Bullet Point 3 Flashcards


what are the key factors which influence demographic changes in older people?


medical improvements- accurate diagnosis and treatments of many conditions. treatments are put in place quicker and are more effective- increasing life expectancy

better education- may ways to detect any changes in their health state. as a result of being better informed of diagnosis, people have better understanding of how to take necessary steps to improve and look after health e.g. cut down smoking/drinking

making better use of health services- increasing number of vaccinations and screening programmes as they are better informed of the health. diagnosis is much easier and treatments are therefore more effective

improved nutrition- changes in food availability as a lot of healthy food options available. the level of income - state pensions have increased as older people are working longer, extran money on nutritious foods. improved nutrition has led to a reduction in deficiency diseases/decreased cardivascular disease

advances in medical research- lead to a much quicker production of more effective treatments- increasing life expectancy

greater availability of health professionals- this allows people to live at home independently compared to previously

improved housing- as a result of fewer hosuing fewer people are suffering from respiratory diseases. government (housing exectuive ni) provides grants tol users to improve living conditions e.g. fitted double glazed windows/ update old oil heating systems - less damp and cold

improved access to health are- people today are more empowered, believe they have right to second opinion

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