Bus Comm - Sheet4 Flashcards
Define vebal vocal communication
communication through the spoken word
Define verbal nonvocal communication
words are involved but no speaking takes place
Define nonverbal vocal communication
groans, vocalizations
Define nonverbal nonvocal communication
involves only gestures and appearance
What does nonverbal communication convey
nonlinguistic messages
Define cues
isolated hints
Define kinesic slip
condradictory verbal and nonverbal messages
List types of cues
spatial and temporal, visual, vocal
List spatiall cues
personal space, interpersonal space, orientation
List Interpersonal spaces
intimate distance, personal distance, social distance, public distance
List types of interpersonal zones
close phase, far phase
Define high contnrast
touch more often sit stand closer more eye contact speak louder
Define Low contact
touch less often, maintain more distance, use lower voice
Define coculture
group having sufficient distinctive traits to distinguish it from other members of the same dominant culture
Dfeine orientation
angle of your body as you interact with another person
List types of orienattaion
conversation, cooperation, competition, coation
Define chronemics
communicating through the time
Define monochromic time
linear and segmented
Define polychromic time
many things ar going on at once
Define kinesics
study of body movements in the communication
List visual cues
facial expression, oculesics, body movements, hand gestures, haptics, physical appearance and the use of objects
Define oculesics
study of the role of eye behaviors such as eye contact, eye movements and pupil dilation in communicating
Type of hand gestures
palm up, palmm down, palm crossed finger pojnted
Define haptics
the study of how we use touch to communicate
List types in regard to touch
touch involvement, touch avoidance
List vocal cues
volume, rate and fluency, pitch, quality
Define paralinguistic
something beyond or in addition to language itself
List components of paralinguistics
voice qualities, vocalizations
Define leakage
singals of deception