BW330 - SAP BW Modeling & Implementation Flashcards
~Modeling with SAP HANA, you can use a virtual table in a view. Which of the following are advantages of this virtual data model?~
- The result set is stored as SAP HANA row store rable.
- You can use data from external sources.
- The data footprint is reduced.
- Data is only replicated once.
- The data is always up-to-date.
-The result set is stored as SAP HANA row store rable.
(+)-You can use data from external sources.
(+)-The data footprint ie reduced.
-Data is only replicated once.
(+)-The data is always up-to-date.
~Using a virtual data model, the model is easily changed by changing the remote table, the data footprint is non-existent because no data is loaded and the data is always up-to-date because the queries are executed on real-time data. Data is never replicated for a virtual model because the data remains in the source table and is read from there, not from a SAP HANA table. Read more in the lesson, Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective.~
~SAP HANA provides a choice of row or column storage types~
- True
- False
~SAP HANA provides a choice of either row or column storage types. Read more in the lesson, Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective.~
~Which of the following are Best Practice options for storing data in a BW system running on SAP HANA?~
- Store the bulk of the data on disk for retrieval when required (warm data)
- Store the most relevant data in a compressed column store (hot data)
- Split the most relevant data by date and store between an uncompressed column store and tables stored on disk (warm data)
- Store all data in compressed column stores to maximize performance (hot data)
- Move less important data into an external storage system (cool data)
(+)Store the bulk of the data on disk for retrieval when required (warm data)
(+)Store the most relevant data in a compressed column store (hot data)
-Split the most relevant data by date and store between an uncompressed column store and tables stored on disk (warm data)
-Store all data in compressed column stores to maximize performance (hot data)
(+)-Move less important data into an external storage system (cool data)
~There are three alternatives for storing data using SAP HANA - store the most relevant in memory as ‘hot’ data; store mass data on disk in BW as ‘warm’ data; and leave less important data in an external system as ‘cool’ data. There is no option in SAP HANA to split data by date to create warm data. Storing all data in memory is technically possible but it would not be a Best Practice because of the cost of doing so. Read more in the lesson, Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective.~
~Which of the following are golden rules for modelers using SAP HANA?~
- Save less important data outside of memory
- Use column store for analytical tasks
- Virtual data sources should use SAP HANA as the physical database
- Be economical and re-use SAP HANA Views when possible
- Avoid calculations within SAP HANA
(+)Save less important data outside of memory
(+)Use column store for analytical tasks
-Virtual data sources should use SAP HANA as the physical database
(+)-Be economical and re-use SAP HANA Views when possible
-Avoid calculations within SAP HANA
~The best practices for a data modeler in SAP HANA are to save less important data outside of memory, use column stores, reuse SAP HANA Views, and modularize and parallelize. A virtual data source does not have to reside on an SAP HANA database. Read more in the lesson, Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective.~
~The SAP BW architecture is made up of the extraction layer, the data layer, and the reporting layer.~
- True
- False
~The SAP BW architecture is made up of the extraction, data, and the reporting layers. Read more in the lesson, Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective.~
~Based on BW 7.5, which of the following should be considered when modeling master data and transaction data?~
- If master data does not need to replicated, an Open ODS View for texts and attributes could be used
- If transaction data should be stored , an Advanced Data Store Object (ADSO) should be used
- To load transaction data efficiently, an Open ODS View of type facts should be used
- Without additional data load, combine data from existing InfoProviders using a CompositeProvider
- If master data is to be persisted, then chracteristics should be used
(+)If master data does not need to replicated, an Open ODS View for texts and attributes could be used
(+)If transaction data should be stored , an Advanced Data Store Object (ADSO) should be used
-To load transaction data efficiently, an Open ODS View of type facts should be used
(+)Without additional data load, combine data from existing InfoProviders using a CompositeProvider
(+)If master data is to be persisted, then chracteristics should be used
