Brownstone/Rowframes Flashcards
Choose the correct features of brownstone type bldgs.
A. 3-5 stories
B. 20 -25’ wide
C. up to 60’ depth
D. interior combustible construction/ exterior non- combustible construction
Which level of a brownstone is the only level w/ 2 means of egress to the outside? A. parlor floor B. cellar C. 2nd floor D. basement
D. Basement/ 1st floor
2.1.2 A
For a fire on the parlor floor what tool(s) may be needed? A. Irons B. 10' hooks C. 8' hooks D. 2 cans
The LCC of an aerial should operate in a manner that wont impede his return to the pedestal. When he's unable to position & prepare the rig for complete coverage who shall he notify? A. CO. officer B. IC C. 2nd LCC D. ECC who's blocking the truck
2.6 D 1
When the roof FF indicates no need for LSR ops. the LCC now not needed on roof shall do what?
A. place ladder to top floor for veis
B. place ladder floor above fire veis
C. cover an exposure w/ another avail. member
D. get utilities
2.6 D 3AB
Early attention must be given to search of the small room above the main entrance. What is the only variation?
When theres a KNOWN life hazard at another location requiring action. This involves the principle of taking care of a known life b4 moving toward a possible life hazard. 2.6 D 4 note
L-103 is 1st due to a top floor brownstone fire. FF surbito is the LCC for the 6x. He was correct in which choice?
A. raise & position aerial to an exposure for roof & OV ff’s
B. place on the fire bldg. for rapid ascent of roof & OV ff’s.
C. wait for lapping fire to be extinguished b4 placing aerial to roof
D. wait for TL 159 to square shit away!
A. 2.6 D 6A
Who shall the 1st LCC team up w/ when performing VEIS? A. 1st OVM B. 2nd LCC C. 2nd OVM D. 2nd Roof
B. 2.6 D 3B & 6D
Choose the correct tools for the OVM at a brownstone? A. 6' hook B. Halligan C. Flashlight D. HT
2.6 E
For a fire on the top floor of a brownstone What members have the correct tool assignment?
A. 1st OVM saw & halligan to roof
B. 1st roof saw & hook to roof
C. 2nd roof saw & halligan hook to roof
D. LCC saw & hook to roof
A & C
- 6 E note
- 7 pg. 21 note
Who is to assist the LCC in front of fire bldg. if theres a rescue or removal needed? A. roof ff B. ovm ff C. irons ff D. 2nd lcc
B. 2.6 E duties 1
The 10’ scissor ladder is a great tool for the OVM to take in the rear when he’s not needed up front w/ the LCC. What are the advantages of the 10’ scissor ladder?
used for venting access to 2nd floor for veis access to roof of 1 story setback access to 3rd floor from roof of setback means to climb fences
When the OV arrives in the rear & a life hazard presents itself who must he notify? A. IC B. IC & CO. officer C. CO. officer D. 2nd truck boss
B. tell them the floor at which the victim is located as well as the exact location.
When theres no rear rescue & the OV doesn’t have anyone to team up w/ to VEIS back there what does he do?
A. Fuck the hot neighbor who’s tanning next door
B. go to the front team up w/ LCC for top floor VEIS.
C. jerk off to the hot neighbor
D. go to the roof to assist the roof man
Choose the correct tool assignment for the roof FF A. halligan B. LSR C. Hook D. HT
A, B, D
HALLIGAN HOOK & flashlight
What his order of preference to the roof?
1st aerial, 2nd aerial, adjoinig bldg.
TL 159 is 1st due to a fire in a brownstone. The LCC remains at the pedestal for the entire operation. The OV goes to the rear & the roof goes to the roof. T/F
The OVM operates the basket. the 2nd OVM gets the rear.
Lt. Wilcken is 2nd due truck for a fire on the top floor of a brownstone. What are his duties?
check floors below to insure fire didnt start on a lower floor.
Be available to assist or relieve the 1st truck on the top floor. 2.7
L-103 is 2nd due to a brownstone fire. What is proper procedure for the LCC?
place rig in PTO for use by roof ff, LCC proceeds to 1st aerial turntable teams up w/ 1st lcc for top floor veis.
For a top floor fire after checking the rear the 2nd OVM reports where? A. Roof B. fire floor C. top floor D. stays in rear
A. to assist in vent & opening of roof. or go to an exposure as directed by co. officer
What are the normal complement of tools for the 2nd roof man? A. halligan hook B. halligan C. flashlight D. LSR
A, B, C
& a HT
for top floor fires takes the saw w/ the HH
TL-159 is 1st due for a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4 story. What is proper procedure for the OVM?
