Additional Flashcards
Most breast cancers are diagnosed after the age of:
Invasive breast Lesions
Invasive Ductal carcinoma
Paget’s disease of the nipple
Invasive lobular carcinoma
Metaplastic carcinoma
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Inflammatory breast carcinoma
Malignant Phyllodes tumor
Metastatic breast carcinoma
5 sub types of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma NOS
Medullary carcinoma
Mucinous (or Colloid) Carcinoma
Tubular carcinoma
Papillary carcinoma
Medullary Carcinoma:
Is more common in Japanese and black patients
More common in younger women than elderly
Often confused with fibroadenoma
Grows quickly
Invasive Ductal carcinoma NOS
Makes up the largest group at 65-75% of all invasive mammary carcinomas
Worst prognosis of the invasive carcinomas
More common in older women
Mucinous (Colloid) carcinoma
Formed by mucous producing cancer cells
More common in older women
Slow growing
Display posterior acoustic enhancement
Tubular carcinoma
occurs in median age patients. Between 44-49 years
Associated with foci of DCIS
Multifocal disease if common
Papillary carcinoma
May be invasive or noninvasive
Slow growing
Appear in older patients 63-67
Bloody nipple discharge is the most common symptom
Most commonly found in the subareolar region
Paget’s disease of the nipple
Originating as DCIS
Limited to the nipple/areola
Symptoms include: pain, itchiness, scaling, erythema, bloody discharge
Invasive lobular carcinoma
2nd most common type of invasive tumor
Cells infiltrate in a uniform linear arrangement
May be bilateral or unilateral
Metaplastic carcinoma
Contains glandular and nonglandular patterns
Poor prognosis
Heterogeneous, hypoechoic, can contain complex cystic and solid components
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Excellent prognosis
Uncommon for Mets or axillary node involvement
Inflammatory breast carcinoma
Poor prognosis
Grows and spreads rapidly
(Die within 2 years)
Symptoms similar to mastitis
Peau d’orange
Dilated subdermal lymphatics
Malignant Phyllodes tumor
25% of Phyllodes become malignant
Size greater than 3cm
Mixed echo texture with cystic spaces
Present in older patients
More prone to spread to the lungs, liver and other distant locations
B cell origin( Non-Hodgkin lymphoma)
Burkitt’s Lymphoma (more common) found in pregnant or lactating women. Poor prognosis
Breast cancer most frequently spreads by:
Hematogenous route
Estrogen stimulates changes of the
Stromal tissues
Progesterone stimulates growth of the
Glandular tissues