~All of the listed options are appropriate for BW 7.5, except for loading using an Open ODS View. Open ODS Views are not used to load data, they are only used to view data during query execution. Read more in the lesson, Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective.~
~Storing raw data in PSA data packages is recommended when the data will update multiple data targets or when the amount of data being extracted is large.~
- True
- False
~Storing data in PSA is always recommended when the PSA data updates several diiferent targets PSA is also used to store data when the extraction volumes are high, because this alleviates using resources in the remote system while the entire load takes place. Read more in the lesson, Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective.~
~You want to implement a complex data quality improvement scenario that requires a stable set of reference data. Which model focus would you choose?~
- The source system
-The source system
~If you want to improve the data quality in different steps, especially when you need a stable set of reference data. SAP BW is a good choice because it provides features to take snapshots regularly, enrich and keep the data for a long time. In the source system, data is rarely kept online for years. SAP HANA is mainly used for real-time access. Read more in the lesson, Compairing SAP BW with SAP HANA, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Understanding SAP HANA from a Modeling Perspective.~
~If the data source supports it and if the extraction is fast enough, the ODP based dataflow without PSA is recommended because it helps to reduce the volume of redundantly stored data.~
- True
- False
~If the data source supports it and if the extraction is fast enough, the ODP based dataflow without PSA is recommended because it helps to reduce the volume of redundantly stored data. Data in the delta queue is compressed and can be used for different targets. Read more in the lesson, Understanding SAP BW from a Modeling Perspective, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Compairing SAP BW with SAP HANA.~
~If a new field is added to key definition of a database table, less records can be distinguished.~
- True
- False
~If more fields are part of the key definition of a database table, more criteria exist to distinguish records, and rather more different records can be distinguished.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Business Review. Lesson: Understanding the ERP Model.~
~One purpose of investigating the source models of different source systems is to check which homogenization of master data is necessary.~
- True
- False
~Homogenizing master data and preparing transactional data from different sources are typical tasks of BW projects. In order to judge the required steps, investigating the source models is required. Read more in the Lesson Understanding the ERP Model in BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Business Review. Lesson: Understanding the ERP Model.~
~In a productive landscape, SAP Best Practice is to have at least a development system, a quality assurance system and a productive system.~
- True
- False
~SAP always recommends that there are at least three technical systems - development, QA, and production. Read more in the lesson, Planning Transport Management, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Global Decision Areas and Best Practice Standards. Lesson: Planning Transport Management.~
~The productive BW system is always defined as a closed system in which changes can only be made by importing a transport.~
- True
- False
~BW systems are normally an open system because alterations to objects like queries and query views should be possible. Changes to these objects are not seen as harmful. Read more in the lesson, Planning Transport Management, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Global Decision Areas and Best Practice Standards. Lesson: Planning Transport Management.~
~Which of the following are advantages of separating master data and transactional data?~
- Referential integrity of transaction data can be assured because records without matching master data will not be loaded
- Time-dependent data can be modeled simply
- Harmonization of master data with multiple source systems can be achieved with system-specific master data tables
- Texts can be stored in multiple languages
- Storage costs are reduced because data is only stored once
-Referential integrity of transaction data can be assured because records without matching master data will not be loaded
(+)Time-dependent data can be modeled simply
-Harmonization of master data with multiple source systems can be achieved with system-specific master data tables
(+)Texts can be stored in multiple languages
(+)Storage costs are reduced because data is only stored once
