Brain Areas Flashcards
Cerebellar Areas
Palleocerebellum: Anterior Lobules (1-5): Connects to sensorimotor cortices
Neocerebellum: Posterior Lobules (6-9/10): Connects to sensorimotor and association cortices
Floculonodular: Vestibuloccular reflex
Ventral PFC
Reward-based reversal learning. Cools&Robbins 2001.
Orbitofrontal cotex
Coding of reward magnitude, and relative reward preference.
O’Doherty and Andrews 2001. Tremblay & Schultz 1999
Integration of reward, motor and goal-relevant info. Task switching. Holroyd and Coles 2002
Posterior Parietal Cortex
Sensory integration to help with planning movements. Damage produces spatial and memory deficits
Voluntary eye movements. Damage causes deviation towards side of damage (and contra paralysis).
Pain Processing. Connections to Amygdala and ACC and hippo. And PFC in (dlPFC for primates).
Attention and Arousal. Electrical Stim can cause seizures and severe damage can cause mutism**
PFN (paper as well) and projections
Brown and Ragozzino 2010: PFN required for a shift away from biased actions. Lesions here show decreased ACh release in DM striatum and rats become perserverative.
End point for the dorsal stream. Connected with much of neocrotex and caudate head of BG. Motor planning organization and regulation. Areas 46 and 9.