Britain's relations with Europe 1951-1997 Flashcards
What was the European Economic Commuity? (OEEC) When was it created? Under what treaty?
It was aimed at bringing about economic integration amongst countries
created in the Treaty of Rome 1957
What was the Organisation of the European Economic co-operation?
Set up to aid and re-build war-torn Europe
When was the Council of Europe set up and what for?
1949 - to promote unity and human rights
Why did the Conservative government not join the EEC in 1950’s? 3 reasons
- wanted to turn commonwealth into trading bloc
- disliked committment
- Did not believe all countries would co-operate
What did Harold Macmillan realise in 1960’s about Britain’s colonial empire? What did he do?
it had no future and so tried to start relations back with Europe
What was the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)?
it was a rival to the EEC made by macmillan and it would not involve or hurt national sovereignty
What was the EEC?
single trade area with common external tariff and known as common market
What did Britain realise in 1961 about the common market?
That in order for Britain to be economically successful - it needed to join the common market
What did some politicians see wrong with the common market?
That it would limit Britain’s freedom to make its own decisions
When Labour turned to power in 1974, what did Harold Wilson do?
called a national referendum over membership
When did Britain join EEC?
Why did British attitudes change towards Europe between 1950-75? 3
Losing the empire made them focus on Europe
Heath was pro-european
retirement of De Gaulle made British entry possible
What were 3 of Thatchers policies towards Europe?
Britain had paid too much to the EEC budget
Conservative economic policy had done more for country’s economy than EEC
closer European integration was threat to British sovereignty
When did Britain withdraw from the Exchange rate mechanism?
Why did people fear the Maastricht treaty?
they feared it was another step closer to making Europe run from Brussels
What was the Maastricht Treaty?
committed full integration of countries currencies, foreign policy and protection
Why did some people believe being part of Europe was good?
because it brought more trade and investment into Britain fro outside than Britain could achieve on it’s own