Buddhist story 1 Flashcards
- 菩 (ぼ / bo) – Bodhi, enlightenment
- 薩
- 薩 (さつ / satsu) – Savior, deliverance
悟り (さとり - satori)
- 悟
(さと / sato) – Perceive, understand, realize
四苦八苦 (しくはっく - shikuhakku)
The phrase 四苦八苦 (しくはっく - shikuhakku) means “extreme hardship” or “struggling desperately.” It conveys a sense of intense suffering or difficulty in dealing with something.
- 苦
- 苦 (く / ku) – Suffering
(はっしょうどう - hasshoudou)
- 超 (こ / ko) – Surpass, exceed
(しょうけん - shouken)
(しょうしゆい - shoushiyui)
* 正 (しょう / shou) – Correct, right
* 思 (し / shi) – Think, consider
* 惟 (ゆい / yui) – Consider, think
(ゆい / yui) – Consider, think
(しょうご - shougo) right speech
(しょうごう - shougyou) right action
(しょうみょう - shoumyou) right livelihood
- 命
- 命 (みょう / myou) – Life, destiny
正精進 (しょうしょうじん - shoushoujin) right effort
- 精
- 精 (しょう / shou) – Pure, essence
正念 (しょうねん - shounen) right mindfulness
- 念
- 念 (ねん / nen) – Mindfulness, thought
正定 (しょうじょう - shoujou) right concentration
- 定
- 定 (じょう / jou) – Settle, decide
解脱 (げだつ - gedatsu) liberation
- 解
- 解 (げ / ge) – Release, explanation
- 脱
- 脱 (だつ / datsu) – Escape, liberation
慈悲 (じひ - jihi) compassion
- 慈
- 慈 (じ / ji) – Mercy, compassion
- 悲
- 悲 (ひ / hi) – Sadness, sorrow
煩悩 (ぼんのう - bonnou) desires, passions, cravings
- 煩
- 煩 (ぼん / bon) – Vexation, trouble
- 悩
- 悩 (のう / nou) – Worry, distress
布施 (ふせ - fuse) giving, charity
- 布 (ふ / fu) – Cloth, spread
- 施
- 施 (せ / se) – Alms, apply
持戒 (じかい - jikai) keeping the precepts
- 持
- 持 (じ / ji) – Hold, keep
- 戒
- 戒 (かい / kai) – Commandment, precept
忍辱 (にんにく - nin’niku) refers to the practice of enduring insults, wrongs, or difficulties with patience and without retaliating.
- 忍
- 忍 (にん / nin) – Endurance, patience
- 辱
- 辱 (にく / niku) – Humiliation, disgrace
精進 (しょうじん - shoujin is a Buddhist term that translates to diligence, effort, or perseverance. It refers to the practice of making consistent, focused effort in one’s spiritual practice, particularly in meditation, study, and ethical conduct. In the context of Buddhism, 精進 is one of the key elements necessary for progress on the path to enlightenment.
- 精
- 進
- 精 (しょう / shou) – Pure, essence
- 進 (じん / jin) – Progress, advance
禅定 (ぜんじょう - zenjou) translates to meditative concentration or zen absorption in English. It refers to a deep, focused state of meditation where the mind becomes completely absorbed and free from distractions. 禅定 is a key concept in both Zen Buddhism and broader Buddhist practice, particularly in the context of mental discipline and meditation.
禅 (ぜん - zen): Meditation, specifically the meditative tradition of Zen Buddhism, which emphasizes direct experience and mindfulness.
定 (じょう - jō): Concentration, stillness, or mental stability.
智慧 (ちえ - chie) translates to wisdom or intelligence in English. In the context of Buddhism, it refers to the profound understanding of the true nature of reality, particularly the insight into the nature of suffering, its causes, and the path to its cessation. 智慧 is considered one of the most important virtues in Buddhist practice and is essential for achieving liberation (解脱 - げだつ, gedatsu) and enlightenment (悟り - さとり, satori).
- 智
- 智 (ち / chi) – Wisdom, intellect
- 慧
- 慧 (え / e) – Wisdom, insight
六波羅蜜 (ろくはらみつ - rokuharamitsu)
translates to the Six Perfections or Six Paramitas in English. These are the six essential virtues or practices in Mahayana Buddhism that help practitioners advance on the path to enlightenment. The Six Perfections guide the development of moral and spiritual qualities necessary for overcoming suffering and achieving Buddhahood.
- 羅
- 羅 (ら / ra) – Net
- 蜜
- 蜜 (みつ / mitsu) – Nectar, honey
輪廻 (りんね - rinne) translates to samsara in English, which refers to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Buddhist teachings. It is the continuous cycle of existence in which beings are subject to suffering, wandering through various states of life, influenced by their karma (actions). The concept of 輪廻 is central to Buddhist philosophy and is closely linked to the idea of suffering (苦 - ku) and the path toward liberation (解脱 - gedatsu).
輪 (りん - rin): Wheel, cycle, or circle.
廻 (ね - ne): To turn, revolve, or rotate.
涅槃 (ねはん - nehan) translates to nirvana in English, which is a key concept in Buddhism. Nirvana is the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice, representing the cessation of suffering, the end of the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara), and the attainment of spiritual liberation and peace.
- 涅
- 涅 (ね / ne) – Extinction (Buddhist context)
- 槃
- 槃 (はん / han) – Basin, tray
境地 (きょうち - kyouchi) translates to state of mind, mental state, or realm in English. It refers to a particular state or condition of the mind, often in the context of personal or spiritual development. In various philosophical, psychological, and spiritual contexts, 境地 describes the mental or emotional state one finds themselves in, often related to growth, enlightenment, or understanding.
- 境
- 境 (きょう / kyou) – Boundary, state
- 地
- 地 (ち / chi) – Ground, earth
因果 (いんが - inga) translates to cause and effect in English. It is a fundamental concept in Buddhism and many Eastern philosophies, referring to the principle that all phenomena arise due to specific causes and conditions, and that every action (cause) leads to a result (effect).
- 因 (いん / in) – Cause
- 果 (が / ga) – Effect, result
衆生 (しゅじょう - shujou) translates to sentient beings or living beings in English. In Buddhist philosophy, 衆生 refers to all beings that are capable of experiencing birth, death, and suffering. This term encompasses all forms of life, from humans and animals to celestial beings and even beings in lower realms such as hells or hungry ghosts.
- 衆
- 生
- 衆 (しゅ / shu) – Multitude
- 生 (じょう / jou) – Life, living
誓願 (せいがん - seigan) translates to vow or pledge in English, specifically referring to a solemn or earnest vow, often in a religious or spiritual context. In Buddhism, 誓願 refers to the vows or commitments made by practitioners, particularly Bodhisattvas, to help all sentient beings achieve enlightenment and to guide them out of suffering.
- 誓
- 誓 (せい / sei) – Vow, pledge
- 願
- 願 (がん / gan) – Wish, desire
真理 (しんり - shinri) translates to truth or reality in English. It refers to the ultimate truth or the correct understanding of the nature of existence, especially in a philosophical or spiritual context. In Buddhism, 真理 signifies the true nature of things, free from illusion, ignorance, or delusion.
- 真
- 理
- 真 (しん / shin) – Truth, real
- 理 (り / ri) – Logic, principle
法華経 (ほけきょう - hokekyou) or the Lotus Sutra, is one of the most important and revered texts in Mahayana Buddhism. It is considered a key scripture for many Buddhist schools, particularly in East Asia, such as the Nichiren school in Japan, which regards it as the highest teaching of the Buddha.
- 経
- 経 (きょう / kyou) – Scripture