Business Activity and influences on businesses :Unit 2 -5 Flashcards
- What are objectives for a business?
- goals or targets set by a business.
- Who are executives?
- managers in an organization who help make important decisions.
- What do you mean by diversify?
Diversify is when a business, company, or country diversifies, it increases the range of goods and services it produces.
- What are the 4 reasons businesses need to have objectives?
- Employees need something to work towards.
- Owners might need motivation to keep the business going
- Objectives help decide where to take a business.
- It is easier to assess the performance of a business if objectives are set.
- What are the 2 types of business objectives?
- Financial objectives.
- Non- financial objectives.
- What are the 5 financial objectives?
- Survival
- Profit
- Sales
- Increase market share
- Financial security
6.5 What is profit maximization?
profit satisficing?
- Profit maximization is making as much profit as possible in a given time period.
- Profit satisficing is making enough profit to satisfy the needs of the business owners.
- What are the 4 non-financial objectives?
- Social objectives
- Personal satisfaction
- Challenge
-Independence and control
- Name the 5 reasons objectives change as businesses evolve.
-Market conditions
- Technology
- Performance
- Legislation
- Internal reasons
- What is are dividends?
- Share of profit paid to shareholders in a company.
- What are a large business?
- Small businesses?
- A large business is a business that employs more than 250 people.
A small business is a business that employs fewer than 50 people
- Who is an innovator?
- Someone who introduces changes and new ideas.
- What is labor?
- People employed in a business/ used in production.
- What is unincorporated business?
_ business where there is no legal difference between the owner and the business.
- What is incorporated business?
- Incorporated business that has a separate legal identity from that of it owners.
- Who is sole trader?
- Is a business owned by a single person.
- What is unlimited liability? limited liability?
Unlimited liability- is when the owner of a business is personally liable for all the business debts
Limited liability - is when a business owner is only liable for the original amount of money invested in the business
- What are the 6 advantages of a sole trader?
- The owner keeps all the profit
-They are independent - the owner has complete control. - It is simple to set up with no legal requirements.
- Flexibility - for example can adapt to change quickly.
-Can offer a personal service because they are small.
- What are the 6 disadvantages of a sole trader?
- Have unlimited liability
- May struggle to raise finance.
- Independence may be too much of a responsibility.
- Long hours and very hard work.
- Usually too small to exploit economies of scale.
- What is partnership?
- Partnership is a business owned by between 2 - 20 people
- What is a deed of partnership?
- binding legal document that states the formal rights of partners.
- What are the 5 advantages of partnership?
- Easy to set up and run - no legal formalities
- Partners can specialize in their area of expertise.
- The job of running a business is shared.
- More capital can be raised with more owners.
- Financial information is not published.
- What are the 5 disadvantages of partnership?
- Partners have unlimited liability.
- Profit has to be shared.
- Partners may disagree and fall out.
- Any partners’ decision is legally binding on all.
- Partnerships still tend to be small.
- What is a limited partnership?
- Limited partnership is a partnership where partners contribute capital and enjoy a share of the profit but do not take part in the running of the business.
- What are audits?
official examination of a company’s financial records in order to check they are correct.
- What is franchise?
- Structure in which a business(the franchisor) allows another operator (the franchisee) to trade under their name.
- What is merchandise?
- Goods that are being sold.
- What are the 4 advantages to franchisee of a franchise?
- Less risk - tried and tested idea
- Back up support is given
- Set up costs are predictable
- National marketing may be organized.
- What are the 4 disadvantages to franchisee of a franchise?
- Profit is shared with the franchisor.
- Strict contracts have to be signed.
- Lack of independence - strict operating rules apply.
- Can be an expensive way to start a business.
- What are the 4 advantages to franchisor of a franchise?
- Fast method of growth.
- Cheaper method of growth.
- Franchisees take some of the risk
- Franchisees more motivated than employees.
- What are the 4 disadvantages to franchisors of a franchise?
