BUSI401 CHAPTER 4 Flashcards
An understanding of the building envelope is important for real estate professionals for multiple reasons:
1. To properly inspect and analyze the market appeal of a commercial building you need to understand its basic construction and perform¬ance goals.
2. The observed state of the building envelope offers clues about the overall condition of the building and can be an indicator of possible deferred maintenance and the need for major repairs.
3. The effectiveness of the building envelope is also an important factor in determining the mechanical and electrical system requirements and overall energy efficiency of the building.
Symptoms of a poor building envelop?
1. Conspicuous water staining on the ceiling of upper floor levels may indicate a progressive failure of the roof system, which could be very costly to repair.
2. Poor sealing around window glazing may indicate serious issues with moisture infiltration within the building envelope cavities.
3. Exterior doors and windows that are difficult to open or close may indicate excessive differential settlement.
4. Poor interior air quality may compromise tenant comfort, leading to leasing issues.
Main purpose of the building envelope?
Provide protection from the elements, such as temperature fluctuations, solar radiation, air pressure, wind, and humidity. The building envelope is designed to resist transfer of water, air, water vapour, and sound from exterior to interior environments. In order of mention, this resistance is provided by the cladding, air barrier, vapour barrier, and insulation. The envelope must also transmit adequate levels of light to the interior through proper placement of windows. Finally, the envelope contributes to the building’s aesthetics, forming much of its external appearance. The architect’s goal in designing the envelope system is to achieve all of these goals at a reasonable cost.
Examples of the urban or built environment impacting the building envelope are as follows:
Examples of the urban or built environment impacting the building envelope are as follows:
Smoke or emissions from industrial activities
Heat sinks associated with the concentration of large buildings in a downtown core area
Wind patterns created by buildings of different height, mass, orientation
Solar shading from adjacent structures
Pollution and noise from heavy vehicle traffic
In addition to resisting external natural and other local influences, a building envelope must also satisfy _ _ _ _ _ LIST 3
In addition to resisting external natural and other local influences, a building envelope must also satisfy safety needs, aesthetics, and architectural-design goals.
Discuss serviceability of the
building envelop
The serviceability of the building envelope must be considered at the design stage.
For example, access to windows for cleaning, to cladding for painting, to the roof for repairs, and so on, should be a consideration at the design stage to avoid future costly renovations.
There are many sources of energy loss.
The flow of heat is one, while air loss is another factor.
Other areas of energy loss are related to the efficiency of the heating and cooling systems which contain a multitude of electric components such as motors and pumps.
How heat travels . . .
There are numerous ways that heat can flow through the building enclosure. Heat travels by:
conduction, between two touching solids such as a pot and an element on the stove;
radiant flow, heat waves flowing off hot objects to cooler zones, such as soup left out to cool; and
convection, hot liquid or gas rising to be replaced by cooler liquid or gas, such as with boiling water.
Explain conduction heat flow in a building
Conduction allows heat from the building to flow through a continuous path of wall materials that connect the indoors to the outdoors.
Consider a wall framed from 2 x 6 studs: the interior surface will normally be gypsum wallboards screwed to the wall studs; the exterior has plywood sheathing nailed to the stud; and then the exterior finishes such as siding or stucco are fastened to the sheathing.
While there is a cavity between the studs, the studs themselves create a “thermal bridge” connecting the interior and exterior environments.
Explain radiant heat flow across the cavity between studs
Within the same 2x6 wall assembly, radiant heat flow can occur across the cavity between the studs.
Without insulation, heat can radiate from the warm side to the cold side. Just like the way you can feel the heat radiating away from the hot element on a stove.
Similarly, occupants can lose heat by radiant flow such as when standing next to a single-paned window on a cold winter day.
Continuing with the 2x6 wall assembly example, convection will also occur within the cavity between the studs.
Continuing with the 2x6 wall assembly example, convection will also occur within the cavity between the studs.
Again, if left uninsulated, convection currents will develop because the air adjacent to the warm side will rise while the air on the cold side will drop.
Thus the air will follow a circular path, as air rises past the warm side it will pick up heat and as it drops down past the cold side it will lose heat.
Explain convection in the building as a whole
Convection can also occur on a larger scale in the building as a whole. Heat carried in the interior air rises to the top floor and cold air rushes in through leaks at the base of the building; this causes a stratification of temperatures horizontally within the building and is called the stack effect.
Explain thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity is the term that describes the ability of the building enclosure to moderate heat flow. It can also be thought of as measuring the building envelope’s ability to protect the occupants from daily and annual fluctuations in outside air temperature.
The heat transfer coefficient of building envelope materials is referred to as the U-value.
The U-value is an indicator of how well a material conducts heat. It is measured as the amount of energy lost over a given area for a given temperature difference, described in Watts per square metre per Kelvin. A high U-value means the material is a good conductor and a poor insulator. A low U-value means the material is a poor conductor and a good insulator.
The overall thermal resistance of the building envelope components is referred to as _ _ _ _ _
The overall thermal resistance of the building envelope components is referred to as the R-value.
The higher the R-value, the greater the thermal resistance of a material or the overall building wall system. In Canadian climates, the recommended R-value for commercial construction wall assemblies ranges from 18 to 31, depending on the region
The higher the R-value, the greater the thermal resistance of a material or the overall building wall system. In Canadian climates, the recommended R-value for commercial construction wall assemblies ranges from 18 to 31, depending on the region
An R-Value of 27 is a U-Value of . . . .
An R-Value of 27 is a U-Value of 0.037 (the inverse of the R-value, U = 1/R).
Insulation may consist of _ _ _ _ _
Insulation may consist of mineral or glass fibre batts, various types of rigid insulation such as polystyrene and polyurethane, or formed in place insulation such as polyurethane.