Brachial plexus Flashcards
What is the order of the brachial plexus from vertebrae to the axilla?
Roots >> Trunks (3) >> Divisions >> (6) >> Cords (3)
What nerves makeup the brachial plexus?
C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
What nerves make up the upper, middle and lower trunks?
C5+C6 = upper C7 = middle C8+T1 = lower
What divisions make up the cords?
Anterior div of Upper trunk (C5+C6) + Anterior div of Middle trunk (C7) makes up the Lateral Cord
Posterior division of Upper trunk, Middle trunk, and lower trunk (C8+T1) makes up the Posterior Cord
Anterior div of Lower trunk makes up the Medial cord
What nerve comes off the C5 root?
Which muscles are innervated by this nerve?
Dorsal scapular n.
Rhomboids and Levator Scapulae
The ___ nerve is a combination of branches from C5, C6 and C7 roots
What muscle does it innervate?
Long thoracic nerve
Serratus anterior
Name one of the 2 nerve(s) that come off the Upper Trunk
It innervates the ___ and ___ muscles of the scapula.
Suprascapular n.
Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus
The nerve to ___ comes off the Upper trunk
Subclavius m.
Which nerve(s) branches off the Lateral cord? (hint: L pect + M)
Lateral pectoral n. and Musculocutaneous n.
Name the nerves that branch off the Posterior Cord (hint: ULTRA w/ 2 subscapulars)
Upper subscapular n
Lower subscapular n
Thoracodorsal n (between Upper and Lower subscapular ns.)
Radial n
Axillary n
What nerve is the terminal branch of the posterior cord?
Radial nerve
What is the first nerve that comes off of the MediaL cord?
MediaL pectoral n
The ___ ___ n of the arm and ___ ___ n of the forearm come off the medial cord
Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm
Medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm
State the nerve that is the terminal branch of the medial cord
Ulnar n
Altogether, what are the nerves that come off the Medial cord? (hint: Ulnar takes 2 many Meds for her cut arms and pect)
Ulnar n
Medial cutaneous n of the forearm
Medial cutaneous n of the arm
Medial pectoral nerve