Break with Rome Flashcards
What are some examples of Henry being a devout Catholic?
- He wrote a lengthy book, called In Defence of the Seven Sacraments. In this book he expressed support for Roman Catholicism.
- This earnt him the title ‘Defender of the Faith’
What were the Roman Catholic beliefs?
- Pope was head of the Church.
- Purpose of church was to deliver 7 sacraments.
- Believe in transubstantiation.
- Church services were in Latin.
- Could pray for the dead and buy indulgences.
- Images were worshipped.
- Complete pilgrimage.
- Priests wore ornate clothing.
What are some Protestant beliefs?
- No pope, monarchs lead.
- Church was to preach God’s word. 3 sacraments.
- No transubstantiation.
- Services should be in English.
- Praying for the souls of the dead was seen as a waste of time. Indulgences were corrupt.
- Images and statues were superstitious.
- Pilgrimages were seen as a waste of time.
- Priests were ordinary clothes.
Why did he break from Rome?
- His main concern by 1529, was to divorce Catherine of Aragon. He thought that she couldn’t provide a son.
- He fell in love with Anne Boleyn.
- Pope Clement VII was under the control of Charles V and was unwilling to gain an annulment.
How did the rising popularity of Protestantism lead to Henry’s campaign to break from Rome?
- Important people in his life were Protestant. Anne, Cranmer and Cromwell.
- William Tyndale published ‘Obedience of the Christian Man’ by 1528. He argued that God had always intended for churches to be ruled by kings. Was banned in England but Anne gave it to Henry.
- He was not a Protestant at heart- criticised ML in DoSS.
How did increasing anti-clericalism lead to Henry’s campaign to break from Rome?
A small minority of ordinary people were displeased by the church.
1. Richard Hunne: His son died in 1511. After refusing to pay the high funeral fees , he was arrested on charges of owning Protestant literature. Later he was found dead in his cell. Was claimed to be suicide. However, most people took pride in the church.
What was the Act of Restraint of Appeals 1533?
- People could not appeal to the Pope to overturn rulings on the church
- Declared that ‘This realm of England is an Empire’ so the Pope had no right to interfere
- Shut the Pope out of english affairs
What was the Act of Succession, 1534?
- Marriage to Catherine was declared as invalid.
- Only children from Anne could inherit the throne.
- Catherine’s daughter (Mary) was declared illegitimate.
Why was the Act of Succession significant?
- Changed the order of succession.
- Established Anne’s position as queen by law.
- Henry had now completely rejected the authority of Rome to decide whether he could remarry.
What was the Act of Supremacy, 1534?
- Formal acknowledgment that England was no longer under the pope’s control. He was the head of the church.
- Henry could now decide how the Church was organised.
- Central beliefs of the English Church.
- Who would appointed to the key positions in the church.
What was the significance of the Act of Supremacy?
1. The pope did have the final decision in the appointment of senior members. By tradition, he generally agreed with the King.
2. The basic teachings of the Church were so well established, so Rome did not tell English Church what to believe.
What was the Treason Act?
- He realised that the 1532 Treason Act, did not have enough detail. It was not useful for punishing those who spoke out against the divorce.
- 1534 one, promised death to anyone denying the royal supremacy. No evidence was needed.
What was the Oath of Succession?
- Required to take an oath supporting Anne Boleyn as the queen.
- Refusal would mean punishment as a traitor.
- All political and religious leaders were required to take this oath.