BUSL Flashcards
Length overall
49’ 2 1/4”
16’ 10”
Draft fully loaded
Draft unloaded
4’ 8”
Freeboard at transom
Highest fixed point
Highest unfixed point
Hoisting weight
72,601 lbs
Twin cummins 6CTA8.3M1
305 HP
Reduction gear
Twin-disc MG507A-1
2.54 to 1
Prop dementions
4 blade 31 inch 22 pitch
Generator rating
20 kw single phase 120 vac 60 hz at 1800 rpm
Fuel capacity
Potable water
300 gallons
Crew capacity
4 crew 3 passengers
Max speed
10.5 kts
Cruising speed
7 kts
400 miles
4 days
Max seas
6 ft transit
3ft aton
Max towing
11,000 aft
8,300 bow
Max hoisting
4500 lbs
Air temp
0° to 95°
Water temp
28° to 85°
List limit
Not to exceed 1/2° from vertical
Maximum sea state for transit
Maximum sea state for working ATON
How many fire extinguishers?
- Pilot house - PKP, CO2
Galley - CO2
Workshop - PKP, AFFF
Engine Room - CO2
Lazarette - PKP, AFFF
Grey water capacity
20 gallons
WLL of all equipment
Whips: 2250
Cross deck: 1500
Bull chain padeye: 12000
Recessed padeyes: 4500
Sewage ta k capacity
250 gallons
Rule 2
Due reguard shall be given to all dangers of navigation and collision.
Rule 5
Look out
Rule 6
Safe speed every vessel shall at all times proceed at safe speed to they they can take proper and effective action to avoid collision.
Rule 13
Any vessel over taking any other vessel shall keep out if the way of the vessel being overtaken.
BUSL caution areas.
i. Isle au Haut Thorofare
ii. Pig Island Gut
iii. Narraguagus River above Buoy 5
BUSL restricted areas
i. North of ST Croix River Buoy 17
ii. North of Pleasant River Buoy 5
iii. North of Union River Buoy 2
iv. North of Castine Harbor Buoy 3
Bilge pump locations
Berthing void
Galley void
Engine room fwd
Engine Room aft
When do the bilge pumps activate
2.5 inches
Through hull fittings
Hydraulic Raw water intake
Hydraulic Raw water discharge
Wash down pump
Prop Shafts
Rudder posts