Buddhism and Jainism Flashcards
Module 8
Theravada Buddhism
means “the Way of the Elders”
- most conservative, oldest form of Buddhism
-believes there was only one Buddha (Gautama) and he was just a man
- Emphasis on monkhood
- monkhood = no family or “normal life”
- called Hinayana “small vehicle” by Mahayanists
Mahayana Buddhism
means “Large vehicle”
- believes in more than one Buddha
- compatible with having a family and “normal life”
- more adaptable to preexisting traditions and folk religions
- prioritizes compassion for others (karuna)
- little emphasis on monkhood
Commonalities between Buddhism and Jainism
- Originated in Ancient India in 6th c. BCE
- Common vocabulary
- Sprang from Kshatriya caste, - rejected the Vedas and Hindu rituals
- Challenged the priesthood and castes
- Women can be nuns
Life and teachings of Siddartha Gautama Shakyamuni
Siddartha Gautama Shakyamuni came from Kshatriya clan, became the Buddha
Kshatriya caste
The second highest caste level, warriors and teachers, the Buddha and the Mahavira came from kshatriya clans
Dharma in Buddhism
Way of life and thought, the teachings of Gautama Buddha
Where did Buddhism arise?
Ancient India, modern-day Nepal
modern-day Nepal
What is the Bodhi tree?
A tree which the Buddha was meditating under and became enlightened. The place where Gautama became the Buddha.
Four Noble Truths
- Life is suffering
- The cause of suffering is desire
- There is release from suffering
- The way to release is to follow the Eightfold Path
Noble Eightfold Path
- Right view
- Right aim
- Right speech
- Right action
- Right living
- Right effort
- Right mindfulness
- Right concentration
Lay people
Lay people are nonordained members of a church or religious organization, in Buddhism they build up merit helping around the stupa and community so in a later life they would have a better chance at becoming enlightened. Doing good works, spend some period of life in monsastic discipline
What does ahimsa mean?
Non violence
What is anatman?
No soul. No separate, permanent, or immortal self. Human being = a composite of skandhas.
Aggregates. Changing existence. “Each skandha is in permanent flux” Body, perception, feelings, predispositions generated by past existences, reasoning.
What is nirvana?
Quietude of heart; Liberation from samsara and life as a whole, not a place like heaven but rather a higher level of existence free from suffering and desire