Brain Anatomy and Function Unit Flashcards
Where is the frontal lobe located and what is its basic function?
The front of the brain spanning through each cerebral hemisphere.
Its main functions include behaviors/personality, problem solving, organization, attention.
Where is the occipital lobe located and what is its basic function?
It is located at the back of the skull, under the parietal lobe.
Its main function is visual processing of the data from the eyes.
Where is the parietal lobe located and what is its basic function?
It is located at the back, top of the skull behind the frontal lobe. It spans through the two hemispheres.
Its main function is language; reading and writing, spatial and directional awareness, and mathematics. It also is responsible for sensory interpretation.
Where is the temporal lobe located and what is its basic function?
It is located under the frontal lobe, spanning across both cerebral hemispheres.
It is responsible for the majority of auditory processing, as well as emotions and memory.
Where is the cerebellum located and what is its function?
Located under the occipital lobe.
It is responsible for movement, ranging from fine motor skills to coordination and balance.
What are the 4 main divisions of the cerebral cortex?
The frontal, temporal, occipital, and parietal lobes of the brain. These areas compose the largest portion of the brain and are responsible for higher-order functions such as thought and movement.
What is the function of the brain stem?
The brain stem connects the spinal cord to the brain (cerebellum) and it controls involuntary movements such as breathing, heart-rate, bowel control, body temperature, and more.
What is a neuron? What are the major parts?
A neuron is a type of cell in the body responsible for transporting electrical signals/”messages” throughout the body/brain.
It is composed of the cell body (processing), the dendrites (where the electric signal is taken in), the axons (where the electric signal is passed on to the next neuron), and the synapse or axon terminal (the small space between neurons where the electric signal is actually passed on).
What is conception, biologically speaking.
It is the moment when an egg and a sperm unite.
What is the term “pruning” as it applies to the brain?
It is the brain’s natural process of removing neurons/synaptic connections that are not used frequently, to strengthen stronger neural connections.
Define the term “hard-wired” as it applies to the brain.
Connections that are already made in the brain and no not need to be reinforced through increased use of that pathway.
Define Stimuli.
Information received from one of the 5 senses.
Define “critical period” as it applies to brain development.
A point in brain development in which a certain part of development/growth is occurring rapidly and needs intense stimulation in that area to develop properly and fully.
Define “brain wiring”.
The process of stimulating the brain in which neural pathways/synaptic connections are made and/or strengthened.
The idea is that at birth/near birth all the neurons one will have in their lifetime are present, but throughout life connections between the neurons will be made and will increase/create aptitude in different areas, depending on where the greatest “wiring” is.
Where is the amygdala located and what is its function?
The amygdala is a part of the limbic system, composed of two amygdale, one of each side of the brain.
It is primarily responsible for ones emotional life (anger, sexuality, happy, sad, etc.), as well as survival instincts.
What is the Limbic System?
The limbic system is composed of a complex group of structures just beneath the cerebrum and thalamus.
It has a lot to do with the formation of memories, as well as the emotional life.
What is the function of the hippocampus?
The hippocampus is a part of the limbic system, with its main function pertaining to memory.
It also is responsible for converting new memories into long-lasting ones.
What is the function of the corpus callosum and where is it located?
The corpus callosum is located in the center of the brain and is responsible for connecting the two hemispheres of the brain by a bundle of fibres.
It is where communication takes place between the two sides of the brain.