Breathlessness and control of breathing Flashcards
- Is tidal expiration an active or passive process?
Breathing OUT is a passive process-elaticity of the wall does the trick SO most control is with inspiration
- State the equation for minute ventilation.
If Vt is the volume of tidal breath, and Vtot the length of a tidal breath
Then 1/Vtot is the frequency.
V.E is minute ventilation, equal to Ve=Vt1/Vtot=Vt60/Vtot
- How can this equation be manipulated to include TI?
Ttot can be split into Ti (inspiration) and Te (expiration). Multiplying the minute ventination by Ti/Ti, you get Ve=VT/TI*Ti/Ttot
Vt/Ti s the mean inspiratory flow-or how much muscle contract (how much air is driven in), which Ti/Ttot is the inspi duty cycle-how long inspiration is taking
- What does VT/TI represent?
Vt/Ti is the mean inspiratory flow, indicating how much muscle contract to let air in during Ti. This is called the neural drive
- What does TI/TTOT represent?
Ti/Ttot is the inspiratory duty cycle-time spend actively ventilating. If metabolic demand increases, Ti/Ttot increases as Ttot decreases-causing minute ventilation to increase
- How do these factors change when there is an increase in metabolic demand?
Vtot decreases and increase frequenct, V=Ti/Vtot increases AND Ti/Vt increases so Ve increases
- What is the normal tidal volume and normal minute ventilation?
VE is around 5.9 L/min, and Vt around 0.4 L
- What changes take place if you use a noseclip?
With a nose clide, Ve barely changes, but Frequency drops as Vtot increases. But Vt/Ti increases-more air taken per breath but less breaths taken-similar VE
- What changes take place when artificial dead space is added?
The extra dead space, like a snorkel, means Vt/Ti (L/s) increases a lot. Vt also rises to 0.5L. Frequency also rises. Deeper breaths and as often as normal-to clear the dead space-Ve increases to 7.4 L/min
- How is the breathing of someone with COPD different to a normal person?
With COPD, chronic bronchitis and emphyseama means intrathoracic airways are narrowed-need more effect on expiration and inspiration
Because of that, the breathing is shallower and faster (Smaller Vtot, also lower Vt)-but they don’t breath HARDER, as the ratio Vt/Ti is more or less the same-just less air in less time). Time spend expirating doesn’t increase either (takes same time to expire same volume, just has less), but Ti/Ttot increases to increase inspiration time
- What changes when we exercise?
Usually a near halving of Ttot, increasing frequency and Ve. Inspirational Ti times also takes up a bigger amount of time. But its reduced in people with obstruvtive disorber. Increase neural drive-Vt/Ti
- Where is the voluntary and involuntary control of breathing located?
Involuntary is in the brain stem, in bulbo pontine brain MEDULLA
The voluntary is in the motor area of cerebral cortex-but scattered throughout the brain
Metabolic (involuntary) always prevales over voluntary
Emotional response is also a factor, influencing the medulla. Other parts of cortex, such as pain, limbic system can also influence it
MAIN DRIVER is diaphragm, and main thing responding too is pCO2 and pH
- How is the metabolic controller reset in sleep?
The threshold for pCO2 activating breath is increased a bit
- Where, in the motor homunculus, is behavioural control of breathing located?
Between chest and shoulder
- Which receptors are involved in regulating the involuntary control of breathing?
Metabolic H+ receptor (about 60% of role) and peripheral (carotid body) H+ receptors, which reports back to metabolic center
They then impact Ti, Te, frequency through respiratory spinal motor neuron to Respiratory muscle to increase Ve
- Where are the peripheral chemoreceptors located?
Located to find well perfused carotid blood-at the junction of internal and external carotid in the neck
- Where are the pacemakers for respiratory breathing located?
All over the brainstem-innaccesible-near 10 groups around cranial nerves IX and X
- What is the main group of neurons that are involved in generating respiratory rhythm?
Pre-Botzinger comple, in medulla near 4th ventricle seems to generate the gaspin rythme (gasping center)-and it combines with other 6 groups of neurons to generate the actual breath
Main used nerve are 5th face, 9th pharynx and larynx and 10th bronchi and bronchiole
- What muscles are affected by respiratory augmenting?
Intercostal muscle-but mostly pharynx and larynx muscle which play a role in opening the airway
- Describe the Hering-breuer reflex. Which nerve is involved?
Another control of breath and size of it is the hering breuer effect-reflex from stretch receptor located in the lungs-react to the lengthening and shortening. WEAK IN HUMANS. Activation can inhbiti medullar input to terminate inspiration
- Describe the carbon dioxide challenge and what it shows.