~All the items listed are advantages of separate master data except for the harmonization response. Harmonization of data from different systems is possible using single master data tables with the inclusion of the source system ID as characteristic in the table. Read more in the lesson, Separating Master Data and Transactional Data, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Global Decision Areas and Best Practice Standards. Lesson: Separating Master Data and Transactional Data.~
~To model the tracking history scenarios of historical truth and current truth, two different star schemas are required.~
- True
- False
~The modeling of current and historical truth can be modeled in a single star schema using a mixture of time-dependent and time independent navigation attributes. Read more in the lesson, Implementing Tracking History Scenarios, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Global Decision Areas and Best Practice Standards. Lesson: Tracking History.~
~Which of the following statements are true regarding the difference between commanding end concatenation?~
- Compounding is easier to filter in queries because the objects are separate whereas with concatenation, the key string needs to be masked
- Compounding is easier for users to understand because it is based on a 1:1 object mapping but concatenation is more complex for users to understand and decipher
- Concatenetion uses a single key value but compounding uses more then one
- Adding key fields in concatenation is easier because only the transformation needs to be changed but in compounding structures need to be changed and data re-loaded
- Concatenation is supported in the definition of the InfoObject whereas compounding is only relevant for transactional data
(+)-Compounding is easier to filter in queries because the objects are separate whereas with concatenation, the key string needs to be masked
(+)-Compounding is easier for users to understand because it is based on a 1:1 object mapping but concatenation is more complex for users to understand and decipher
(+)-Concatenetion uses a single key value but compounding uses more then one
(+)-Adding key fields in concatenation is easier because only the transformation needs to be changed but in compounding structures need to be changed and data re-loaded
-Concatenation is supported in the definition of the InfoObject whereas compounding is only relevant for transactional data
~All of the responses are true regarding the differences except for the question regarding the
definition of InfoObjects. Compounding. not concatenation is supported in the definition of an InfoObject. Both methods are relevant for master and transactional data. and separate database tables are always created for lnfoObiects whether or not they are compounded or concatenated. Read more in the lesson, Designing a Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA) With Virtual Layers, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Global Decision Areas and Best Practice Standards. Lesson: Designing a Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA) With Virtual Layers.~
~SAP recommends to define queries only on top of a virtual data mart layer. This virtual data mart layer should contain Composite Providers in which fields and lnfoObiects from one or more lnfoProviders can be combined and enhanced with navigational attributes.~
- True
- False
~SAP recommends to define queries only on top of a virtual data mart layer with Composite
Providers in which fields and InfoObiects from one or more InfoProviders can be combined and enhanced with navigational attributes. Moreover, this layer enhances your flexibility. You can hide model changes in the underlying InfoProviders from business users. Read more in the lesson, Designing a Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA) With Virtual Layers, in the course BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Data modeling with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) Powered by SAP HANA. Lesson: Designing a Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA) With Virtual Layers.~
~Which of the following are ways in which joins can be made using SAP BW on SAP HANA?~
- A BW InfoSet can be used to create a temporal join
- A native SAP HANA calculation view can perform inner and outer joins
- An Advanced DSO can create joins between master data and transaction data
- BW Composite Provider can provide inner and outer joins
- Transformations can perform joins of multiple DataSources
(+)-A BW InfoSet can be used to create a temporal join
(+)-A native SAP HANA calculation view can perform inner and outer joins
-An Advanced DSO can create joins between master data and transaction data
(+)-BW Composite Provider can provide inner and outer joins
-Transformations can perform joins of multiple DataSources
~Joins can be created using InfoSets, calculation views, and Composite Providers. ADSOs do no have the capability to join master data and transaction data; they store the master data keys in the transaction data record. Transformations are a tool for modifying data as it is moved around BW and they cannot join data.
