BQ Practice Qs - 1a Flashcards
Heirs of Siemens AG “called for a return to calm” to the Siemens supervisory board, after Josef Ackermann announced his resignation over what disagreement? 16-Sep B1 Siemens’s Heirs Ask For Calm At the Top
The Firing of the former Chief Executive, Peter Loscher, for repeatedly missing profit margins.
Presidents Obama’s first choice pick to replace Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve Chairman withdrew himself from consideration. What is pick’s last name, and list one reason for why did he withdrew?
Summers. That further consideration would be “Acrimonious” or “world not serve the Federal Reserve”, or “world not serve the Administration” or ultimately “the interests of the nations ongoing economic recovery”
Kids in sports need to know about a highly vulnerable area between the first and seventh vertebrae that protects the spinal cord connecting the brain to the body. What is this area called?
The Cervical Spine.
Among the companies and factions that Detroit’s emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, is negotiating with are the bond insurers going to play an active or passive role, and what do they hope to accomplish with this?
Active role. They need to recover the maximum possible from the debtor in order to pay out on their insurance of bonds.
Jana Partners LLC acquired 6.2% of a company and requested that the company sell off it’s less profitable areas and return more capital to investors. In reaction, that company implemented it’s “poison pill” aka “shareholder rights plan”. What is this company and did it’s stock go up or down on the news?
Safeway. It went up, about 10.5%
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co is preparing to pay at least $800 Million in fines related to the “London whale” trading fiasco, but they hit a snag in negotiations with the CFTC over weather J.P. Morgan would admit to what?
Manipulation. Manipulation of a market index tied to corporate bonds.
Merely observing what hurts bystanders performance in terms of both routine and creative tasks, as well as making customers want to go elsewhere?
The market rallied based on the Federal Reserves decision to not wind down it’s bond buying program this month. How much stimulus a month does the Fed provide?
$85 billion.
Chancellor Anglea Merkel won a third term despite better than expected showing by upstart party that want to break up the Euro. What is the name of this upstart?
the Alternative for Germany
Chocolate prices are set to soar as demand increases, primarily for dark chocolate, and supply contracts. Demand is expected to increase as markets recover, but why is supply contracting?
Dry weather, or expected dry weather in west Arica.
Fiat Chief Executive and Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne is in a difficult position in negotiations with UAW health-care-trust. What is the nature of this difficult situation?
Fiat wants to buy Chrysler cheaply, the UAW wants to sell high, and Marchionne is supposed to represent both.
Among the possible candidates for the chairman of the Federal Reserve, besides Mr. Summers, who was also a former Treasury secretary?
Timothy Geithner
What is difference of board structure between German and American companies?
German companies have a two-tier board structure while American companies have only one-tier board structure which is the board of directors .
Which company will Repsol sell the liquefled-natural-gas business to?
The Royal Dutch Shell
What kind of compnay is SunCal?
One of the largest land developers in the western U.S.
Who pulled out of the context for the chairman of the Federal Reserve?
Lawence Summers
What is advantage of Tesla regarding the costs of its battery compared with that of GM and Nissan?
Its battery costs are half or even a quarter of the price of the industry average.
What is the rank of LPL among the brokerages in the U.S.?
LPL is the fourth-largest brokerage in the U.S.
Who is the Chinese leader known for opening China’s economy to the outside world after years of isolation?
Deng Xiaoping
Who is the front-runner for the Fed nomination?
Janet Yellen
Which quarter did the BlackBerry suffer $84 million loss this year?
The quarter that ended June 1
Who is the third-largest institutional shareholder?
The Black-Rock Inc
Which state is the biggest cotton producing state in U.S.?
Which company agreed to pay $920 million fine in the “London whale” trading fiasco?
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
What kind of Treasury bill has less demand from investors that it really did?
The three-month bill
How did a slow down in prescription -drug price gains happen?
It was largely due to wider availability of inexpensive generics.
How many minutes does the article suggest us to spend for dinner?
20 minutes
How does Amplify work?
It allows Twitter to sell ads together with television and other media companies.
How do the Chinese Banks respond to the new rules issued by regulators in March
Banks are converting some trust loans into regular on-balance-sheet assets.
How can an IPO further delay Mr. Marchionne’s plans to combine Chrysler and Fiat?
By fracturing Chrysler’s ownership structure and diluting Fiat’s control.
Why companies seldom default in China ?
