BW310H Data Warehousing with SAP BW by HANA Flashcards
~SAP HANA In-Memory computing is a technology that stores a database in a computer’s RAM rather than the hard-disk~
- True
- False
~To dramatically improve performance for query execution, in-memory computing uses RAM instead of disk. Read more in BW301H, Unit 1, Lesson 2: Describing the Evolution and the Data Layout of SAP HANA.~
~The Column Store is one of the four main concepts of the SAP HANA database.~
- True
- False
~The four main concepts of the SAP HANA Database are column store, compression, partitioning and parallelization and insert only on delta. Read more in BW310H, Unit 1, Lesson 2: Describing the Evolution and the Data Layout of SAP HANA.~
~The goal of implementing SAP Business Warehouse is to move the reporting burden from the ERP system?~
- True
- False
~The SAP Business Warehouse helps businesses to report, analyze and interpret massive amounts of data from ERP and other systems - SAP and non-SAP. Read more in BW310H, Unit 1, Lesson 2: Describing the Concepts of Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehousing on Any Database.~
~The integration layer is one of the three layers of SAP BW.~
- True
- False
~The three layers of the BW architecture are the Reporting Layer, the Data Layer, and the Extraction Layer. An Integration Layer does not exist. Read more in BW310H, Unit 1, Lesson 2: Describing the Concepts of Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehousing on Any Database.~
~The InfoCube stores transaction data on a detailed level.~
- True
- False
~InfoObjects contain the technical and business information for master data and transaction data within BW.~
- True
- False
~InfoObjects represent business and technical data in BW. They are also the technology that creates the tables and structures necessary to store this data. Read more in BW310H, Unit 2, Lesson 1: Describing Characteristic InfoObjects.~
~Which of the following are InfoObjects?~
- Characteristics InfoObjects
- Key Figures InfoObjects
- Transformation InfoObjects
- Time Characteristics InfoObjects
(+)Characteristics InfoObjects
(+)Key Figures InfoObjects
-Transformation InfoObjects
(+)Time Characteristics InfoObjects
~InfoObjects can be either characteristics, key figures, or tme characteristics. There is no InfoObject for transformations. Read more in BW310H, Unit 2, Lesson 1: Describing Characteristic InfoObjects.~
~Which of the following are true regarding the PSA?~
- PSA tables are created per DataSource and source system
- PSA tables store data that has been transformed during extraction from the source system
- PSA tables are transparent database tables
- BW queries read detailed data from PSA tables
- Every data load creates a new request in the PSA table
(+)PSA tables are created per DataSource and source system
-PSA tables store data that has been transformed during extraction from the source system
(+)PSA tables are transparent database tables
-BW queries read detailed data from PSA tables
(+)Every data load creates a new request in the PSA table
~PSA tables are created per DataSource and source system, they are a transparent table and every data load creates a new PSA request. PSA tables only store unchanged source system data. BW queries read detailed data from Operational Data Stores. There is no standard BI tool to report on PSA data. Read more in BW310H, Unit 2, Lesson 2: Creating a Generic DataSource.~
~In SAP BW 7.x, the PSA is optional.~
- True
- False
~Since BW7.3, the PSA is designed as an optional object. Furthermore, with the introduction of Operational Data Provisioning, PSA is optional. Read more in BW310H, Unit 2, Lesson 2: Creating a Generic DataSource.~
~In the Graphical Data Flow tool, data flow objects are assigned to InfoAreas.~
- True
- False
~In the Graphical Data Flow tool, data flow objects are grouped together using InfoAreas. Read more in BW310H, Unit 2, Lesson 4: Outlining the Difference Between Classic and Graphical Data Flow Modeling.~
~The Data Warehousing Workbench is used to create and maintain modeling objects relevant to the data staging processes of BW.~
- True
- False
~The Data Warehousing Workbench (DWB) is the cental tool for the modeling and administation of all the objects in BW. Read more in BW310H, Unit 2, Lesson 4: Outlining the Difference Between Classic and Graphical Data Flow Modeling.~
~Which of the following statements are true about InfoProviders?~
- They can be physical objects or logical views that are relevant for reporting
- They are required if you want to permanently store data and report on it
- They are objects for which queries can be created or executed
- An InfoCube is an InfoProvider that stores data at a detailed level
- They can only store data from a single source system
(+)They can be physical objects or logical views that are relevant for reporting
(+)They are required if you want to permanently store data and report on it
(+)They are objects for which queries can be created or executed
-An InfoCube is an InfoProvider that stores data at a detailed level
-They can only store data from a single source system
~InfoProviders can be physical or logical, they are required if you wish to report on permanent data and they are objects for which queries can be executed. InfoCubes are designed to store aggregated data; it is DSOs that store detailed data. InfoProviders can store data from multiple different source systems. Read more in BW310H, Unit 3, Lesson 1:Introducing SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) InfoProviders.~
