Breast And Endocrine Flashcards
Chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
Urinary VMA or plasma metenephrines
Papillary carcinoma
Thyroglobulin , ,metasataises to lymph nodes
Common in radiographers, non encapsulated tumor with papillary projection and pale empty nuclei
Benign non functioning adenoma
Lipid rich core
Intraductal papiloma
Common cause of blood stained discharge
Waters on-friedschich
Adrenal gland failure due to severe hypovaelamia
Autoimmune thyroiditis
Lymphoma (cd20)
Increases risk of endometrial cancer
Postmenopuals ladies with breast cancer
Invasive distal carcinoma
Treatment of hypercalcemis
Intravenous crstalloid
Pagers diseases
Affects the nipple
De Quervians tenosynovitus
Viral infection, hyperthyroidism, raised ESR and reduced uptake on scan
Follicular thyroid cancer
Metastasise to bone
Radiotherapy after
Breast conserving therapy
What is the most import at prognostic factor in breast cancer
Nodal status
Medullary breast cancer
Marked lymphocytic infiltration