Because banks or the government will step in to cover potential losses if a firm gets into trouble.
Larry Summers recently exited from the Fed Race. In particular, critics seized on Mr. Summers’s reputation for abrasiveness, his closeness to Wall Street and what?
accusations that he was hostile to women
Eike Bastita, a famous Brazilian entrepreneur, gave all his companies three-letter names ending in the letter X, to represent what?
the multiplication of wealth
There have recently been debates about what sorts of activites banks should be allowed to partake in. What act allows banks to trade physical commodities, subject to Fed approval but it is unclear on whether they can store and transport materials?
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999
Since 1913, the men in Eric Everett’s family have worked for Alcoa Inc., the firm that built their town. Just recently, why did the Dow Jones Industrial drop Alocoa from its stock index, the DJIA?
company’s falling stock price as well as its dwindling influence
For years, international companies wanting to set up in Myanmar were stifled by Western sanctions or rebuffed by the country’s military government. Now, as the country opens up, global corporations are finding a new hurdle. What is it?
real-estate prices.
Apple recently released the new iPhone 5S. What is the name of the fingerprint reader that is exclusive to the 5S?
Touch ID
Airports have been spending heavily on public art over the past 10 years, thanks to a heavy focus on turning what historically have been nondescript atriums of stress into interesting rest stops catering to upscale clientele. Which United States airport has been hailed as a “model of public art”?
Denver International Airport
Dr. Perlmutter, a retired immunologist, was hired by MIrk to reconstruct thier R&D department. His diagnosis: Merck’s science was excellent, but the organization had become so complex that many employees didn’t even know who had authority to make decisions. What were one of his solutions to the problems of the R&D department?
reduce complexity, make bigger bets on the most promising projects and scale back areas that have less potential
Greece began talks with international inspectors on Sunday that will set the stage for a third multibillion-euro bailout of the country. Officials in Athens say Greece is sticking to a critical commitment and is likely to secure a primary budget surplus – the surplus before taking into account debt payments – in 2013 for the first time in how long?
around a decade
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd., a Canadian insurance firm, signed a letter of intent with the BlackBerry board under which it could pay $9 a share in cash for the remianing stake in Blackberry it does not own. What percent of BlackBerry shares is this stake?
90 percent
Health insurance exchanges have been set up in America where people can shop for individual insurance plans and apply for subsidies toward the cost of premiums aimed toward the portion of the population who don�t currently have access to coverage through an employer or government program. About what percent of the the population is this?
About 46 million Americans
Shiite militiamen from across the Arab world are being trained by Iranian forces at a base near Tehran to do battle in Syria. What does this show?
It shows the widening role of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard Corps in Syria’s bloody war
Batista went from being the world’s seventh richest man worth around 30 billion to off the billioinaires list, largely impart to the stock shares of his six public companies plunging, some more than 90%. What was the cause of this?
His oil firm failed to produce much of the 10 billion barrels he had said were within its reach
Drug makers are latching onto a class of drugs that if successful, could be the first treatments to target breast and ovarian cancers tied to two specific genetic mutations. What are the names of the two mutations?
BRCA 1 and BRCA 2
According to Morningstar Inc., in the last 4 months investors have invested 5.3 billion into mutual funds that invest in the financial sector as well as what kind of funds?
Exchange-traded Funds
Certain European banks in struggling counties are trying to make their financial health look better by convincing their governments to change certain what?
Accounting-related rules
What was the first and last name of the alleged gunman who killed 12 people in the Washington Navyyard on September 16th?
Aaron Alexis
More than 2 million people develop infections every year and at least 23,000 die from these infections that are unique for what reason?
The infections are resistant to antibiotics
In the week of September 8th, the Dow Jones Industrial said it was dropping Alcoa from its list. This ended 54 years that Alcoa has been on the Dow. What were the 2 reasons for dropping it?
The Dow cited the company’s falling stock price and its dwindling influence as reason for dropping it from it’s list
The bankruptcy of the city of Detroit is the largest municipal bankruptcy on record. What is the amount of estimated liabilities?
$18 billion
The CEO of LPL Financial Holdings, Mark Casady, has recently implemented new policies to try and redeem LPL after a rough few years which included a $7.5 million fine levied on the firm this past May. What did regulators cite as the reason for the fine being imposed?
They cited “systematic faliures in its email system tied to mismanaged growth.
