BUMEDINST 10110.6 chapter 2 Flashcards
The MDRIs do not reflect the nutritional needs for who?
Lactating military women, illness, injury, infection, chronic disease, and trauma.
Who exercises DOD responsibility for Nutritional Standards and Education and will establish nutritional standards for meals served to military?
The Surgeon General, United States Army (USA)
Operational rations include?
Individual rations(MREs), group feeding rations(T-ration, unitized B ration), Unitized Group Rations(UGR-A and UGR-H&S(heat and serve))
Total calories from fat should not exceed?
The MRE may be consumed as the sole ration for up to how many days?
21 days
What are restricted rations?
Nutritionally incomplete rations for long-range patrol and recon for short periods (up to 10 days).
Survival rations include?
Food packet, survival, general purpose improved(GP-I) ration
Food packet, survival, abandon ship ration
Food packet, survival, aircraft/life raft ration
How many calories does the GP-I contain?
1447 calories.
The food packet, survival, abandon ship and the food packet, survival, aircraft/life raft ration both contain how many calories?
300 calories
Reference weight and height for military members are:
Men: 174pds (79kg), 69in (175cm)
Women: 136pds (62kg), 64in (163cm)
Military personnel involved in heavy work, or prolonged vigorous physical training may exceed what percent of the energy requirement of the MDRI?
Mildly cold temperatures (32F to 57F) can increase energy requirements to by what percent?
5 to 10%
How many calories are needed when wearing the Extreme Cold Weather Clothing System and Vapor Barrier boot?
54 calories/kg
How many calories are needed for troops maneuvering for prolonged periods (2hrs or more) with heavy gear on their feet (snow shoes/ski, etc.)?
62 calories/kg
What energy adjustments are required for temperatures between 68F and 86F?
86F to 104F, energy requirement may increase by?
2.5 to 10%
Calorie intake for high-altitude operations, altitudes greater than 10,000ft (3050m) or strenuous work in high-mountain areas may reach?
6,000 to 7,000 calories a day.
Moderate activity in altitude may require:
50 to 55 calories/kg
Prolonged work in full cold-weather gear in altitude may require?
60 calories/kg
What percent of calories should come from carbohydrates?
50 to 55%
Protein range intake for military men and women are:
Men: 63 to 119g/day
Women: 50 to 93g/day
What percent of total energy should come from protein?
10 to 15%
Military dining facilities, menu planners will establish menus with what percent or less of total calories from fat?
How much fluid intake is needed for 1,000 calories expended during light to moderate activity?
1 quart