Breastfeeding Flashcards
What is meant by attachment?
How the baby takes the breast into its mouth to enable it to feed
What is meant by positioning?
How the mother holds the baby to him them attach effectively
What does CHINS stand for?
Close Head free In line Nipple to nipple Sustainability
What are signs of good attachment?
Feeding is pain free Chin indenting breast Mouth wide open Cheeks full and rounded More areola may be visible above top lip Rhythmic suck and swallowing Nipple remains rounded at end of feed
What may suggest ineffective attachment?
Sore nipples Engorgement Mastitis Low milk production Loss of confidence Frustration Poor weight gain Jaundice
What can help to stimulate breastfeeding?
Prolonged cuddling (skin to skin contact)
A calm, warm environment
What can you do to support effective breastfeeding?
Skin contact (good place to start)
Is CHINS principle in place?
Mother can calm baby ( talking/stroking)
Point out instinctive cues (head bobbing/rooting)
Mother can gently rub nipple to baby’s top lip
Baby will come to breast (chin leading)
Check mother’s comfort
Point out the signs of effective attachment
What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
The UNICEF baby friendly initiative states that breastfeeding protects the child from diabetes and obesity
Supports mum and baby’s relationship and mental health of both
Protects from sudden infant death syndrome
The lancet breastfeeding series also states that it protects mother from breast and ovarian cancer and heart disease
What are the benefits of skin to skin contact?
The skills for midwifery practice states that it regulates body temperature
As stated by the UNICEF baby friendly initiative, it calms and relaxes both mother and baby
Regulates heart rate and breathing
Helps boost mother’s milk supply
It’s a lovely bonding experience
Colonisation of baby’s skin with mother’s friendly bacteria thus providing protection against infection
Also allows time for familiarisation. The baby can adapt and feed regardless of nipple size and shape
What should you suggest if baby comes off the breast?
Second breast should always be offered
How would you recognise effective breadtfeeding?
Wet and dirty nappies
Weight gain
General appearance and behaviour
Suck to swallow ratio (1-2 sucks:swallow)
What might engorgement indicate?
Poor milk transfer from ineffective attachment
What causes blocked ducts?
accused by pain or mastitis
What are the signs for mastitis?
Pain from breast Sour tasting breast milk Fatigue Redness Generally unwell
What should baby’s stool look like on each day?
Day 1,2 should be black
Day 3 should be green
Day 5 should be yellow/ very light brown
What is the composition of colostrum?
Antibodies Growth hormones Water Vitamins Minerals Protein, fats and carbohydrates Antimicrobial peptides
What should feeding sound like?
Feeding is quiet, no sucks or clicks heard
Audible swallowing may be heard