular Circle
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 1.4.1
Great Circle
62 The ______ meridian is sometimes called the prime meridian, though actually it is the zero meridian. Longitude is counted east and west from this meridian through 180 degrees.
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 1.5.3
63 The Department of Defense adopted a datum in 1987 called _____. This global datum is a system that models the entire planet, instead of one small piece.
A.Department of Defense (DoD) 84
B.World Geodetic System 84 (WGS 84)
C.Greenwich Mean (GM 84)
D.Datum? What’s a Datum?
Reference: AFPAM 11-216:
World Geodetic System 84 (WGS 84)
64 DoD Chart Updating Manual (CHUM). This document lists, for each current chart edition, corrections and additions which could affect flying safety. The additions and corrections listed for the appropriate charts should be checked and the applicable ones annotated on the charts. NOTE: The CHUM does not contain manmade obstacles less than ____ feet tall.
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 1.30.2
65 The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) is a positioning reference system developed for use with the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grids.
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 1.34.4
66 To establish international rules for air traffic control, the _____ was formed in April 1947 and is affiliated with the United Nations as a specialized international body dealing with aviation matters.
A.Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
B.Global Aviation Council (GAC)
C.United Airlines (UA)
D.International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 2.6
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
67 Published by the Air Force, the _____ is used by all United States military personnel traveling abroad. It provides information on all foreign nations, United States possessions, and United States controlled or administered areas outside CONUS.
A.FLIP General Planning (GP)
B.IFR Supp
C.Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG)
D.Travelocity Travel Guides
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 2.9
Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG)
68 FLIP documents are divided into three phases of flight, ______.
A.planning, en route operations and terminal operations
B.planning, high altitude operations, and low altitude operations
C.high altitude operations, low altitude operations, and terminal operations
D.takeoff, en route operations, and landing operations
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 2.10
planning, en route operations and terminal operations
69 _____ provide information that is essential to all personnel concerned with flight operations.
A.Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)
B.ALTRV Approval
C.The Weather Channel (TWC)
D.Standard Terminal Arrival Route (STAR)
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 2.10.13
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)
70 Airways are corridors established by a national government within its airspace to facilitate the navigation and control of air traffic under IFR conditions. Usually an airway is _______ wide and follows a route over the ground defined by radio NAVAIDS.
A.10 Nautical Miles
B.5 Nautical Miles
C.10 Statute Miles
D.20 Statute Miles
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 2.14
10 Statute Miles
71 The angle between the magnetic meridian and the geographic meridian is called the __________.
A.True Meridian
B.Magnetic Variation
C.True Variation
D.True Heading
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 3.5.2
Magnetic Variation
72 The height above the standard datum plane (29.92 Hg at 15º C) is called ______.
A.Pressure Altitude (PA)
B.Calibrated Altitude (CA)
C.Density Altitude (DA)
D.Absolute Altitude
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 3.13.3
Pressure Altitude (PA)
73 _____ is basic airspeed that has been corrected for pitot-static error or attitude of the aircraft.
A.Calibrated Airspeed (CAS)
B.Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
C.True Airspeed (TAS)
D.Groundspeed (GS)
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 3.24.3
Calibrated Airspeed (CAS)
74 _____ is the intended horizontal direction of travel over the surface of the earth. _____ is the horizontal direction in which an aircraft is pointed.
A.True Heading, True Course
B.True Course, True Heading
C.Track, True Heading
D.True Heading, direction
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 4.3.1, 4.3.4
True Course, True Heading
75 The rate of motion of an aircraft relative to the airmass surrounding it is called _______ .
B.Calibrated Airspeed
C.True Airspeed
D.Warp Speed
Reference: AFPAM 11-216: 4.3.6
True Airspeed
76 Flight plans are not required for aircraft departing Edwards for ____
A.Palmdale airport
B.Fox Field airport
C.Victorville airport
D.All of the Above
Reference: EAFBI 13-204 7.1
All of the Above
77 All flights involving live munitions should originate and terminate at _____.
A.North Base
B.Main Base
C.South Base
D.Dry Lakebed runways
Reference: EAFBI 13-204 10.4.1
Main Base
78 During lost communications with SPORT/JOSHUA/Tower fixed wing crews shall set transponder to _____.
Reference: EAFBI 13-204
79 EAFB does not have a standard climb-out. Climb-out
instructions are issued by Tower.
Reference: EAFBI 13-204 8.12