A new movement is occuring to help raise awareness of a very dangerous risk to young athletes, but one that is very little understood. What is the risk?
Injuries to the cervical spine, the very vulnerable area that protects the spinal cord connecting the brain to the body.
For the year 2012, what race/ethnicity had the highest median household income and what was the amount?
Asian, $68,182
With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, many companies are having to change the way they do insurance. Which giant company recently announced a plan to provide payments to eligible employees for the subsidized purchase of insurance starting in 2014?
Walgreen Co.
Microsoft has raised its dividend eight times since 2004, with the most recent boost being very significant. How big was the raise in the dividend?
22 percent
With the decision of the Fed to begin to end the bond buying program, currencies such as the Real and Rupee are being weakened. In places such as Brazil, the decline of the real has caused what?
A jump in airline fuel costs
What Texas utility company is currently at the center of the largest private-equity buyout ever and is moving closer and closer to a bankrupty filing?
Energy Future Holdings Corp.
The iPhone 5S includes new features such as fingerprint-recognition technology that unlocks the phone with a simple touch and includes what size of processor?
64-bit processor
The White House has been signaling since Summers has dropped out of the race, that Janet Yellen could be nominated to be the next head of the Federal Reserve. What position does she currently occupy?
Fed’s Vice Chairwoman
Six people died and over 30 were injured in a collision between a Train and a city transit bus. Where did this crash take place
Ottowa, ON Canada
What major company recently announced its plan to lay off around 40 percent of its work force from now until the end of the year due to shrinking sales?
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently proposed what information being required to be disclosed by companies?
The pay gap between chief executives and their employees in the company
The Fed’s decision to continue its easy money policy is brightening the future outlook for what area of investments?
Risky areas of the stock market, especially ones that would benefit from an improving global economy
What piece of artwork greets passangers and visitors in the Sacramento airport when arriving?
Lawrence Argent’s “Leap” which is an aluminum red rabbit jumping toward a granite suitcase
What problem is the government having with software at its insurance marketplaces as it relates to Healthcare?
The software can’t reliably determine how much people need to pay for coverage
A Texas Appeals Court reversed the conviction of former House Majority leader Tim DeLay. What was he convicted of?
Money laundering
What Independent film studio is raising a credit facility of around $370 million for ‘flexibility’, possible acquisitions, and for stronger financial footing as the company continues to recover?
Weinstein Co.
Electrolux plans to launch a variety of appliances in their Chinese market after many failed years. What was the flawed model that they had been using?
It was “to build factories to make cheap white boxes better than the Chinese.”
What is the name of the hedge fund manager of Discovery Capital Management LLC who has had an excellent year so far, up about 15 percent through August?
Robert Citrone
What is the Commodity Futures Trading Commission investigating J.P. Morgan for?
To see whether or not J.P. Morgan manipulated markets through its heavy trading in derivatives last year
Who claimed responsibility for the twin suicide attacks on a church in northwest Pakistan that killed at least 70 people?
A radical group linked to the Pakistan Taliban
What type of style is Janet Yellen, lead candidate to succeed Bernanke, likely to bring to the central bank?
A demanding and harder driving leadership style as opposed to Bernanke’s low key approach
In a last attempt to hang on to what little market share it has left, Blackberry has altered its plan for how to do business. What is it?
To make the company the biggest provider of systems to manage smartphone use for emplyers like the government and banks where security is key.
What Chinese tycoon is planning to build and entertainment center and film studio costing around $8 billion with the support of actors such as Leonardo DiCaprio?
Wang Jianlin
What change is leading to short supplies of cocoa and higher candy prices across the world?
Consumers developing more of a taste for Dark Chocolate
What is the only housing related stock that has out performed the S&P so far this year?
Home Depot
What is the name of the official at the center of the IRS targeting tea party groups investigation?
Lois Lerner
Why has Iran’s new President Hasan Rouhani been promoting reconciliation with the west?
Its an attempt to relieve Iran of the troubled economy due to strict economic sanctions
GM plans to buy back about $3.2 billion shares which caused Moody’s to boost their credit rating. Who owns the shares they are planning to buy back?
UAW Trust
As the surge in home loans is fading, many companies are being forced to lay off many workers in its mortgage business. What company recently had to lay off another 1000 workers from its mortgage business?
Citigroup Inc.
