Buddhist Texts as Sources of Wisdom Flashcards
AO3: Who does not use the Patimokkha?
- Northern Mahayanan traditions of Tibet and Nepal use the Sanskrit Pratimoksha.
- Zen and Jodo Shinshu have hybrid versions.
AO3: Who does use the Patimokkha?
Therevada - specifically designed for monastic living.
AO3: For the Therevada, what does the Patimokkha create?
A safe atmosphere that is conductive for spiritual development.
AO3: What suggests thats that monastic discipline is important for all monastic Buddhism?
There are 227 Therevada Rules, 250 Mahayana Rules and 331 or 348 Bhikkhuni Rules.
* Mahayana has more despite being seen as less rigid - exemplifies its importance.
AO3: What does the Mahayana having more rules suggest?
The intricacy of the Patimokkha may not be crucial but the spirit of adhering to rules is.
AO3: What shows the Patimokkha to be important to lay Buddhists?
They partake in chanting it every full or new moon day.
AO3: What does the Patimokkha expand on which is key to Buddhism?
The five precepts -
* Killing
* Stealing
* Sexual Misconduct
* Lying
* Using intoxicants
AO3: What does Heng Sure from the Zen school of Buddhism say about the importance of the Patimokkha?
They are tools and guidelines to facilitate skilful decisions.
AO3: What are the parajikas?
The defeats - the most serious infringements in Theravada.
AO3: What do the parajikas require as punishment?
Expulsion from the monastic sangha and de-robing.
AO3: What are the four rules in the parajikas?
- Sexual Intercourse
- Theft
- Killing
- Lying or false claims about spiritual progression.
AO3: What Buddhist schools do not strictly follow the parajikas?
Japanese Shin tradition typically marry between monks and nuns for the Bodhisattva path.
AO3: What happened in Tibet that supports some examples of killing?
Tibetan monks have taken up arms against communist China - however this has been condemned by Thic Nhat Hanh.
AO3: What do some argue the aim of the parajikas is?
To prevent us from conditioning by society, minimising spiritual objects making it always useful.
Where can the most famous account of the Buddha’s death be found?
In the Sutta Pitaka, in a book called the Mahaparinibbana Sutta.
The final passing away into nibbana from the cycle of life, death and rebirth.
The account of the Buddha’s death describes what?
The last days of the Buddha before his paranibbana, when he passed over to nibbana.
When did the Buddha die?
Aged 80.
What is argued in a theory about the cause of his death?
That he predicted his own parinibbana three months earlier.
What is the argued cause of his death?
An illness that developed after he after he ate some contaminated pork.
What did the Buddha establish in his lifetime?
Certain formal procedures for practicing the life he taught.
Buddhist community of monks, nuns and laity.
How did his followers (the Sangha) live?
A very basic lifestyle.
What happened during the rainy season, when travel wasn’t practical? How did the wealthy supporters contribute to this?
It was a season where the wanderers or samanas (teachers) would take rest as a community, in one place, and focus on meditation.
- Wealthy supporters of the buddhist teachings donated land for this purpose.