Anatomy, Clinical Image Production & Evaluation Flashcards
It drains blood from the breast to the internal mammary vein
Circulus Venosus
They serve to lubricate the nipple and areola during lactation
Areolar Glands
Normal lymph nodes are typically wider than deep
This breast segment extends from the upper outer quadrant of the breast into the axilla
Axillary tail of Spence
The milk ejection reflex, contraction of the lactiferous ducts and uterine contraction are processes due to what hormone?
The mammary zone is the most frequent site of breast disease
What condition is thought to be the primary cause of gynecomastia
High concentration of estrogen
The most important route for lymphatic drainage of the breast is:
To the axillary nodes via the posterior intercostal nodes
The post menopausal breast is composed primarily of which type of tissue?
Intramammary lymphatic drainage pathways converge at an area located beneath the nipple known as the:
Plexus of Sappey
It contains a large number of Cooper’s ligaments
The subcutaneous layer of the breast
The internal mammary chain of lymph nodes drains approximately what percent of the breast’s lymph?
Breast Sonography is referred to as hyper/hypoechoic in relationship to what structure?
Fatty degeneration of the solid content in the alveoli when lactation begins
Hyperechoic, horizontal band that separates the pectoral muscles from the overlying glandular and fatty tissue
Deep fascia of the breast
The principal source of blood to the breast is
The Internal Mammary Artery
The Ampullae of the lactiferus ducts serve what purpose?
Store quantities of milk prior to nursing
Stromal Elements of the breast
Loose connective tissue, fat and skin
Approximately how many lobes does each breast contain?
Located between the superficial and retromammary layer
Mammary zone
The basic functional component of the human breast
The terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU)
Sometimes visible with high frequency US transducers, what could be seen if following ducts from the nipple back to their origin where small hypoechoic spaces may be identified
During the 4th week of gestation, the breasts initially develop from the:
Contains sebaceous areolar glands called the glands of Montgomery
The Areola
The lymph nodes located medially along the inner aspect of the breast behind the sternum are called:
Internal mammary nodes
Each TDLU consists of an extra lobular terminal duct and a lobule
The most significant difference between the normal and pathological lymph node is:
The presence of an echogenic central hilum
Signs of pathological lymph nodes:
Cortical hypertrophy
Partial/complete loss of central hilum
Rounding of the node
Cortical flow
An extremely dense breast on a mammogram is challenging for the Rad because:
Fibrous tissue masks possible lesions
A liquid similar to colostrum, which is secreted by the newborn
Witch’s Milk
What hormone is secreted by the Anterior pituitary gland?
What hormone is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland?
Women with extremely dense breast tissue on mammogram have an increased risk of cancer
Milk travels through the ducts commencing with the basic functional unit into?
TDLU, segmental ducts, major subareolar ducts, ampulla, nipple
Regarding duct ecstasia, Ultrasound may demonstrate ducts as anechoic or with fine internal echoes
Approximate increase in breast cancer detection when US is used as a supplemental screening tool for women with dense breasts
The glands of Montgomery thicken the:
Fat lobules in the subcutaneous layer are larger than the lobules in the retromammary layer
Also known as interpectoral nodes, they lay between the pectoralis minor and major muscles
Rotter’s nodes
A postmenopausal patient, not on HRT would most likely have which type of breast tissue
Fatty breast tissue
Male breast cancer risk factors:
Advanced age
Radiation exposure to the chest at a young age
Occupational heat exposure
Treatment for prostate cancer w/ estrogen-based hormones leading to hyperestrogenism
Fam history of br ca in first degree relative
BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation
If a patient is undergoing HRT, the involution process is:
Blood is supplied to the medial breast via the:
Perforating arteries
The target zone in the TDLU is the site of what percentage of precancerous epithelial proliferations?
In a non-lactating patient, ducts should not exceed____ in size
The male breast contains no coopers ligaments
Approximately what % of women have mammographically dense breasts?
The mammary layer is located:
Between the superficial and deep layers of the superficial pectoral fascia
According to the BI-RADS Lexicon description of breast composition, describe breast composition category C
The breasts are heterogeneously dense
What is the screening recommendation for transgender women aged 50 or older
When the patient is receiving hormone treatment for more than 5 years
The most common benign male breast mass:
Milk is produced when prolactin levels are ____ and Estrogen/Progesterone levels are ____
High, Low
Stromal element of the breast
The anastomotic circle of venous drainage around the base of the nipple is aka
Circulus Venosus
Most common reason to image the male breast
Asymmetry or enlargement
Which week of gestation does the mammary bud become evident
5th week
Parenchymal element of the breast
The junction of the intra (ITD) and extralobular terminal duct (ETD) labeled T is known as the:
Target Zone
The male breast lacks
Acini, lobules and coopers ligaments
Parenchymal elements of the breast
Lobules, lobes, ducts and acini
Stromal elements of the breast
Skin, loose connective tissue and fat