Breast Pathology - Witrak Flashcards
Which is largely fibrous stroma: young breast or older breast?
Young breast
Which is largely adipose stroma: young breast or older breast?
Older breast
What are the three basic elements of the breast?
Fibroadipose stroma
What patient population suffers from Mastitis?
MOSTLY limited to women breastfeeding (usually Staph aureus)
Fat necrosis
indurated lump that is tethered down => due to chest trauma => cause calcification
What do diagnostic test do you perform if a woman fails to get better with antibiotic treatment of bacterial mastitis?
Commonist ovarian tumor below age of 30?
dermoid cyst (teratoma)
Commonist breast tumor in women below age of 30?
fibroadenoma (fibrous, well circumscribed)
Commonist form of a breast lump in reproductive age?
Fibrocystic disease/change = cystic change (dilation) and epithelial hyperplasia
What is the dominant major malignancy in women?
breast cancer
What is the basic progression of normal breast tissue to invasive carcinoma?
Normal breast => epithelial hyperplasia => atypical hyperplasia => carcinoma-in-situe => invasive carcinoma (ductal or lobular)
Where does 90% of breast cancer occur (i.e. what part of the breast)?
***Ductal System
small ducts, not terminal ducts/lobules
What areas of the breast do Ductal carcinoma in-situ and Lobular carcinoma in-situ recurr?
If you diagnose Ductal carcinoma in-situ => most likely to recurr in same area/quadrant
If you diagnose Lobular carcinoma in-situ => both breast at equal risk for recurrence
What type of Ductal carcinoma is more likely to be multicentric, recur after local therapy, and be associated with invasive carcinoma?
DCIS with high nuclear grade and comedonecrosis
What percentage of patients with invasive ductal Ca had DCIS in contralateral breast?
What is the cumulative risk of invasive contralateral breast carcinoma at 20 years?
invasive ductal Cancer had DCIS in contralateral breast => 48%
invasive contralateral breast carcinoma at 20 years => 12%
***in-situ or invasive Cancer in one breast = increased risk of Cancer in opposite breast