- Potential profit is shared with franchisee.
- Poor franchisees may damage brand’s reputation.
- Franchisees may get merchandise from elsewhere.
- cost of support for franchisees may be high.
- What is social enterprise?
Social enterprise is a business that aims to improve human or environmental well- being, charities for example.
- What are the 5 types of social enterprises?
- cooperatives
- consumer cooperative
- retail cooperative
- worker cooperative
- charities
- What is a cooperative?
A company or organization in which all the people working there own an equal share of it.
- What is a consumer cooperative?
- a cooperative that is owned by its customers.
- What is a retail cooperative?
- cooperative of retail members, who often work together to assert their purchasing power.
- What is worker cooperative?
- a cooperative that is owned by its employees.
- What are charities?
- organizations that give money, goods, or help to people who are sick or in need.
- What is a limited company?
What are the two type of limited liability?
- Limited company is a business organization that have a separate legal identity from that of their owners
- Who is entrepreneur?
Entrepreneur is an individual who has the ability to combine land, labour and capital
to turn a business idea into reality
- What is the certificate of incorporation?
- document needed before a new company can start doing business.
- What is a memorandum of association?
-it sets out the constitution and gives details about the company.
- What is a private limited company?
A small to medium-sized firm that is usually family-owned which has limited liability but cannot issue shares to the public (Stock market).
- What are stock market?
market for shares in PLCS.
- What are the 4 features of private limited companies?
- name ends in Limited or Ltd.
- Shares can only be transferred “privately”.
- they are often family businesses owned.
- The directors of these firms tend to be shareholders and are involved in the running of the business.
- What are the 5 advantages of private limited companies?
- Shares have limited liability.
- More capital can be raised.
- control cannot be lost to outsiders.
- Business continues if a shareholder dies.
- Has more status.
- What are the 5 disadvantages of private limited companies?
- Financial information has to be made public.
- costs money and takes time to set up.
- Profits are shared between more members.
- Takes time to transfer shares to the new owner.
- Cannot raise huge amounts of money like PLCs.
- What is a public limited company
- a limited company whose shares are freely sold and traded.
- What are the 6 advantages of public limited company?
- Large amounts of capital can be raised.
- Shareholders have limited liability.
- PLCs can exploit economies of scale.
- May be able to dominate the market.
- Shares can be bought and sold very easily.
- May have a very high profile in the media.
- What are the 6 disadvantages of public limited company?
- setting up costs can be very expensive.
- outsiders can take control by buying shares.
- More financial information has to be made public.
- Maybe more remote from customers.
- More regulatory control owing to Company Acts.
- managers may take control rather than owners.
- What is a multinational company?
- large business with significant production or service operation in at least two different countries.
- What are the 6 key features of a multinational?
- What is a public corporation?
- business organizations owned and controlled by the state/ government.
- What are the 6 features of a public corporation?
- State-owned.
- Created by law.
- Incorporation.
- state-funded.
- Provide public services.
- Public accountability.
- What is portfolio?
- collection of business interests or products.
- What is infrastructure?
infrastructures are basic systems and structures that a country/organization needs in order to work properly.
- What are the 5 reasons for public ownership of businesses?
- Avoid wasteful duplication.
- Maintain control of strategic industries.
- Save jobs.
- fill the gaps left by the private sector.
- Serve unprofitable regions.
- What is natural monopoly?
- market where it is more efficient to have just one organization meeting the total market demand.
- What are the 4 reasons against public ownership of business?
- Cost to government.
- Inefficiency.
- Political interference.
- Difficult to control.
- What is subsidize?
- paying part of the costs (often by the government in business)
- What is privatization?
privatization of public sector resources to private sector(business)
- What are the 4 ways of privatization?
- Sale of public corporations.
- Deregulation.
- Contracting out.
- The sale of land and property,
- Why does privatization take place? (4)
- To generate income.
- To reduce inefficiencies in the public sector.
- As a result of deregulation.
- To reduce political interference.