Businesses Flashcards
The court may choose method (Pereira/Van Camp) by selecting whichever formula will _____.
achieve substantial justice between the parties
Beam v. Bank of America (1971) 6 Cal.3d 12
When a business is _______, then the court should compute a fair compensation for the community efforts, skill, and talent rendered during marriage.
capital intensive and capitalized with SP (i.e. when the chief factor of growth of the business is due to capital/equipment and/or labor of others)
Van Camp v. Van Camp (1921) 53 Cal.App. 17
(Reasonable Compensation - Compensation Paid) x Years Married = CP interest.
Van Camp Formula
When party’s efforts are not the primary growth factor (i.e. still works there but has no management role and did not contribute to current majority sales program), ______.
Van Camp is appropriate.
Marriage of Brooks (2019) 244 Cal.Rptr.3d 910
Determines allocation by adding ______. Any value above and beyond is CP. It is generally used when the chief factor of the business is _____.
SP at DOM to SP interest during marriage
due to personal efforts
Pereira v. Pereira (1909) 156 Cal. 1
FMV at DOM + (FMV at DOM * Rate of Return * Years Married) = SP interest.
Pereira Formula
The court may use a blended approach using different methods for different time periods in the life of the entity based upon the capital/personal efforts.
Marriage of Brandes (2015) 239 Cal.App.4th 1461
An apportionment of profits may be required when one spouse _______ BUT not when the spouse expended only minimal effort.
invests separate funds in real estate or securities
Estate of Neilson (1962) 57 Cal.2d 733
The court cannot order Pereira/Van Camp if no evidence of the time devoted to managing ______ is presented.
real estate/securities
Marriage of Ciprari (2019) 32 Cal.App.5th 83
When a spouse applies skills, efforts, and industry to increase CP business after separation, _____ should be applied.
reverse Pereira/Van Camp
Marriage of Imperato (1975) 45 Cal.App.3d 432
FMV at separation = (FMV at separation x Rate of Return x Years of Separation) = CP interest.
Reverse Pereira
Reasonable Compensation during Separation = SP interest.
Reverse Van Camp
The court has the authority to reimburse the community where one spouse has enjoyed _______ after DOS.
exclusive use of the business
Marriage of Watts (1985) 171 Cal.App.3d 366
The court shall value assets and liabilities ______ unless good cause exists for an alternate date of valuation.
as near as practicable to the time of trial
Family Code 2552
Generally small businesses that rely on owner’s skills, services, and reputation are valued _____ per Family Code 771.
at the date of separation
Small law practice should be valued at DOS as ______ but related directly to the rendering of professional services unless a large firm where the party has _____ OR ____ in partnership agreement provides accurate value.
most law firms are not capital assets
insignificant role in value
Marriage of Green (1989) 213 Cal.App.3d 14
When business is primarily dependent on the owner’s skills (goodwill), the business must be valued at _____.
Marriage of Stevenson (1993) 20 250
The court is not required to find that the entire post-separation increase was due _______ in order to apply an alternate value date.
exclusively to the personal efforts of the operating spouse
Marriage of Duncan (2001) 90 Cal.App.4th 617
When a party’s expert makes ______, it undermines their credibility. In this case, the court used H’s value from 6 months prior and added an increase in income to determine value at trial as opposed to forcing H to pay for a 3rd valuation because W’s expert was not credible and had _____ to valuation or valuation date.
unreasonable arguments (such as pushing for a sale)
delayed/refused to agree
Marriage of Honer (2015) 236 Cal.App.4th 687
Court permitted alternate date of valuation when business owner ______.
failed to cooperate in producing records
Marriage of Stallcup (1979) 97 Cal.App.3d 294
Business owner has burden of proof to establish _____ because business owner has access to all the facts to support the claims.
correctness of returns
Marriage of Hein (2020) 52 Cal.App.5th 519
Neglecting fiduciary duty (by running business into ground) _____.
could be grounds for alternate valuation date.
Marriage of Koppelman (1984) 159 CAl.App.3d 627
______ is NOT a basis for an alternate valuation date.
Failure to disclose insider information when barred from doing so under securities law
Marriage of Reuling (1994) 23 Cal.App.4th 1428
The court found that a significant increase in value and profit generation post trial could be ______.
tied all the way back to community efforts in specific circumstances (i.e. movies/tv shows/etc.)
Marriage of Zaentz (1990) 218 Cal.App.3d. 154
The court may impose a _____ in awarding one party the business.
covenant not to compete
Marriage of Greaux and Mermin (2014) 223 Cal.App.4th 1242