Bronchiolitis (1) Flashcards
What is it commonly caused by?
How does it present?
Which investigations need to be done?
➋ • Increased WOB
• Cough
• Poor feeding
• Coryzal symptoms
• Dyspnoea
• Fever
• Wheeze
➌ • Naso-Pharyngeal Aspirate (NPA) – Detects virus
• Blood gas
How is it managed?
What can be given in the high-risk groups?
What is a rare complication of this?
→ What occurs here?
→ Which causative organism is this more likely to be caused by?
➊ * Feeding – Avoid overfeeding as full stomach will restrict breathing
* Supplementary O2
* Ventilatory support
➋ Palivizumab (monoclonal RSV antibodies) for prevention
➌ Bronchiolitis Obliterans
→ Infections lead to scarring of the bronchioles, which cause constriction and respiratory failure
→ Adenovirus