Under the proposal by Atari’s French parent, Atari will pay off their $3.8 million bankruptcy loan to what lender?
Alden Global Capital
What thing did Dr. Davies and other researchers find that causes an increase in children’s emotional security?
Couples having “constructive” marital conflict
Lawrence Summers recently pulled out of the race to succeed who as the chairman of the federal reserve
Ben Bernanke
As many economist believe there is a moderation in the housing market. One company, Hovnanian Enterprises Inc. blamed a 12.7% decline in new housing orders through July and August on what?
Higher home price and interest rates
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc, Clovis Oncology Inc, and Tesaro Inc. are among companies who have presented evidence of their drugs shrinking tumors related to what kind of cancers?
Breast and Ovarian cancer
Oil Major Reposol, who is looking to increase its investments in politically stable countries such as the United States is based in what city?
Madrid, Spain
Spain who has been suffering from a deep recession is trying to force the government to change their accounting policy in which way?
To transform potentially worthless tax assets into government guaranteed tax credits that would help banks’ capital positions
Pakistani General Sanaullah Niazi was killed by the Taliban. The General was killed in the Dir district by what?
A roadside bomb
J.P. Morgan Chase is close to resolving a trading fiascio in which they agree to pay $800 million in penalty. What did J.P. Morgan Chase do to suffer from such penalties?
Having deficient internal controls and disclosing incorrect information related to 2012 trades.
Nonprofit cancer foundations along with other patient groups are investing millions of dollars to build genetic databases. What are these databases designed to do?
Collect DNA and other information from patients with hard-to-treat diseases.
Recent studies have shown that when a new CEO is hired, often within the year the CFO will be fired. Multiple CFOs who have transitions to CEO have tips for survival as a CFO. They state that what is the number one key to survival?
There has been a new policy set for the Chief Executive of LPL Financial Holdings that states he must respond to emails from any of the firm’s 13,400 financial advisers, within what amount of time?
2 hours.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates as many as ______ spinal cord injures occur annually in the U.S.
The U.K. government has announced it will sell its 6% stake in Lloyds Banking Group, PLC. The government is doing this in order to go forward with the goal of what?
Returning bailed out banks to private hands
Approx. 160,000 employees of what company will be forced to shop for health coverage in private marketplaces ?
Microsoft boosted its quarterly dividend by 22% Many analyst believe this is an attempt to what?
Makeup for dissatisfaction with stock price
Retail sales of consol title video games in the United States have fallen precipitously for well over a year due to what?
More and more people play inexpensive games on their handheld and mobile devices
Some of the biggest names in finance are clashing over their holdings in what company?
Energy Future Holdings Corp.
Antonio Hort-Osori’s career was on the rocks with the Lloyds Banking Group 2 years ago due to what?
Him checking into a rehabilitation clinic due to suffering from exhaustion
What was it about the Navy shooter’s history that has raised many questions concerning national security?
The Navy reservist had a yearlong history of mental-health problems and run ins with the law
As the economic climate has been more uneven than expected, the federal reserve has decided to go forward with what program?
Easy-Money Program
A fight has broken out in Aleppa, Syria between what two groups
Al Qaeda and the Free Syrian Army
What subway system company that has already achieved 99.9% on time rate in Hong Kong is now looking to to take bids from Europe, Asia, and Australia
MTR Corp.
Dish Network and ABC have found themselves in court over a negotiations between Dish Network and what parent company to ABC?
Walt Disney
the SEC has been pushing to have companies publically display the salary gap between CEO’ and other employees. The SEC says they are going forward with this because ______ told them to
According to a recent survey, what percent of executives an employees argues with a co-worker at least once a month
What is the problem with the insurance marketplaces software created by the federal health overhaul are creating that has them worried 2 weeks before launch
They can’t reliably determine how much people need to pay for college
Egyptian police officers are searching for more than 140 suspects in Kerdasa for the brutal killing of how many fellow police officers last month
Nokia board members say the recent problems with customers are related to what kind of commitment they had to make with Nokia
long term
Many Korean citizens have hope to receive wages for unpaid labor for Japan during which war?
Robert Citrone is known as an emerging-markets specialist - and part-owner of what NFL team?
Pittsburgh Steelers
What is the name of the chairman and chief executive of J.P. Morgan who according to J.P. Morgan is not expected to be a target of scrutiny the SEC investigation
James Dimon
What is the name of Germany’s lower house of parliament
At least 70 people attending church services were killed by a suicide bomber in which of Pakistan’s cities
Arguments have been rising between factory owners and workers argue over a minimum wage. How much would the workers like to earn each month?