Read more in the lesson, Understanding LSA++Domains, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Global Decision Areas and Best Practice Standards. Lesson: Understanding LSA++Domains.~
~Which of the following guidelines should be considered in an enterprise—wide implementation of BW on HANA?~
- How will the different data models be incorporated
- How are the LSA++ layers utilized in the design of the data warehouse
- Which languages and currencies will need to be considered
- What will the system and transport landscape be comprised of
- Which individual users will be logging onto the system
(+)-How will the different data models be incorporated
(+)-How are the LSA++ layers utilized in the design of the data warehouse
(+)-Which languages and currencies will need to be considered
(+)-What will the system and transport landscape be comprised of
-Which individual users will be logging onto the system
~All of the points are considerations for enterprise-wide EDW projects except for the user names. Naming of users that will be logging on is a project level activity and not an enterprise-wide consideration. Read more in the lesson, Defining the Sequence of SAP Projects, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Process of Modeling. Lesson: Defining the Sequence of SAP Projects.~
~Data model definition is an activity carried out in the realization phase of a BW Project.~
- True
- False
~Data model definition is carried out in the business blueprint phase of a BW project. Read more in the lesson, Planning the Phases of a SAP BW Projects, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Process of Modeling. Lesson: Planning the Phases of a SAP BW Projects.~
~Designing a data model helps to reject requirements that are not feasible.~
- True
- False
A data model cannot be designed based on requirements that cannot be realized. Read more in the lesson, Developing a Logical Data Model, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: . Lesson: .~
~In which order should the following steps of developing an SAP BW data model be performed.~
- Developing a Logical Data Model
- Defining a Key Figure Matrix
- Requirement Analysis
- Developing a Physical Data Model
- Developing a Logical Data Model
- Defining a Key Figure Matrix
- Requirement Analysis
- Developing a Physical Data Model
~A requirement analysis has to be done first, its results are structured in a key figure matrix. Use and enhance the information of the key figure Matrix to derive a logical data model. Finally define detail settings for a physical data model. Read more in BW330H, Lesson Developing a SAP BW Data Model.
Read more in course, Unit: , Lesson: .~
~ln-memory-optimized Business Content available for SAP BW on SAP HANA uses the LSA++ design concept with a DataSource, a Corporate Memory and a persistent propagator ADSO~
- True
- False
Business content is designed using the LSA++ as described above. Read more in the lesson, Overviewing Business Content, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Process of Modeling. Lesson: Comparing a Data Model With Business Content.~
~Open ODS Views enable you to define SAP BW data models for objects like database tables, database views or BW DataSources (for direct access).~
- True
- False
~Open ODS Views are a good tool or quickly prototyping a data model of tables, views or DataSources. Read more in the lesson, Implementing Field-Based Modeling, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Field-Based Rapid Prototyping. Lesson: Implementing Field-Based Modeling.~
~The field-based approach means that all fields are assigned to an SAP BW InfoObject.~
- True
- False
~The field-based approach means that all fields can be modeled with individual name and data type, without reference to an SAP BW InfoObject.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Field-Based Rapid Prototyping. Lesson: Implementing Field-Based Modeling.~
~In the SAP BW data model, master data is stored separately in attribute, text and hierarchy tables that are linked together using surrogate ID (SID).~
- True
- False
~The link between the different master data tables is the Surrogate ID. Read more in the lesson, Listing Tables in the SAP BW Data Model, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Master Data Modeling With SAP BW Characteristics. Lesson: Listing Tables in the SAP BW Data Model.~
~Time-dependent and time independent attributes are stored in the same ‘X‘ table which uses ‘Date From’ and ‘Date To’ as key fields.~
- True
- False
