Bunion surgeries Flashcards
Proximal akin (indication)
corrects a large DASA
Central akin (indication)
shortens a long proximal phalanx
Distal akin (indication)
corrects a high hallux abductus angle
Austin (what is it and indications)
V-shaped osteotomy with apex in center of met head and arms forming a 60 degree angle
Indicated if HAV with IMA 12-14
Cheilectomy (what is it and indications)
removal of dorsal bone spur and dorsal 1/3 of 1st met head. May also remove prominences from proximal phalanx base. Indicated for Hallux limitus
Closing base wedge/ Louisan-Balasceau
(what is it and indications)
closing wedge osteotomy straight across base of 1st met
Indicated for HAV with high IMA
Crescentic (indications)
HAV with IMA >13
DRATO (what is it and indications)
It is a derotational osteotomy of 1st met head
Indicated for a large IMA + abnormal PASA + valgus rotation of 1st met
Hohmann (what is it and indications)
It is a transverse osteotomy of the metatarsal neck (unstable)
Juvara (what is it and indications)
it is a CBWO with the apex set proximal medial and the wedge set laterally
For a HAV > 15
Kalish (what is it and indications)
similar to Austin but with a long dorsal arm for screw fixation.
HAV with IMA >15
Keller ( what is it, specific patient population, and indications)
It is a resection of proximal 1/4-1/3 base of proximal phalanx and cheilectomy with capsular tissue sewn
Used in patients 50-55 years old
HAV with <16 IMA + hallux limitus/rigidus
Kessel-Bonney (what is it, indications)
it is a removal of a pie shaped dorsiflexory wedge of bone from the proximal phalanx
Used for Hallux limitus
Lambinudi (what is it and indications)
a plantarflexory wedge osteotomy of 1st met base
hallux limitus
Lapidus (what is it and indications)
Fusion of 1st metatarsal base to medial cuneiform
HAV with 1st ray hypermobility
Logroscino (what is it and indications)
Closing based wedge osteotomy to correct HAV with Reverdin to correct the cartilage orientation
HAV with IMA >15 in rectus foot with 13 adductus and abnormal PASA
Loison (what is it and indications)
Transverse CBWO and used for HAV
Ludloff (what is it, indications and comparison to Mau)
it is an oblique transpositional osteotomy (dorsal/proximal to plantar distal)
Used for HAV
opposite orientation to Mau
Mau (what is it, indications and comparison to Ludloff)
it is an oblique rotational osteotomy (dorsal/distal to plantar proximal)
Used for HAV
opposite orientation to Ludloff
McBride (what is it, and indications)
It is a Silver + soft tissue repair +capsular release/tightening
McKeever (what is it and indications)
it is a 1st MPJ arthrodesis/ fusion where you position the hallux at 5-10 degrees abduction and 5-10 degrees dorsiflexion.
Used for HAV with dislocation and for Hallux limitus/rigidus
for HAV
Trethowan (what is it and indications)
it is an OBWO across base of 1st met
used for HAV
Peabody (what is it and indications)
it is a reverdin done in the 1st met neck
used for an abnormal PASA
Reverdin (what is it and indications)
it is a medial base wedge resection in 1st met head
for mild HAV + abnormal PASA
Reverdin Green (what is it and indications)
Reverdin osteotomy but with an L-shaped portion to preserve sesamoid articulation
HAV with abnormal PASA
Reverdin Laird (what is it and indication)
Reverdin green with lateral shift of the capital fragment to correct for IMA
For Moderate HAV + abnormal PASA
Reverdin-Green-Laird-Todd (what and indications)
Triangle shaped wedge from top and side of distal 1st met
Correction of 3 planes
For Hallux limitus + HAV
Scarf (what is it and indications)
Z-type osteotomy through shaft of the 1st met (watch out for troughing)
HAV with an IMA 12-18
Silver (what and indications)
an isolated resection of medial eminence of 1st met head
Used for medial 1st MPJ pain and mild HAV
Stamm (what and indications)
OBWO in medial cuneiform
Valenti (what and indications)
Removal of angled dorsal wedges from 1st met and proximal phalanx to increase ROM
Hallux limitis
Vogler (what and indications)
V- osteotomy made in neck of 1st metatarsal. Similar to Kalish but more proximal
Watermann (What and indications)
removal of closing wedge of bone from 1st met head to dorsiflex the capital fragment
Hallux limitus
Watermann- Green (what and indications)
Watermann osteotomy but includes a plantar shelf to preserve sesamoid articulation
Hallux limitus
Wilson (what and indications)
Oblique cut from distal/medial to proximal/lateral
For HAV + a long 1st met
Youngswick (what and indications)
Austin but with extra slice take out on the dorsal arm to allow head to drop plantarly
HAV+ DF 1st met
HAV+ Hallux limitus
Gerbert (what and indications)
Wedge osteotomy of 5th met base with K-wire or screw fixations
For Tailor’s bunion
Mercado (what and indications)
Oblique wedge osteotomy at 5th met neck
Tailor’s bunion
Reverse Austin (what and indications)
Transverse plane V- osteotomy
tailors bunion
Reverse Hohmann (what and indications)
Transverse osteotomy in distal metaphysis of 5th met. Fixation not used
Tailor’s bunion
Reverse Wilson(what and indications)
Osteotomy from distal/ lateral to proximal medial to shorten 5th met and medial transposition
Tailor’s bunion
Yancey (what and indications)
Oblique or transverse wedge osteotomy at 5th met proximal mid diaphyseal.
Tailor’s bunion