Brain And The Body Flashcards
How much the does human brain weight
Does brain mass effect intelligence
It does not as humans have a greater brain weight to body weight
How has the brain size changed over the years
It has increased however the size is restricted but the size of the birth canal
How is the brain divided
It is divided into 2 hemispheres connected by the corpus collosum which has 200 neurons cross between
Where does connections between neurons take place
Grey matter
Where does the execution of motor action take place
What is the Pons involved
Sleep and arousal
what is medulla involved in
reflexive actions
what are the 3 sensory regions in the lobe
motor cortex
sensory cortx
olfactory cortex
where does language take place in the brain
parietal and temporal lobes
what is a neuron
electrically excitable cells that communicate with other cells through synapse
what are the components of a neuron
soma - holds organelles
axon termina;
how is electrical activity conducted in neuron
outside of cell is sodium and inside is potassium, potassium-sodium takes in 2 K for 3 NA making cell negative creating -65mv resting potential. when NT bind to receptors ion channels convert chemical to electrical signals. sodium channels open causing flood of NA changing the resting potential when it hits threshold of -55mv it triggers action potential called depolarization. if there is a positive charge influx causes EPSP but if chloride flood it makes it harder as it causes IPSP. when action potential is triggered sodium channels open leading to rapid depolarization and when cell his 40mv the NA channels become inactive and K channels open leading to hyperpolarization
What happens at the synapse
synaptic transmission
what are the 2 kinds of NT
Excitatory NT - allow soidum to flow into post neuron
Inhibitory NT - allow for chloride to flow into post neuron