8,000 taka (~$100) a month
The cost for a kilogram of chocolate is supposed to hit a record price this year in the United States of ______
ICAP PLC is dealing with what 2 authority leading rate-rigging investigators this week regarding the firms involvement with interest-rate manipulation
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission & The U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority
Jessica Bibliowicz has a presence on Wall Street for her roles at Prudential Financial Investments and Smith Bradley mutual funds at Citigroup. What company did Ms. Bibliowicz just join?
Bridge Growth Partners LLC
Which financial group has signed a letter of intent with BlackBerry in which it could pay $9 a share in chase for the 90% of BlackBerry share that it already does not own
Fairfax Financial Holdings
What was Akshay Kumar Singh’s sentencing for the gang rape and killing of a 23 year old on a bus in India back in December?
Death by Hanging
General Motors plans to buy about $3.2 billion in what from a retiree health-care trust?
Preferred Stock
The day is approaching where robotic workers will replace Chinese workers. What kind of workers are in danger of losing their jobs to these machines
Factory Floor Workers
The two former traders at JP Morgan accused of overstating the value of their groups position are pointing their fingers towards who to blame?
Bruno Iksil
Child psychologist who study this issue say it is ok for parents to do what in front of children as long as it is done in a healthy manner
Which conservative organization has television advertisements criticizing Obama’s new state of health care?
American’s for Prosperity
What is considered to be the biggest in the U.S. housing market according to real-estate agents?
“sellers greed”: sellers pricing their homes too high
What is the nationality of the entreprenuer, Eike Batista?
A group of lawsuit investors were dealt a blow when a judge dismissed a funderbacked copyright case againts Walt Disney over what?
Ownership of comic book characters created by artist Stan Lee to whom Disney allegedly made more than $5.5 million off movies and other ventures
What casual-dining chain plans to install tabletop computer screens that take menu orders, accept payment, and let diners play videogames?
What two European countries are persuading their governments to change obscure accounting-related rules to improve financial health?
Spain and Italy
Janet Yellen is the front-runner to become Obama’s nominee to head what position?
Fed Chairman
This all electric from vehicle from General Motors uses a gasoline engine as a generator for its battery?
Chevrolet Volt
CFOs who have successfully navigated a corporation’s CEO transition offer 3 main tips for maintaining their position; what are these tips?
Communication is key; identify the new boss’s strengths and weaknesses and compensate for the latter; don’t be sand in the gears of a new strategy
What is the first name of the U.K. Chancellor?
How long did it take the technology breakdown traced to a routine upgrade at the Options Price Reporting Authority to be resolved?
10 minutes
What discrepency have researchers intrigued about insomnia?
Despite what insomnia patients experience subjectively, they seem able to perform cognitive tasks as well as people getting adequate sleep
What goal does Volkswagen CEO Matin Winterkorn hope to achieve?
to overtake GM and Toyota as the world’s biggest car maker
What company is making sweeping changes to company-backed health programs affecting roughly 160,000 employees?
Walgreen Co.
Aaton Alexis, a former Navy reservist, shot and killed 12 people claiming what?
adversaries were using a “microwave machine” to prevent him from getting to sleep
What move did Microsoft make to chare more of its cash with shareholders?
They boosted their quarterly dividend to 22% and earmarking another $40 billion to buy back its shares
Who is to become the next CEO of Electronic Arts?
Andrew Wilson
Safeway Inc. made a strategic move this year reaching what $5.7 billion deal?
Sell its Canadian operations
In 2012, Blackberry suffered a $646 million loss and revenues slid to $11 billion. How have they decided to confront these shrinking sales?
By laying off up to 40% of employees across all departments.
The largest offshore-account penalty ever reported was levied against what incorporation?
Ty Inc; the creator of Beanie Babies
The Securities Exchange Commission is now requiring companies to disclose what about the firm’s compensation?
The pay gap between chief executives and their employees
What is the name of the Spanish company that owns Zara?
What has helped Inditex to maintain pricing and to avoid the pressure to sdiscount that has troubled H&M in recent years?
Brand strength
In what country are designers gaining a bigger foothold in the global industry that, in the past, have held the image of being too wacky and wild?