~Time-dependent attributes are stored in the ‘Y’ table which uses the Date To in the key. Time-independent attributes are stored in the ‘X’ table without any dates in the table key. Read more in the lesson, Listing Tables in the SAP BW Data Model, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Master Data Modeling With SAP BW Characteristics. Lesson: Listing Tables in the SAP BW Data Model.~
~By referencing an lnfoObiect, you create a copy of an existing lnfoObiect that is used as a starting point from which all properties can be changed.~
- True
- False
~When you create an IntoObject by referencing an existing one, they have different names, but share the same master data tables. The standard InfoObject OCUSTOMER (customer) is a referenced object for other business objects like Sold-To and Bill-to party. Properties concerning the master data tables cannot be changed. Read more in the lesson, Using Reference Characteristics, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Master Data Modeling with SAP BW Characteristics. Lesson: Using Reference Characteristics.~
~Which of the following statements regarding internal and external hierarchies are true?~
- lnternal hierarchies have no link to master data tables
- Internal hierarchies are used to display characteristics without using an external hierarchy
- External hierarchies are defined in Business Explorer Query Designer on the hierarchy tab
- External hierarchies are defined as external because the data is stored outside of BW on the OLAP server
- External hierarchies are stored in BW master data tables
(+)-lnternal hierarchies have no link to master data tables
(+)-Internal hierarchies are used to display characteristics without using an external hierarchy
-External hierarchies are defined in Business Explorer Query Designer on the hierarchy tab
-External hierarchies are defined as external because the data is stored outside of BW on the OLAP server
(+)-External hierarchies are stored in BW master data tables
~Internal hierarchies have no link to master data because they are created ‘on the fly’ when the query result is presented to the user. External hierarchies are stored in BW master data tables. External hierarchies are not defined in Query Designer, they are stored in the BW hierarchy tables. External hierarchies are external to the query execution and they are not stored in the OLAP server. Read more in the lesson, Using Hierarchies in SAP BW Characteristics, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Master Data Modeling with SAP BW Characteristics. Lesson: Using Hierarchies in SAP BW Characteristics.~
~Exception aggregation has no effect on the saving of data in the fact table because it is only effecfive for reporting.~
- True
- False
~Exception aggregation is only triggered during report execution and all aggregation occurs at run time — not as the data is written to the fact table. Read more in the lesson, Defining Key Figures as SAP BW InfoObjects, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Key Figure Modeling in SAP BW. Lesson: Defining Key Figures as SAP BW InfoObjects.~
~Non-cumulative key figures are values calculated according to a particular period of time. The value is then incremented or
decremented based on an inflow or outflow~
- True
- False
~Non-cumulatives do not cumulate as normal key figures because their value is dependent upon a stipulation of a time for the accumulation to make sense. Examples of non-cumulatives are stock on hand at month end or opening balances in the general ledger. Read more in the lesson, Creating Key Figures for Non-Cumulatives, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Key Figure Modeling in SAP BW. Lesson: Creating Key Figures for Non-Cumulatives.~
~When used for planning. Real Time InfoCubes contain a single table and Advanced Data Store Objects comprise two tab
storing compressed and uncompressed data.~
- True
- False
~Real time cubes have a single table structure whilst an ADSO for planning comprises two tables. Read more in the lesson, Implementing Enhanced Scenarios in SAP BW, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course, Unit: . Lesson: .~
~Which of the following statements regarding Advanced DataStore Objects (ADSOs) are correct?~
- The keys of an ADSO can be a mixture of lnfoObjects and fields.
- Non-cumulative key figures cannot be included in ADSOs.
- ADSOs can have up to 120 key fields.
- A direct update ADSO does not have an Inbound Table or a Change Log.
- ADSOs cannot be used as a source in a transformation for another ADSO.
(+)-The keys of an ADSO can be a mixture of lnfoObjects and fields.
-Non-cumulative key figures cannot be included in ADSOs.
(+)-ADSOs can have up to 120 key fields.
(+)-A direct update ADSO does not have an Inbound Table or a Change Log.
-ADSOs cannot be used as a source in a transformation for another ADSO.