~Which of the following are InfoProviders?~
- Persistent Staging Areas
- InfoCubes
- DataStore Objects
- Advanced InfoCube Object
- MultiProviders
-Persistent Staging Areas
(+)DataStore Objects
-Advanced InfoCube Object
~InfoCubes, DataStore Objects and MultiProviders are examples of InfoProviders. Persistent Staging Areas cannot have queries created against them and are not an InfoProvider. There is no object called an Advanced InfoCube Object, it’s an Advanced DataStore Object. Read more in BW310H, Unit 3, Lesson 1: Introducing SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) InfoProviders.~
~If you create a key figure object of type Amount or Quantity, you must assign a Currency or Quantity unit to the key figure. ~
- True
- False
~All key figures of Amount or Quantity must have a Curency or Quantity unit aasigned to them. Read more in BW310H, Unit 3, Lesson 2: Creating a Key Figure InfoObject.~
~In the Graphical Data Flow tool, data flow objects are assigned to InfoAreas.~
- True
- False
~In the Graphical Data Flow tool, data flow objects are grouped together using InfoAreas. Read more in BW310H, Unit 2, Lesson 4: Outlining the Difference Between Classic and Graphical Data Flow Modeling.~
~Key figures like headcount and account balances are noncumulative with respect to time.~
- True
- False
~Noncumulative key figures are defined based on one or more objects in relation to time. This ensures that they do not cumulate with respect to time. Read more in BW310H, Unit 3, Lesson 2: Creating a Key Figure InfoObject.~
~Which of the following statements are true about Advanced DataStore Objects (ADSOs)?~
- To improve loading, data can be written directly into the active table
- They can be used in various layers of the EDW architecture
- ADSOs can contain a combination of InfoObjects and fields (that are not InfoObjects)
- They are made up four tables - inbound, active, change and archive
- Queries read data from the active and inbound tables
-To improve loading, data can be written directly into the active table
(+)They can be used in various layers of the EDW architecture
(+)ADSOs can contain a combination of InfoObjects and fields (that are not InfoObjects)
-They are made up four tables - inbound, active, change and archive
(+)Queries read data from the active and inbound tables
~The Advanced DataStoreObject is the central object for modeling across various layers, they can contain both InfoObjects and fields and queries read from the active and inbound tables. Loading directly into the active is not possible. ADSOs comprise only three tables (inbound, active and change log); there is no archive table. Read more in BW310H, Unit 3, Lesson 3: Modeling DataStore Objects (Advanced).~
~Operational Data Provisioning provides a technical infrastructure that supports operational analytics and near line storage (NLS) archiving.~
- True
- False
~Operational Data Provisioning does provide support for operational analytics but also for data extraction and replication. Operational Data Provisioning is not an archiving solution. Read more in BW310H, Unit 3, Lesson 4: Creating a Data Flow for Transaction Data.~
~If you create an ADSO with Features and Services of a Standard DSO (Classic), it has the same three tables the Standard DS (Classic).~
- True
- False
~An ADSO based on the Classic DSO will create three tables - an inbound queue, an active table and a change log. Read more in BW310H, Unit 3, Lesson 5: Creating a DataStore Object (Advanced) (Classic DSO-like) and Loading Data from a Flat File DataSource.~
~CompositeProviders are the new object to define joins/unions on existing persistent data models.~
- True
- False
~CompositeProviders are the tool that will replace the classic MultiProviders (that performed unions of data) and InfoSets (that performed joins). Read more in BW310H, Unit 3, Lesson 6: Modeling CompositeProviders.~
~The SAP HANA studio is developed in Java and is based on the Eclipse platform?~
- True
- False
~The SAP HANA studio is developed in Java and is based on the Eclipse platform. Read more in BW310H, Unit 4, Lesson 1: Exploring the SAP HANA Studio.~
~In Data Provisioning, files can only be imported into the Workbench with the import wizard.~
- True
- False
~In Data Provisioning, files can only be imported into the Workbench with the import wizard, dragging and dropping from the file system or by coping and pasting from the file system. Read more in BW310H, Unit 4, Lesson 2: Outlining Data Provisioning in SAP HANA.~
~Which of the following are external tools used for Data Provisioning?~
- Direct Extractor Connection (DHC)
- SAP Data Services
- SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server
- Near Line Storage
- Enterprise Information Management
(+)Direct Extractor Connection (DHC)
(+)SAP Data Services
(+)SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server
-Near Line Storage
-Enterprise Information Management
~External Data Provisioning tools are the DHC, Data Services and the LT Replication server. Near Line Storage is an archive storage tool. Enterprise Information Management is a provisioning tool inside SAP HANA. Read more in BW310H, Unit 4, Lesson 2: Outlining Data Provisioning in SAP HANA.~