What benefit does rising mortgage rates pose on existing homes?
some buyers that have been sitting on the fence would choose to buy an existing home because they are unable to lock in a mortgage rate on a home that is under construction
What Indian company has recently bought Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.?
Apollo Tyres
How has the independent film studio Weistein Co. been able to raise a credit facility of around $370 million to put it on a stronger financial footing for its comeback from the brink of disaster?
through an arrangement syndicated by Union Bank because they have released three of the five highest grossing films in its eight-year history
What problem did Goldman Sachs Group Inc. face when ordering $30 billion of treasury bills from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York?
A technical glitch in a computer system prevented the order from going through
How many jobs is Air France planning to cut in 2014 due to its sixth consecutive year at an operating loss?
What two French banks are exploring ways to end their partnerships to move in different directions?
Societe Generale and Credit Agricole
What ‘game over’ technique did Blackberry use to hang on to the rapidly eroding ground in the market it pioneered?
selling smartphone services to businesses
The 10th annual Advertising Week in New York seeks to show off what?
How well Madison Ave has embraced digital marketing such as social media to mobile advertisements
What event caused a monitoring group to form a proram in Cambodia that its organizers say is the world’s most extensive initiative to improve working conditions at plants?
the collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh that killed more than 1,100 people in April
What is the currency in Bangladesh?
What is the name of the richest man in China?
Wang Jianlin
The cost of one kilogram of chocolate in the U.S. is expected to hit a record $12.25 this year, a 45% increase since 2007 due to what?
A shortage of cocoa beans
What is Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.?
A Canadian insurance firm
What is the first device made by Microsoft alone?
The Surface
How many countries did Apple debut the iPhone 5S?
What company was fined by the Kentucky Department of Insurance for instructing existing individual policyholders to renew their current plans for 2014 within 30 days or be switched to a pricier policy?
What year was pioneer of videogames, Atari Inc. founded?
Two former traders at J.P. Morgan Chase accused of overstating the value of their position are blaming whom in their defense?
Bruno Iksil, the so-called London whale
Which German engineering giant is facing dispute among leadership over the company’s supervisory board?
Which oil company told investment bankers that is is ready to spend $5-10 billion to expand into North America?
Who is the businessman, on the losing end of one of the biggest wealth collapses in history, that ended all of his companies names with the letter X?
Eike Batista
A Hous GOPbill is seeking to cut spending on SNAP by this much over ten years.
$40 billion
Which company is accused in China of paying hospital staff to use its product and increase sale?
Which CEO has a new goal of responding to any email within two hours at any time?
Mark Casady
To which East African democracy have European countries pledged additional financial support?
Which government entitty is reassesing what it means to be a bank?
The Federal Reserve
What trading fiasco is J.P. Morgan preparing to pay new fines for?
“London Whale”
What is keeping global corporations from starting business in Myanmar?
Real-estate prices
To what industry were minimum-wage and overtime pay extended to after a long fight by unions?
Home health-care
Which company is at the center of the largest private-equity buyout ever?
Energy Future Holdings Corp.
Which company is getting heat from Hollywood for what they say is aiding in piracy?
The makers of which toy have plead guilty to $54 Million in US tas evasion?
Beanie Babies
Which country is fearful of a rise in politically motivated violence?
Which company became the second startup to send cargo to the Space Station?
Orbital Sciences
Existing-home sales are at the highest level they have been since which year?
Which industry is getting close to new pollution standards?
Which companies takeover is the largest takeover of a US firm by India?
Cooper Tire and Rubber
In which country is Electrolux changing its strategy in hopes of better sales?
Which country is beginning talks with creditors about a bailout?
Which luxury market recently saw prices return to the levels they were at before the recession?
Horse Sales
Which industry does Twitter see as its next big source of money?
Which CEO, also China’s richest man, announced plans for an $8 billion entertainment center?
Wang Jianlin
Leaders of some companies are arguing in court in California so that they don�t have to spend $2.5 Billion to remove what from homes?
Lead Paint
Which pioneer of an industry has filed for bankruptcy?
Which company laid off 1,000 workers in its mortgage business?
Where is the cruise industry expected to increase bookings in the near future?
Which company was forced to file for an IPO due to failure by the two main owners to agree upon the company’s value?
What company is seeking a larger city to use as its new hometown?
