Brain Plasticity and functional recovery of the brain Flashcards
what is neural plasticity
ability of the brain to change and adapt its structures and processes as a result of development, experience and new learning
what did Maguire et al. (2000) find when studying neural plasticity?
significantly more volume of grey matter in the posterior hippocampus in london taxi drivers than a control group.
how does maguire (2000) study support neural plasticity?
showed that brain structure changed as a result of learning experience (‘the Knowledge’ test)
who studied medical students to study plasticity?
Draganski et al. (2006)
what did Draganski (2006) find?
learning induced changes - @ posterior hippocampus and the pareital cortex
what practical application does plasticity have?
contriubted to the field of neurorehabilitation
what does neurorehabilitation do?
counters defecits to cognitive functioning experienced following a stroke
what are 2 potential negative consequences of nerural plasticity?
- phantom limb syndrome (60–80% amputees xp)
- prolonged drug use (poorer cognitive functioning)
what is functional recovery of the brain after trauma?
healthy brain areas take over functions of areas damaged
how is the brain able to rewire and reorganise itself?
- forms new synapatic connections close to the area of damage
- secondary neural pathways (not typically used for certain functions) are activated or ‘unmasked’ - so functioning can continue
name 3 structural changes
- axonal sprouting
- reformation blood vessels
- recruitment of homologous areas on opposite side
what is axonal sprouting?
- growth - new nerve endings
- connect - other undamaged cells
- form - new neuronal pathways