~Match the type of join with the description.~
- Referential Join(1) -For this join, a description…(1)
- Inner Join(2) -Used where referential integrity is…(2)
- Text Join(3) -This join enables you to join the…(3)
- Start Join(4) -This join return rown when there is…(4)
- Referential Join(1) -For this join, a description…(1)
- Inner Join(2) -Used where referential integrity is…(2)
- Text Join(3) -This join enables you to join the…(3)
- Start Join(4) -This join return rown when there is…(4)
~Calculated columns can be created as calculation views, attribute views or as an analytic view.~
- True
- False
~Calculated columns can be created as calculation views, attribute views or as an analytic views. Read more in BW310H, Unit 4, Lesson 3: Introducing SAP HANA Native Modeling.~
~Using BW on HANA, modeling can be based on ‘function before integration’ especially if the model is using fields together with InfoObjects.~
- True
- False
~If a field level approach to modeling is to be used, then the Function before Integration stack approach would be used. Read more in BW310H, Unit 4, Lesson 4: Combining SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) InfoProvider with SAP HANA Views.~
~Open ODS Views are the new object for virtual access of external sources.~
- True
- False
~Open ODS Views are a virtual provider that provides a view to a source and assigns analytic metadata to make the data available for reporting. Read more in BW310H, Unit 5, Lesson 1: Creating Open ODS Views.~
~Which of the following is possible when using Open ODS Views?~
- Combine CompositeProviders with InfoObjects
- Consume external data without staging
- Extend the HANA database table definitions to include fields
- Combine external data with BW models
- Physical integration of external data (staging)
-Combine CompositeProviders with InfoObjects
(+)Consume external data without staging
-Extend the HANA database table definitions to include fields
(+)Combine external data with BW models
(+)Physical integration of external data (staging)
~With an Open ODS View, external data can be consumed without staging, data can be combined with BW data models and staging of external data can be achieved. Combining CompositeProviders with InfoObjects is simply achieved in the definition of the CompositeProviders without the need for an Open ODS View. Extending the BW HANA database does not need an open ODS View - extension can be performed using the standard tools of SAP HANA. Read more in BW310H, Unit 5, Lesson 1: Creating Open ODS Views.~
~Which of the following sources are supported for Open ODS Views?~
- Advanced DataStore Objects
- SAP Replication servers
- Transformations
- DataSources in BW
- BW SAP HANA database tables and views
(+)Advanced DataStore Objects
-SAP Replication servers
(+)DataSources in BW
(+)BW SAP HANA database tables and views
~Open ODS Views support the ADSO’s, transformations, BW DataSources and HANA tables and views as sources of data. SAP Replication servers are a tool for moving data and are not a source of data. Read more in BW310H, Unit 5, Lesson 1: Creating Open ODS Views.~
~Open ODS Views allow for data to be consumed virtually without BW persistence because the data model is an SAP HANA schema which is not managed by BW.~
- True
- False
~Open ODS Views are virtual objects without data persistence. They can contain fields rather than InfoObjects so the data model is defined in SAP HANA instead of BW. Read more in BW310H, Unit 5, Lesson 2: Creating DataSources from Open ODS Views.~
~Name the missing field: DataSource Transformation_________Transformation InfoProvider.~
- Calculation schema
- InfoObject
- InfoSource
- InfoCube
-Calculation schema
~The missing object is InfoSource because they can be used to connect multiple, sequential transformations. Calculation schemas are used in the SAP HANA database for calculation purposes. InfoObjects are the objects included in the DataSource, Transformation and InfoProviders. InfoCubes are an InfoProvider which is loaded from a transformation. Read more in BW310H, Unit 6, Lesson 1: Explaining the details of data transformation and data transfer process (DTP) in SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW).~
~The Data Transfer Process is a tool that is used to move data within BW from an InfoProvider to a SataSource.~
- True
- False
~The Data Transfer Process (DTP) is used to move data from a DataSource to an InfoProvider. Read more in BW310H, Unit 6, Lesson 1: Explaining the details of data transformation and data transfer process (DTP) in SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW).~
~An external SAP HANA view can be generated for which of the following object types?~
- CompositeProvider
- Query
- DataStore
- Data Type
-Data Type
~SAP HANA views can be generated from Composite Providers, queries and DataStores. They cannot be generated from data types. A data type is information stored against an InfoObject that defines if it is a character or numeric field. Read more in BW310H, Unit 6, Lesson 2: Explaining InfoObjects Enhancements for SAP Business Warehouse powered by SAP HANA.~
~A process chain is a sequence of processes that are scheduled to wait in the background for an event.~
- True
- False
~A process chain is a series of BW processes that execute in the background to perform BW administrative tasks. Read more in BW310H, Unit 6, Lesson 2: Introducing Process Chains.~