Breast Flashcards
What are the NICE guidelines for the 2 week wait referral for breast lumps?
Any unexplained lump in the breast or axilla of a patient aged 30 or above
Unilateral nipple changes in patients aged 50 or above
Skin changes which are suggestive of cancer
What are the common causes of fat necrosis?
Localised trauma, radiotherapy, surgery
What is a galactocele?
Milk filled cysts which occur when the lactiferous duct is blocked, preventing the gland from draining milk
What is the fancy name for breast pain?
How can cyclical breast pain be diagnosed?
Breast pain diary
What is galactorrhoea?
Breast milk production which is not associated with pregnancy or breast feeding
Which class of drugs can cause galactorrhoea?
Dopamine antagonists (i.e. antipsychotic medication) because dopamine supresses the release of prolactin
Which drugs can be used to suppress prolactin secretion?
bromocriptine or cabergoline
What are the common causes of hyperprolactineamia?
Endocrine disorders such as hypothyroidism and PCOS
Which visual defect can prolactinomas cause?
Bitemporal heminopia
What are the common causes for gynaeomastia?
Obesity Testicular cancer (leydig tumor) Liver cirrhosis/ failure Hyperthyroidism HCG secreting tumour (SC lung cancer) kleinfelter sydrome drugs
Why can spirolactone cause gynaecomastia?
Inhibits testosterone production and blocks testosterone receptors
What are the management options for gynaecomastia?
Treat underlying conditions
What is the presentation of duct ectasia?
intermittent discharge from the nipple which may be white, green or grey
Tenderness or pain
What can be found on a mammogram in duct ecstasia?