Brain organization Flashcards
What are the differences between somatic and special senses?
Somatic has receptors spread around the body while special are all in the head, somatic sends information to the brain via spinal cord while special sends directly.
What is the route that somatic sensory information goes through in the brain?
From spinal cord it goes to brain stem (that is medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain) and then to diencephalon (hypothalamus and thalamus) then to primary somatic cortex.
A collection of axons is called:
nerve in the PNS and tract in CNS
What information does each type of nerve fibers transmit?
Aα : Proprioception
Aβ: Touch, pressure
Aγ : motor to muscle spindles
Aδ : Pain cold touch
C: pain, temperature
phasic adaption is the same as
How do pacinian corpuscles feel touch?
As deformed area are depolarized when sense touch and cause receptor potential, if it reaches threshold action potential is generated and propagated, which can be in higher frequency if the force is of higher intensity
Ventral part of spinal cord normally deals with
motor functions
Dorsal (posterior) part of spinal cord normally deals with
What information is conveyed by the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway?
Fine touch, vibration, proprioception
When does the information travel to the opposite side in the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway?
Where is the primary, secondary and tertiary neuron in the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway ?
Dorsal root ganglia, medulla (before crossing to other side) and thalamus
Where does the information travel to the opposite side in the anterolateral pathway?
Immediately after it enters the spinal cord
What information is conveyed by the anterolateral system?
Temperature, crude touch and pain
If an injury occurs in the left part of the spinal cord, which side will loose its sensation of pain?
Right, as it is transmited by anterolateral system that travels in the opposite side of the spinal cord
If an injury occurs in the left part of the spinal cord, which side will loose its sensation of vibration?
Left, as it is transmitted by the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway
Dorsal is the same as
What are the main differences between the Posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway and the anterolateral system regarding information, speed of conduction, type of fibers and when they cross to the opposite side of the body?
Posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway conveys light touch, vibration and proprioreception, are faster thus have A myelinated large fibers and cross to the opposite side in the medulla. While the anterolateral pathway conveys temperature, pain, crude touch, are slow type C and A delta fibers and cross to the opposite side immediately after it enters the spinal cord.
What are the two parts of the dorsal root?
Fasciculus cuneatus and gracilus
In the dorsal root, what does each fasciculus transmit?
cuneatus that is on the outside part, transmits information from upper body, and gracilus that is in the middle transmits info from lower body
How is the organization of nerves in the anterolateral system?
Upper parts of the body are on the most inside part of the cord
Fast pain is caused by
mechanical and thermal receptors
slow pain is caused by
mechanical, thermal and chemical receptors
Pre central gyrus is also
Motor cortex
Post central gyrus is also
Primary Sensory cortex
What are the main 4 lobes?
Frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal (right behind sylvian fissure)