Byzantine Flashcards
He ruled for 38 years, was considered Byzantines most ambitious ruler. Wanted to recreate the roman empire and made a code of laws similar to the roman code of laws.
Empire, Constantinople was capital
Greek fire
Atomic bomb of the time, made by the Byzantines
The Nika Revolt
It took place in January in 532 in Constantinople, against Justinian during a chariot race. Everyone was cheering on their own team, shouting concur, or “Nika”. Suddenly the were all yelling it at him.
Justinian’s code of laws
Roman laws he changed for his needs and then established
Justinian’s wife and queen, was an actress and was therefor seen unfit to rule. Would not flee during the Nika revolts, and died if cancer
Highest church official in Constantinople.
A sole ruler with complete authority over the people
Sacred image that’s treated as holy itself
Great schism
Byzantine emperor Leo bans icons, causing the eastern and western church to split in 2 in 1054
Ecumenical patriarch
Universal patriarch
Papal authority
Power of pope
The action of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs and institutions or established values and practices
An open, treeless grassland that Nomads traveling through the region used for there cows and horses. It’s one of the three regions of Russia.
City, where main trade was
Hagia Sopia
It was once the centralized church building if the eastern orthodox church, but now it’s a museum
Hagia sophia means “Holy wisdom”, and that was a title for Jesus
One of the Lord’s that had been sent to Kiev to convert the Slavs to Christianity.
The alphabet used to translate the bible into Slavic
Czar or Tsar
Titles of rulers of Russia, means Caesar
Ivan the terrible
Ruled for 51 years, had a secret police, was always unstable but really went off his noodle when his wife died. Thought everyone was out to kill him so he killed them first.
Ivan the great
He married the last Byzantines emperors niece, and freed Russia from mongols, believed in absolute power.