Which military wing located in the Middle East sent thousands of soldiers, along with guards, into Syria to help assist Assad�s regime in their warfare against the rebels, and have already overthrown the city of Qusayr?
The Military wing of Lebanese Hezbollah has alone sent thousands of soldiers into Syria, along with Guards.
PARP inhibitors are a new drug that works to prevent cancer cells from repairing themselves after being damaged by Chemotherpy. These inhibitors are thought to work with a certain type of cancer mutation; which mutation do PARP’s work against?
The PARP inhibitors are thought to work against BRCA mutations, which account for breast, and ovarian cancer.
Kenneth Lewis, Bank of America’s CEO, has donated many of his profits to different kinds of foundations. Which foundation did Mr. Lewis say was the most important recipient?
A church-affiliated non-profit group in Philippi, West Virginia called the New Vision Renewable Energy group. The foundation builds solar panels to homes in hope to reduce utiliy costs, and lower energy use.
Sergey Lavrov, a Foreign Minister of Russia, surprised the Americans by statingwho he thought was behind the chemical weapons attack in Syria. Who did Mr. Lavrov blame for these attacks?
Mr. Lavrov, along with his deputy, surprised the Americans by placing blame on the Syrian rebel forces for the chemical weapons attack throughout Syria which many put blame on Assad’s regime.
Microsoft is looking to expand its computer-hardware business into a new market with its last recent purchase of a dying company, what did Microsoft recently purchase to expand their business plan?
Microsoft recently purchased Nokia in hope to expand their computer-hardware business into the smartphone industry which has taken over since the introduction of the Apple iPhone. This expansion will also include 32,000 Nokia employees as well.
With tensions rising in Syria many of the nations citizens have different views pertaining to whether or not we should be fighting this war in Syria and promoting democracy and freedom in their country. The nation has mixed views on this situation, but which party had the biggest shift with their views?
The Republicans and Conservatives have had the biggest shift of views in recent history being that in 2005, 32% of these parties thought that the county’s emphasis should be on the home front compared to now 77% think the emphasis should be placed on the home front rather than promote democracy and freedom in Syria, or other countries.
Increased research for complicated diseases, or disorders are on the rise due to different organizations donating enough money to do research in these fields. One research plans to take DNA strands from these rare disorders and figure out more about them, and ultimately find a resolution. What is an important factor that makes these DNA databases possible?
The biggest factor that makes DNA databases possible is the rapidly declining cost of DNA sequencing.
With the city of Detroit filing for bankruptcy, the city is entitled to pay back money to the city’s main creditors. A New-York based insurer with debt entitled to Detroit may be forced into bankruptcy due to this crisis. Which company has taken the biggest hit to this bankruptcy?
Syncora Holdings, located in New York, has reported guarantee’s of $291 million in Detroit bonds. The firms capital is about $400 million.
With the addition of a new CEO in a business, studies have shown that the liklihood of the new CEO replacing old employee’s, such as CFO’s, is pretty probable. Within two years of getting a new CEO, around what fraction of CFO’s are gone?
Within two years of getting a new CEO, around a third of CFO’s are gone within that business replacing them with external employee’s.
A study tested how well people with insomnia performed, compared to people without imsomnia. Which group performed better?
Despite the differences in their brain activity, the two groups performed the memory task equally well.
The Navy contractor who shot and killed multiple people at the Washington Navy Yard was thought to suffer from paranoia and hearing voices. What did thisshooter say the government was doing to prevent him from getting sleep?
He thought that the governemtn was using a “microwave machine” to prevent him from getting sleep and ultimately causing him to suffer from paranoia.
Hulu is looking to expand its businessstructure by adding new content to their product line. Hulu recently reached an agreement making this the largest content-licensing deal since it was taken of the auction block. What did this deal include?
Hulu formed a pat with BBC Worldwide North America that will bring 144 titles to its service.
What event started this decline in prices for coffee making it the lowest it has been in four years?
There has been increased rainfall in Brazil causing these prices to decline, and having a negative effect on these coffee beans. The rain creates “good flowering” for the next crop.
The Empire State Building has annouced they will be selling the building to the highest bidder. The building has not been performing that well with most revenue coming from what?
Two-thirds of the Empire State Buildings revenue comes from the Observatory deck loctaed on top of the building. This will face competition with the addition of the World Trade Center when it opens in 2015
A new addition to the new Iphone 5s includes a fingerprint scanner used to unlock ones phone. Many think this may cause havoc with the phone, but research shows the scanner to be effective. There is one bug incorporated in this scanner though, what is it?
