Breast Flashcards
learn this shit
characteristics of referred mastalgia
- Exacerbated by exercise
- Unilateral
- Chest wall tenderness
- Pain is very lateral/ medial in the breast
- Can be reproduced by pressure in area of chest wall
treatment of referred mastalgia
- Reassurance
- Topical NSAIDS
- Last resort steroids or local anesthetic
characteristics of true breast pain
- Worse before onset of menstruation
- Exacerbated by hormones
treatment of true breast pain
- Reassurance
- Well fitted bra
- Low fat diet (increased hormones)
- Tamoxifen
- Mammogram
- USS for any women with focal breast pain
possible causes of referred breast pain
- Intercostobrachial nerve to inner aspect of arm
- T3-T5 nerve irritation
Chronic Breast Pain from Surgery: Neuropathic pain from scar tissue, intercostobrachial neuralgia - Gabapentin - Amitriptyline - Pregabalin - Electrical current
theories for true breast pain
- Too much estrogen/ prolactin
- Not enough progesterone
- Increased receptor sensitivity in breast tissue/ abnormal fatty acids
(more sensitive to effects of estrogen) - High caffeine intake? (overstimulation of breast cells by methylxathines)
stages of breast life
cyclical activity
what is ANDI
aberration of normal development and involution
normal breast development
- Breast tissue is identical until puberty in males and females
- Growth begins at 10
- Initially asymmetrical
- No biopsy at young age damage to breast bud
- Lobules and ducts and glandular tissue are supported by fibrous tissue and stroma
aberration in breast development stage
Juvenile hypertrophy
cyclical activity
- Normal hormonal changes cause localized benign nodularity
- Common reason for referral as ‘lump’
- Peak age 30-40
- Old terms: fibroadenosis/ fibrocystic disease
- Pregnancy results in doubling of breast mass
- Breast involutes after pregnancy
Breast stroma is replaced by fat so breast is less radiodense, softer and more droopy
- what type of abberation
- clinical features
highly mobile
rubber lump
management of a patient with fibroadenoma who is <25
management of a patient with fibroadenoma who is 25-35
core biopsy and discharge if biopsy is benign
management of a patient with fibroadenoma who is 35
core biopsy and excise
what must you be precautious about with fibroadenomas
phyllodes tumour: Tumor of stroma, epithelium lining cells of glands in breast- can be malignant
- Histology
- Rapid growth
- > 3cm
juvenile hypertrophy management
investigations only needed if there is sexual maturation
breast reduction if it causes pain and discomfort
lobular cyst
- what type of aberration
- clinical features
smooth, discrete lump
management of lobular cyst
aspirate FNA
send fluid for cytology if theres blood or residual lump
what is duct ectasia
dilated shortened ducts in involution that become blocked
clinical features of duct ectasia
nipple discharge and inversion
management if duct ectasia
surgery only if symptomatic discharge or want the nippled everted
nipple inversion vs retraction
inversion is benign and reversible
retraction is malignant and irreversible and asymmetrical
fluid distribution in the body
1/3 extracellular
2/3 intracellular