Patient is asked to breath in a bag with 7% CO2 (6L)-rises pCO2 by 1KPa every minute as breathing and rebreathing increases pCO2. Found nearly 30L/min increase in Ve per 1kpa of CO2
Hypoxic breathing increases the gradient of this-bigger increase of Ve per pCO2 Kpa
Alkalosis (chronic metabolic) results in the curve X intercept moving up (starts at higher kPa) but doesn’t affect the gradient vs Normal. In chronic acidosis, gradient ressembles hypoxia, but shifted X intercept to start at lower pCO2
If arterial pCO2 DROPS to 0 (below resting level-5.3kPa), still breath to a minimum
- How does hypoxia affect the acute CO2 res ponse?
It increases the gradient of the curve-meaning the increase of Ve per KPa is higher
- How does chronic metabolic acidosis affect the PCO2 threshold that gives a minimal drive to breathe?
It shifts the gradient along the X axis-increases the threshold for PCo2 but doesn’t change the sensitivity (gradient)
- Is the minimal drive to breathe present when asleep?
Ventilation would drop but production of CO2 causes the arterial CO2 pressure to reach the apnoeic point and start breathing again-repeat cycle every 10-60s
- What can depress the ventilatory response to PCO2? Give a central and a peripheral example.
Peripheral reduction of sensitivity would be muscle weakness-same pCO2 is sensed, but the response isn’t quite good enough
Central response failure lead to flattening of cuve (loss of sensitivity), and rise in arterial CO2-could be due to disease in metabolic center (tumour, lesion, congenital) or drug sedation
- Describe the ventilatory response to a hypoxic challenge.
Hypoxia increases the sensitivity to CO2, and decreases the threshold. The curves are hyperbolic at different pCO2 for alveolar pO2 vs Ve because it follows linearly the oxygen saturation-and oxygen saturation and pO2 have a sigmoid relation
A 7kPa change of pO2 only increases Ve by 30/L while 1kPa of CO2 was enough for same response. Oxygen saturation is much better defended (linear relation
- How does a high PCO2 affect the ventilatory response to hypoxia?
At high CO2, failure in ventilation, also causes decrease O2. PaO2 down increases the carotid body sensitivity, meaning it increases the Ve, increasing PO2. PCO2 then falls by negative feedback
- Why is this system bad at dealing with altitude where you experience hypoxic hyperventilation?
The change is O2 due to alitutude takes a while to adapt to-hypersensitive for a wile causing altitude sickness
- How is neural drive different in people with COPD?
The breathing is shallower and shorter-Ve is the same, but Vt/Ti is also considerably increased-neural drive is higher. Diapgram is working much harder to achieve same Vt/Ti. This is because narrower airways means the lungs are hyperinflated and press of the diaphragm
Emphyseama measn pCO2 is lower as air exchange is impaired
- How do people with obstructive disease maintain a normal minute ventilation despite breathing more shallowly?
They breath much more often-increase frequency and also the diaphgragm works much harder-this is because hyper inflated lungs press on it
- How is the PCO2 in someone with bronchitis different to someone with emphysema?
With emphyseama, arterial CO2 is lower because of damaged impaired gas exchange. People with bronchitis have naturaly higher pCO2 than empyseama
- What are the rapid and slow responses to respiratory acidosis?
Increase CO2 causes a direct and rapid increase of beathing to return to normal
But also a slower response (hours), where kidneys act on renal exrection of weak acids (lactate and keto) as a blood buffer, but also keep Chloride to increase strong ion difference. The acidosis is controlled by the pCO2/bicarbonate ratio-one controlled by lungs other by kindeys
Opposite with alkalosis
- How is metabolic acidosis different to respiratory acidosis?
Its caused by excess hydrogen ions from metabolism-not respiratory-so opposite response-ventialtion lowers PaCO2 and H+, and kidney keeps weak acids as buffer and secrete Chloride
Exact opposite in alkalosis
- What are the mechanisms for dealing with metabolic acidosis?
Ventilation stimulation to lower PaCO2
Exrete weak acid, keep Cl-
- Give some central and peripheral causes of hypoventilation.
Central-acute-poisoning, chronic-vascular/neoplastic disease of metabolic centre, congenital hyperventialer, obesity, chonric mountain sickness
Peripheral-acute-muscle relaxant drugs, myasthenia gravis
Chronic-neuromuscllar with muscle weakness
- What are the three types of breathlessness?
Tightness-difficulty inspiring due to airway narrowing
Increases work and effort-breathing at high lung volume, against inspiratory resistant
Air hunger-powerful urge to breathe-mismatch between Ve demand and achieved Ve
- What scale is used to measure breathlessness?
Borg Scale-10 point. Breath holding time also measured, which measured strength of metabolic vs behavioral