The saw & LSR is placed in basket to be brought to roof. OV waits for roof ff’s size-up. If no LSR OV places basket to fire floor for vent. Picks up roof man, Then places basket to top floor for VEIS.
What is TL-159's roof ff's order of preference to the roof in previous question? A. 2nd aerial, TL, Adj. B. TL, Aerial, Adj. C. Adj., aerial, TL d. PL, TL, AL
A visible life hazard will negate the use of the TL for roof access.
E-308 is 1st due for a cellar fire in a brownstone. Describe proper procedure if fire has control of the 1st floor.
The line must be stretched to the 2nd (parlor) floor by way of outside stairs.
This is the same if the fire had control of both the cellar & 1st floor too.
E-308 is 3rd due & is ordered to stretch a line in the same situation as the previous question. Where shall Lt. Wilcken order his line stretched? A. 2nd line to above the fire B. Stretched to extinguish the fire C. Hold the stairs D. Back-up 1st line
E-308 pulls up to a fully involved brownstone. What should Lt. Surbito have the men do?
Drop 2 hand-lines in front of bldg. & have ECC position rig for possible use of multiversal or supply a TL. 3.3
For a bldg thats fully involved the 1st 3 lines shall be placed where?
1st- advanced into fire bldg thru front door.
2nd- advanced into bldg. as a back-up line
3rd- if fire in exposure go there. if no exposure problem stretch thru an exposure to rear yard of fire bldg. 3.3
Lt. Surbito is 10-84 at a brownstone where he has 2 floors of fire showing. He would be correct to tx what to Brooklyn? A. 10-75 B. 10-75 extra engine & truck C. 2nd alarm D. 10-60
B. 4.4
Lt. wilcken is 10-84 at a brownstone & is confronted w/ heavy fire in the cellar & basement. What does he tx to queens? A. 2nd alarm B. 10-75 C. 10-60 D. 10-75 extra engine & truck
A. 4.4
Choose the correct features of a rowframe bldg. A. 2-5 stories B. 20-30' wide C. 40-60' deep D. common cockloft
rowframes 5.1.1, 5.2.2
E-308 pulls up to a rowframe type bldg. that has a 3 window front. what is this indicative of?
A brownstone type layout. 1 apt. going from front to rear w/ no rear fire escape.
Light & air shafts are found in some bldgs. while not in others. Usually the bldgs. of longer length will have the shafts. T/F
TRUE. 5.2.6
Lt. Surbito is working in an engine for the 9x when they are special called to a fire in a rowframe. The IC orders Lt. Surbito to stretch a line to the rear. What must Lt. surbito be cognizant of?
Rear walls can pull away from the bldg. & collapse in 1 section into the yard.
5.4 B
T/F: When a serious fire burns out the entire 1st floor there is danger of collapse.
TRUE. Especially in corner bldgs. & bldgs. standing alone. 5.4H
General areas of responsibility for the 1st 2 trucks can be found in which choice?
A. 1st- roof vent & visual check of rear/sides from this level.
B. 1st- top floor fires check exposures
C. 2nd- check rear/sides of bldg for extension
D. 2nd- determine life hazard
A & C.= correct B- 2nd due duty C- also checking for victims D- 1st due duty 5.5.1 & 5.5.2
L-103 is 2nd due to a top floor fire in a rowframe bldg that has 4 windows across the front. The POSA’s would be correct to go where?
The inside team shall be responsible for VEIS of the adjoining apt. including examination of the cockloft. 5.6.5
After the roof man has reached the roof in the previous question, what shall the LCC do?
reposition the aerial for VEIS of fire apt. if fire is on the 3rd floor or above when teamed w/ 2nd LCC.
pg. 36
In the same situation the LCC would do what if the fire was on the 1st or 2nd floors?
VEIS using portable ladders when teamed w/ 2nd LCC.
pg. 36
Who's taking the saw to a top floor fire in a rowframe? A. 1st roof B. 2nd ovm C. 2nd lcc D. 1st ovm
D. he goes to roof w/ the saw & halligan
Choose the correct tool assignment for the roof man at a rowframe: A. halligan B. flashlight C. Halligan hook D. LSR
in addition a HT
pg. 38
Whats the order of preference for the roof man to get to the roof?
1st aerial, 2nd aerial, adjoining
pg. 38 1,2,3
T/F: When utilizing the adjoining bldg for roof access the roof man used the immediate adjoining bldg for accss.
FALSE. the immediate adjoining should not be used due to possibility of cockloft involvement.
pg. 39
L-103 is 2nd due for a top floor fire in a 3 window front rowframe. What is a correct action for the inside team?