~ADSO keys can be up to 120 fields or InfoObjects and a direct update ADSO only has an active data table. Non-cumulative key figures can be included in an ADSO. ADSOs can be used in transformations to other InfoProviders. Read more in the lesson, Modeling Advanced DataStore Objects (ADSOs), in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course . Unit: . Lesson: .~
~Currency translation types control how exchange rate calculations are performed when data is either loaded in to BW once a query is executed.~
- True
- False
~Currency translation types are defined in BW with parameters that control how and when a currency is translated during data loading or query execution. Read more in the lesson, Creating Translation Types for Currency Translation, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Transaction Data Modeling in SAP BW. Lesson: Implementing Currency Harmonization.~
~As part of currency translation, a quantity conversion type can be defined to convert the quantity of a currency into the new currency.~
- True
- False
~Quantity translation types are used to convert quantity units of measure, not currencies. Quantity translation types can convert pounds to kilograms or each to pallet. Read more in the lesson, Creating Translation Types for Currency Translation, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Transaction Data Modeling in SAP BW. Lesson: Implementing Currency Harmonization.~
~If an inbound InfoSource is used in front of an lnfoProvider and an outbound lnfoSource after an lnfoProvider, the transformation logic should be located between the outbound lnfoSouroe of the source InfoProvider and the inbound InfoSouroe of the target IntoProvider.~
- True
- False
~This use of lntoProviders with inbound and outbound lnfoSources is used extensively with LSA designs. This design means that there are only 1:1 mappings between inbound InfoSource and InfoProvider, and InfoProvider and outbound lnfoSource. Its purpose is to ensure consistency and to reduce the number of transformation changes when a new InfoPravider is added to the model. Read more in the lesson, Modeling Transformations, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Transaction Data Modeling in SAP BW. Lesson: Modeling Transformations.~
~With a Calculation View of Data Category DIMENSION, measures cannot be aggregated.~
- True
- False
~Only with a Calculation View of Data Category CUBE, measures can be aggregated, but not with a Calculation View of Data Category DIMENSION. Read more in the lesson, Using Hierarchies in SAP HANA Views, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Master Data Modeling in SAP HANA Views. Lesson: Modeling Master Data in SAP HANA Views.~
~Temporal conditions can be defined on columns of the following data types: timestamp, date, and text.~
- True
- False
~Temporal condition: can only be used with data types of timestamp, date, and integer. Temporal
conditions on texts are not possible. Read more in the lesson, Using Hierarchies in SAP HANA Views, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Master Data Modeling in SAP HANA Views. Lesson: Modeling Master Data in SAP HANA Views.~
~Which of the following are the correct terminology about hierarchies?~
- An entity in a hierarchy is called a node
- Nodes that have no parents are called orphan nodes
- Nodes that have no children nodes are called leaf nodes or leaves
- A relationship between a node and its parent node is called a family tree
- A hierarchy with leaves on different levels is an unbalanced hierarchy
(+)-An entity in a hierarchy is called a node
-Nodes that have no parents are called orphan nodes
(+)-Nodes that have no children nodes are called leaf nodes or leaves
-A relationship between a node and its parent node is called a family tree
(+)-A hierarchy with leaves on different levels is an unbalanced hierarchy
~In a hierarchy, entities are called nodes, childless nodes are leaves, and hierarchies with leaves on different levels are unbalanced. Nodes without parents are called root nodes. A relationship between a parent and child node is a link. Read more in the lesson, Using Hierarchies in SAP HANA Views, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Master Data Modeling in SAP HANA Views. Lesson: Modeling Master Data in SAP HANA Views.~
~Unlike the classic ster scheme where facts are stored in the fact table. in SAP HANA. multiple views may be used to represent central fact view in a virtual data model.~
- True
- False
~Rather than persisting data in a central fact table. SAP HANA can provide the data using views
using a star Join. Read more in the lesson, Using Measures in SAP HANA Views, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course . Unit: . Lesson: .~
~Which of the following is required to perform currency conversion in an SAP HANA information model?~
- An inner join is required between the Open ODS View measures and the exchange rate table
- A set of technical tables are required to store currencies and exchange rate types and rates
- Setting a semantic type to a measure so the amount always includes a currency
- Storing the currency and the exchange rate on the day of the transaction will improve performance
- An interface to define how the currency conversion should be processed
-An inner join is required between the Open ODS View measures and the exchange rate table
(+)-A set of technical tables are required to store currencies and exchange rate types and rates
(+)-Setting a semantic type to a measure so the amount always includes a currency
-Storing the currency and the exchange rate on the day of the transaction will improve performance
(+)-An interface to define how the currency conversion should be processed
~Modeling currency conversion in SAP HANA includes the use of the technical tables for currencies and rates, setting of a semantic type to include currency and an interface needs to be used to determine how the conversion is to take place. Inner joins of a measure with the exchange rate table is not possible. Storing of daily exchange rates alongside transactional data would not be an effective design. Read more in the lesson, Using Measures in SAP HANA Views, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course. Unit: . Lesson: .~
~Which of the following statements describe the advantages of CompositeProviders over the classic MultiProviders/lnfoSets?~
- CompositeProviders provide joins and unions within a single object.
