Breath Sounds Flashcards
normal vesicular
hollow sounds
abnormal if heard anywhere other than the manubrium and trachea
crepitations; rales
inspiration sounds;
fine (high pitched, very brief) OR course (low pitched, less brief)
high pitch sounds upon expiration
e sounds like a due to increased resonance; compressed lung tissue due to pleural effusion, or consolidation due to pulmonary infection (pneumonia) or tumor
“99” is very clear and loud due to shit in the alveoli
Lobar Pneumonia
Pulmonary Edema
bronchial breath sounds and end-inspiratory crackles
Pulmonary Edema
fine crackles; fluid in alveoli
cyclic fluctuation of respiratory rate and
depth. From periods of brief apnea, patients breathe progressively faster and deeper then slower and shallower until they become apneic and repeat the cycle. death breathing
Caused by HF, neuro disorder - CVS or dementia, or drugs
Cheyne-Stokes Respirations
Deep, regular respirations; set rate.
Caused by metabolic acidosis, DKA
Kussmaul Respirations
uncommon variant of Cheyne-Stokes respiration in which irregular periods of apnea alternate with periods in which 4 or 5 deep, equal breaths are taken
Caused from CNS injury or disorders such as meningitis
Biot Respirations
Kussmaul Breathing is compensatory breathing for _______ ________
Metabolic Acidosis
Vesicular breath sounds
Low pitched, low intensity sounds heard over healthy lung tissue (inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory sounds)
Bronchial breath sounds
High pitched, high intensity over manubrium (expiratory sounds longer than inspiratory)
Tracheal breath sounds
Darth vader breathing heard of trachea
Low pitched rattling lung sounds that can be heard during inspiration or expiration. (Ex COPD, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, CF)
Whistling, musical breath sounds that are worse during expiration and involve narrowing of small airways (usually associated with dyspnea, COPD, asthma, bronchitis)
High-pitched inspiratory sound produced by turbulent airflow through narrowed airway around subglottis/trachea. Louder than wheezing.
Stridor triggers a concern for which life-threatening upper airway obstructions?
Croup, epiglottitis, severe tonsilitis-abscess (kissing tonsils), tracheal swelling
Decreased breath sounds signify what?
Poor air mvmnt through airways (ex. COPD, asthma). Breath sounds may also be decreased with pleural effusions, pneumothorax, or obstructing endobronchial lesion
Discontinuous fine crackles that are short, high pitched sounds or coarse crackles that are longer lasting, low-pitched sounds.
Sounds to me like ppl moving things in apartment upstairs
Crackles (used to be called rales)
Crackles occur most commonly with ____ lung disease
Interstitial (PF, atelectasis, pulm edema).
Crackles signify what?
Opening of collapses airways or alveoli
Breath sounds like wet skin in a car w/leather seats
Friction rubs
Friction rubs are a sign of
Pleural inflammation (pleurisy/pleuritis). May occur with PE, severe pneumonia
Rice krispies. A grating, crunching sound in center of anterior chest.
Mediastinal crunch
Mediastinal crunch signifies
Presence of free air in mediastinum (Pneumomediastinum)
Pts whispered voice is heard clearly through chest wall due to alveolar consolidation
Bronchophony and whispered pectoriloquy