Brain and Behavior Week 2 Flashcards
Cerebellum: functions (3)
Balance and stability; coordination of movement; cognition and learning
Cerebrocerebellum: deep nuclei
Cerebrocerebellum: cerebellar region
Lateral hemispheres
Spinocerebellum: cerebellar region
Paravermis, vermis
Spinocerebellum: deep nuclei
Interposed (paravermis), fastigial (vermis)
Vestibulocerebellum: deep nuclei
Vestibular n.
Vestibulocerebellum: cerebellar hemisphere
Flocculonodular lobe
Cerebrocerebellum: inputs
cortical afferents (pontine)
Cerebrocerebellum: outputs
motor, premotor cortex
Spinocerebellum: inputs
spinal afferents (P-distal, V-axial); facial, visual, auditory, vestibular inputs (V)
Spinocerebellum: outputs
lateral (P) / medial (V) descending systems
Vestibulocerebellum: inputs
vestibular labryinth
Vestibulocerebellum (outputs)
vestibulocpinal, MLF
Symptoms of cerebellar dysfunction
cerebellar ataxia (lack of accuracy or coordination of movement not due to other causes)
Ataxic gait
Wide-based, lurching/staggering gait; Steps are short, unequal in length and irregular; arms don’t swing synchronously w/opposite leg; speed of gait is reduced