A. go to adjoining apt.
B. go to most severely threatened exposure
C. check rear & sides
D. go to roof
B. company should split w/ the inside team going to most severely threatened exposure.
FF wilken grew some balls & decided to take the detail to the truck today. He responds 2nd due to a top floor job in a brownstone type rowframe. what is his tool assignment as the extinguisher FF?
consideration should be given to taking 2 6’ hooks in lieu of the can.
When 2nd due at a top floor fire the inside team goes to most severely threatened exposure. Who goes to the other exposure & if its an IDLH who teams up w/ him?
The LCC. If there is no rear fire escape the OV shall team up w/ LCC or go to the roof.
pg. 43
What is the 2nd due roof ff's tool assignment at a top floor rowframe job? A. LSR, HH, Halligan B. Saw, HH C. Saw, Halligan D. Hook, saw
B. pg. 43
Whats the 2nd OV's position at a top floor OLT type rowframe fire? A. saw to roof B. fire escape C. front D. rear
B. pg. 45
TL-159 is operating at a OLT rowframe where the OV is operting the bucket. After dropping the roof off & waiting for his size up what shall the OV do?
Reposition bucket to vent the fire floor.
pg. 46
At the same job TL-159's boss requests his roof man to perform ventilation of the fire apt. from the fire escape after he completes his roof duties. Who shall the roof man team up w/ prior to VEIS? A. OVM B. LCC C. 2nd OVM D. 2nd roof
D. pg. 47
L-103 is 2nd due to L-159 to a rowframe. What is L-103’s LCC doing at this job?
Due to 159 being a TL 103’s LCC does not report to 19’s turntable but rather, examines exposures, assist w/ roof ops., or be available to team up w/ another member when needed.
pg. 47
E-308 is ordered to stretch a line to the top floor of exposure 2 a OLT type rowframe. What shall be included in their assignment? A. set of irons B. 8' hook C. 6' hook D. overhaul tip for nozzle
C. to pull ceilings
pg. 47
At what point can the 1st line be brought up to the top floor of a cellar fire?
When the 2nd line has control of the cellar fire. intervening floors shall be checked for fire on the way up to top floor. 6.2 3
If E-308 has the 1st line & cant advance down to the cellar how shall E-309 get to the cellar to extinguish fire?
A. interior cellar stairs
B. stairs that go from parlor floor to cellar in rear
C. outside cellar entrance
D. thru an exposure
C. 6.2 B2
E-308 is 2nd due where there is fire extending into exposure 4. Lt. Wilcken would be correct to have the 2nd line stretched where? A. Back up 1st line B. into exposure 4 C. top floor of fire bldg. D. into exposure 2
B. correct
A. the 3rd or 4th line will back up 1st line in this case.
C. would be the case if it wasn’t extending to an exposure.
6.3 A,B
E-290 w/ Lt. Surbito enters the block to find a fully involved rowframe that is now extending into the exposures. Lt. surbito shall order what?
Stretch a 3 1/2” supply line for use by TL 159. And stretch a handline for entering the bldg.
6.4 A
E-308 is 3rd due & stretches a 2nd line to the top floor of the most severe exposure. T/F
TRUE. while proceeding to top floor check intermediate floors for fire. 6.4 C
L-103 is out on AFID when they receive a ticket to respond to a fire in a PD. When 10-84 Lt. Surbito sees that its a rowframe w/ fire fully involved from front to rear on the 2nd floor. What shall the POSA tx?
10-75 extra engine & truck
7.6 A
E-308 is working at a vacant rowframe w/ people hanging out exposure 2. He notices that exposure 4 is occupied as well by the kwanza decorations hanging. What actions should Lt. Wilcken perform?
Order his co. to drop 2 lines. 1 a 3 1/2” supply for TL 159 the other a handline to enter exp. 2.( most severely exposed) 6.6
Where shall E-309 stretch the 2nd handline? A. fire bldg. B. other exposure C. 3 doors down D. top floor of fire bldg.
A, B
3rd line will be placed depending on where the 2nd line went.
E-308 has the task of being 1st due to a vacant rowframe that has other Vacants in a row. What shall the 1st engine do?
stretch a 3 1/2” to supply a TL. & stretch a handline to use on the exterior of the bldg.
pg. 50
Can you operate a handline in the fire bldg. of a vacant rowframe in a row of vacants?
No. initially operate from the exterior until TL, multiversal, or a heavy caliber stream can be placed into operation. the handline is then stretched to most severe exposure. pg. 50
Its your 1st tour out of flips & you pull up to a rowframe that has 3 floors that are fully involved. What are you tx?
2nd alarm
2nd alarm= 2 or more floors fully involved, or top floor fire has extended into cockloft. Also if 2 bldgs. are involved
7.6 B,C