- CompositeProviders can also include joins to classic MultiProviders.
- CompositeProviders integrate with all the BW InfoProviders including DataStore Object (advanced) and open ODS view, and with SAP HANA Calculation Views.
- A CompositeProvider can be consumed by another CompositeProvider (depending on its settings).
- Classic MultiProviders have to be manually recreated as CompositeProviders.
(+)-CompositeProviders provide joins and unions within a single object.
-CompositeProviders can also include joins to classic MultiProviders.
(+)-CompositeProviders integrate with all the BW InfoProviders including DataStore Object (advanced) and open ODS view, and with SAP HANA Calculation Views.
(+)-A CompositeProvider can be consumed by another CompositeProvider (depending on its settings).
-Classic MultiProviders have to be manually recreated as CompositeProviders.
~CompositeProviders provide a single object for joins and unions: they integrate with all BW lnfoProviders; and they can be consumed by other CompositeProviders. CompositeProviders cannot join classic MultiProviders. Classic MultiProviders can be automatically convened into CompositeProviders. Read more in the lesson, Modeling a CompositeProvider for Agile Data Mart Scenarios, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course . Unit:. Lesson: .~
~Data Models in SW can be made available in SAP HANA using the manual pull mechanism or automatically using the push function which is set in the BW InfoProvider properties.~
- True
- False
~The pull mechanism is triggered by the user starting the import process. The push mechanism can perform the transfer automatically based on lntoPrevider properties. Read more in the lesson, Modeling Mixed Scenarios, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Hybrid Modeling in Mixed Scenarios. Lesson: Modeling Mixed Scenarios.~
~If a global element of a query is changed in BW, these changes are automatically passed to the SAP HANA calculation view that was created from the BW query.~
- True
- False
~Any changes made to the BW query will be transferred to the calculation view except for changes to any global elements. Such changes flow to SAP HANA only when the BW query is activated again. Read more in the lesson, Modeling Mixed Scenarios, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Hybrid Modeling in Mixed Scenarios. Lesson: Modeling Mixed Scenarios.~
~The Workspace Designer of the Netweaver Business Client is a tool in which a workspace administrator defines storage limits and the central provider that is used within a workspace~
- True
- False
~Workspace Designer is a tool for key users from the line of business that is specifically used to create local composite providers. Workspace administrators define the central provider and limits for the space and number of local providers in the SAP GUI transaction RSWSP. Read more in the lesson, Modeling an SAP BW workspace, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Enhanced Scenarios in SAP BW. Lesson: Modeling an SAP BW workspace.~
~Using the Remodeling Toolbox, InfoObjects can be changed without having to delete or reload master data.~
- True
- False
~InfoObjects can be changed without deleting or reloading master data if you use the
Remodeling toolbox. Read more in the lesson, Using the SAP BW Remodeling Toolbox, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Existing Model Enhancement. Lesson: Using the SAP BW Remodeling Toolbox.~
~The EDW Core Layer includes all layers that contain consolidated and harmonized data.~
- True
- False
~Consolidated and harmonized data is stored in then EDW Core Layer. Read more in the lesson, Convert Silos or LSAs to LSA++, in the course, BW330H.
Read more in course BW330H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Data Warehouse Modeling. Unit: Existing Model Enhancement. Lesson: .~