When trying to make an online purchase over the phone, the fingerprint scanner sometimes asks for a password.
Obama has planned to meet with the Iranian leader, Rouhani, in the near future making this the first time a president has met with a top Iranian official in a while. When was the last time a president met with a top Iranian official?
The last time an American President met with a top Iranian official was when the Islamic radicals overthrew the pro-American Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in 1979.
The creator of Beanie Babies is set to plead guilty in federal court in what will be the largest offshore-account penalty ever reported. What did Ty Warner do to deserve this crime?
Ty Warner is pleading guilty of tax evasion, and aggreed upon paying $53.6 million due to this crime.
When someone passes and they want to grant someone the will of their internet asstes, they mustfill out a will granting them permission. Some states have already enforced laws governing these digital asstes. Which five states currently have laws regarding these asstes?
Currently only Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Ohlahoma and Rhode Island grant fiduciaries these rights.
Showdowns, and altercations at work sometimes happen and they can really kill the mood and affect the people around that work environment. Although tempers will flair at points in time at work, what occupations are more subject to tempers flaring at work?
Showdowns tend to happen more often in high-pressure workplaces with different professional hierarchies, such as hospitals. Tempers flare with tensions are high.
Pope Francis recently made comments on his views about gays, and abortions. He stated that the church should not just be focused on these moral beliefs because by focusing just on this circumstance, the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like what?
Pope Francis said that the church must find new balance or the moral edifice of the church will fall like a “house of cards”.
Nokia was slowly on the fall until the new CEO, Mr. Siilasmaa, turned the company around and has new hope. What did this CEO do instead of taking defeat?
He sold their shares over to Microsoft in a buyout that help restore life in this once, prominent, company.
The brokerage industry just recently designed a proposal that would require brokers to do what?
Inform their clients about any big bonuses when they change firms.
NASA scientists seeking life on Mars have come to a screeching halt after concluding that life on Mars might not be as likely as one seems. What inhibits any life to be placed on Mars?
NASA scientists were seeking methane as an element to show that life on Mars could exist. NASA found out there was little to no methane located throughout this ref planet.
What did the Taliban say sparked the event of a sucide bombing inside a Christain church located in Pakistan?
The Taliban said that when drone attack stop on their tribal units, then they will stop with suicide bombings aimed towards non-Muslims.
The Chinese government came to a conclusion regarding Mr. Bo and his attempt to restore stability in their government by condemning him to life in prison. What did Mr. Bo do to receive this punishment?
Mr. Bo was found guilty of bribery, embezzlement, and abuse of power. Some say Mr. Bo would have gotten a lighter penalty had he not put up vigorous defense in his trial.
Twitter is looking to expand its revenue by introducing a new line in agreement with national television. What new rpoduct is Twitter trying to promote with television?
Twitter is anouncing its new product called, Amplify, which plans to sell ads together with television and other media companies. Amplify is a product where one would post short videos, and having a brand from television sponsor that video.
Prises of cocoa are on the rise and ultimately becoming a hot commodity due to what happening in the cocoa industry?
Shortages of cocoa beans are causing chocolate prices to rise because these beans are a vital ingredient used when trying to conduct chocolate. Market experts say that cocoa beans will fall short this year for the first time since 2010.
With illegal immigrants coming in from all around the world each day, the US is on the rise and there is not much to stop this intake from happening. Which immigrants are said to make up the most of these illegal immigrant coming into America?
Impoverished people from Central America are now the fastest-growing group of illegal immigrants coming to America today.
ADM, one of the world’s largest agriculture companies, is relocating due to the new CEO not being familiar with the current location in Decatur, Ill. What did CEO, Ms. Woertz, say was the scariest thing about moving to Decatur?
Ms. Woertz stated that the scariest thing aboutmaking the move from California to Decatur, Illinois was, “I don’t know where the closest Starbucks is.”
Atari, a once prfound video game provider, recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to the decline in value of their stock. Atari planned to auction of some of its biggest video games they have produced, but ultimately could not reach an agreement. What video games did Atari hope to sell for $20 million?
Atari hoped to sell its once popular “Rollercoaster Tycoon” as well as “Test Drive” for around $20 million. Instead of selling them, Atari insisted on holding on to these assets due to an undesired price.