Breast Instrumentation/Technique Flashcards
An imaging artifact that results in the filling in of cystic structures due to lack of finite beam width
Volume Averaging
Approximately what percentage of women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer?
12.4% (1 in 8 women)
Average Speed of Sound in Breast Tissue
1450 m/sec
Axial Resolution is equal to:
1/2 the spatial pulse length of the transducer being used.
1.5D transducers permit focusing on which plane?
Elevation Plane
At what rate is high frequency ultrasound attenuated for soft tissues?
0.5 dB/cm/MHz
Best scanning technique when patient presents with nipple discharge
Convergent Scanning technique
Are benign breast lesions more easily compressible than malignant?
Do malignant lesions appear larger on elastogram than on grey scale image?
Best frequency for scanning breast ultrasound
10.0 MHz
What is system gain?
Determines the amount of amplification an echo receives prior to reaching our tv monitor
Vascular flow patterns most suspicious for Breast tumor malignancy
Mean flow velocities in the 25-40 cm/sec range on color flow Doppler
Extended field of view imaging results in:
Improved interrogation of the chest wall and pleura
Spatial resolution improves with:
Increasing transducer frequency
Annotate a Left breast mass located at 7:00, midway between the nipple and periphery in the mid breast.
L 7:00 2 B
Most popular breast scanning technique
Convergent technique
Why does the “Bayonet Sign” occur
The ultrasound system assumes the speed of sound in the tissues being examined is 1540 m/sec
Most significant reason why ultrasound should Not be used as a breast cancer screening tool
Ultrasound lacks the detail resolution of mammography
Harmonic Imaging eliminates many artifacts
Which imaging modality is an adaptation of the Fremitus technique
What does the TGC control do
Adjusts the strength of returning echoes based on the depth from which they originate
Most common method of breast cancer detection
Screening mammography
Optimal patient positioning when scanning a parasternal left breast lesion
Ultrasound contrast agents are typically made of encapsulated bubbles of what size?
5-7 microns
What is the benefit of Tissue Harmonic Imaging
Improved tissue contrast
Targeted breast ultrasound is indicated for:
Characterization of masses
Transducers in the 10-13.5 MHz range can resolve structures of what size?
0.2 mm or less
What size should stand-off pad thickness be?
1cm or less
Fat should always appear on ultrasound as what shade of gray
What kind of lesion exhibits similar peak systolic velocities and resistivity indices within the center of the mass and the periphery?
Benign lesions
Orthogonal planes are:
90 degrees to each other
What percent of lesion compressibility do carcinomas have?
Less than 15%
Zones 1, 2 and 3 of the breast describe:
Distance from the nipple
The infiltration zone is best visualized in the:
Coronal plane
Why does the “Bayonet sign” occur?
Because the difference in the speed of sound between breast tissue and the fluid within the cyst
What is the infiltrative zone?
Jagged infiltration directly surrounding tissues of a tumor
3D ultrasound enables:
Creation of a coronal plane
What can CEUS do?
Visualize the neovascularity of breast lesions
Advantage of color flow Doppler
Ability to assign a specific color to a given velocity
How many shades of gray are required for breast imaging in order to delineate the difference in tissue architecture present in solid lesions?
At least 256
What does the supine, contralateral posterior oblique position do?
It renders breast tissue as thin as possible
1.5D linear arrays permit dynamic electronic focusing in the slice thickness and image plane, which improves lateral resolution in the:
Near field
Visual inspection of the breast includes:
Skin retraction, dimpling or bulging
Breast ultrasound requires a transducer with:
10-13.5 MHz frequency, broad bandwidth, linear array, large field of view and dynamic focusing
________ resolution is equal to the beam diameter at any point on the ultrasound beam
R 6:00 SA represents:
Right Breast, 6:00, Subareolar
The artifact that occurs when sound does not travel in a straight line is called:
In silicone Breast implants, the speed of sound is approximately
1000 m/s
Limitation of power Doppler
Inability to provide information about blood flow direction
System power
Controls the intensity of the beam produced by the transducer. Should be high enough to penetrate the chest wall
Speed of sound in breast tissue due to fat
1450 m/s positioning echoes deeper than they actually are
Ducts would be best visualized when scanning:
A method of removing artifacts from the image by viewing the target area from multiple lines of sight is called:
Spatial compound imaging
The most important prognostic factor for breast cancer
Whether or not the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes
Should be done in combination with 2D digital breast mammography
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)
What kind of breast cancer treatment reduces radiation to the lungs
According to the ACR, ultrasound may be the preferred initial imaging treatment for:
Suspected failed breast implants
Power Doppler feature that is an advantage compared to color Doppler
It is angle independent
Synonyms to sonodense
Synonyms to sonolucent