Breast Flashcards
Best Method for thorough breast evaluation
vertical strip method
vertical strip method
palpate in small concentric circles in a verticle manner
gently stroking the einner thigh will cause the testicle on the ipsilateral side
Cremasteric reflex
when is the cremasteric reflex frequently absent?
testicular torsion
mass detected in scrotum to help determine etiology we use________________. Solid masses vs fluid filled.
Scrotal transillumination. Liquid filled masses will transilluminate but not solid masses
what will help widen the anal sphincter during rectal exam?
patient to bear down
prostate gland should feel
bilobed, symmetric and have a midline grove called the median sulcus
reffered from renal colic or appendicitis or from any disease of the testis or epididymis
testicular pain
may result from hydronephrosis of the kidney, distension of the bladder or ureter or may be reffered pain from testicle or labia
flank pain
salpingo-oophoritis, cystitis, complication of pregnancy, hernis, ovarian torsion, tubo-ovarian abscess
low pelvic pain
increased amounts of voided urine
difficulty in initiating a stream
urine hesitancy
where is the posterior fornyx palpated
adjacent to the pouch of Douglas
more than 12 weeks pregnant
evaluate for fetal heart tones