BP - Biological rhythms Flashcards
Biological Rhythms
- Cyclical changes in body activity
Circadian Rhythms
A type of biological rhythm in which a pattern of behaviours occurs or recurs approximately every 24 hours and which is set and reset by environmental light levels.
Examples of CR are sleep-wake cycles and temperature control.
Endogenous pacemakers
- Internal body clocks that regulate many biological rhythms
Exogenous zeitgebers - short
- External cues that may effect (retrain or regulate) our biological rhythms
Infradian rhythms
- A type of biological rhythm that has a duration of over 24 hours
Ultradian rhythms
- A type of biological rhythm with a duration of less that 24 hours, or has multiple cycles within a 24 hour period
How do circadian rhythms work?
Comes from the Latin ‘circa’ = about, and ‘diem’ = day (about a day)
- Our CR are driven by our body clocks found in all body cells which are synchronised by the master circadian ‘pacemaker’ - the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) found in the hypothalamus
- This pace maker must be constantly reset so that our bodies are in synchrony with the outside world; light acts as the primary input to this system, setting the body clock to the correct time in a process of photoentrainment
- Light-sensitive receptor cells in the eyes act as brightness detectors sending messages about environmental light levels directly to the SCN via the optic nerve
- The SCN then uses this information to coordinate the activity of the entire circadian system (even with eyes closed, light still penetrates eyelids)
How does the sleep-wake cycle work as a CR?
- The CR dictates when we sleep and when we should be awake
- In the morning, our eye cells detect light and so messages are sent via the optic nerve to the SCN which sends messages to raise our blood pressure and body temperature and delay the release of hormones like melatonin from the pineal gland
- As a result, in the morning, we have our sharpest rise in blood pressure and the reduction in melatonin secretion makes us feel awake, helped by high levels of cortisol in the morning
- We are therefore at our cognitive best in the late morning, where we have high levels of alertness, perception, attention, memory and other sensory / mental processes due to cortisol being high and melatonin being low
- In the evening, with the sun (natural light) disappearing, the SCN picks up signals of changing light from our eyes and so it sends messages to ensure our body temperature cools and sleep inducing hormones like melatonin are released from the pineal gland - therefore, in the evening, our body signals it is time to sleep
When does the circadian rhythm of the sleep-wake cycle dip and rise?
- This happens throughout the day, with our strongest sleep drive happening around 2am-4am and 1pm-3pm (post-lunch dip)
- The sleepiness experienced in these circadian dips is less intense with sufficient sleep, and more intense when we are sleep deprived
- There is also a slight dip in body temperature between 2pm and 4pm which may also contribute to the post-lunch dip
- Sleep and wakefulness are not solely decided by the circadian rhythms alone, but are also under homeostatic control, as when we have been awake for long periods of time, homeostasis tells us the need for sleep is increasing because of the amount of energy ‘used up’ during wakefulness
- This homeostatic need for sleep increases throughout the day, reaching its maximum in the late evening when most people fall asleep
How does the circadian system deal with changes?
- It keeps us awake as long as their is daylight, prompting us to sleep as it becomes dark, and the homeostatic system also increases sleepiness throughout the day, regardless of light in the environment
- The circadian system is intolerant of any major alterations in sleep and wake schedules (e.g. travel or shift work) because this causes the biological clock an d the internal systems that depend on it to become completely out of balance
- Chronic disruption to the CR of sleep/wake can lead to obesity, fatigue, diabetes and insomnia
Evidence for Circadian rhythms - Siffre
Siffre spent several extended periods underground to study the effects on his own biological rhythms
- This deprived him of exposure to natural light and sound, but with access to adequate food and drink, Siffre resurfaced after two months in the caves of the Southern Alps
- A decade after, he performed a similar study for 6 months in a Texas cave
- In each case, his free running biological rhythms settle down to one that was just beyond the usual 24 hours (around 25) though he did fall asleep on a regular schedule
Evidence for Circadian rhythms - Aschoff and Wever (1976)
- They convinced a group of participants to spend 4 weeks in a WWII bunker deprived of natural light, with all but one of the participants displaying a circadian rhythm of between 24-25 hours
- Both of these studies suggested the natural sleep-wake cycle may be slightly longer than 24 hours but that it is entrained by exogenous zeitgebers associated with the 24 hour day, like typical meal times and daylight hours
Evidence of Circadian rhythms - Folkard et al. (1985)
- Studied a group of 12 people who agreed to live in a cave for 3 weeks, retiring to bed when the clock said 11:45 pm and rising when it read 7:45 am
- Over the course of the study, the researchers gradually sped the clock up without the participants knowledge, and so an apparent 24 hour day only lasted 22
- It was revealed that not one of the participants were able to comfortably adjust to the new regime, suggesting the existence of a strong free running circadian rhythm that cannot easily be overridden by changes to the external environment
Evaluation of Circadian rhythms - Strengths
Practical application to shift work -
- Shift work has been linked to desynchronisation of circadian rhythms and can lead to adverse cognitive and physiological effects
- Research has shown that night shift workers suffer concentration lapse at 6am, increasing the likelihood of accidents, and shift workers are also 3 times more likely to suffer from heart disease as a result of the stress of adjusting to sleep/wake cycles
- This is a strength as research on CR has highlighted the practical and economic implications of shift work in terms of maintaining worker productivity and preventing accidents in the workplace
- A counter argument of this evidence is poor control in studies
Application: Pharmacokinetics
- By understanding CR and their health impacts, it can help determine the best times to administer drug treatments
- For example, the risk of heart attack is greatest early in the morning so drugs can be taken at night, but not released until they will be most effective at dusk
- This is a strength as it means research has a practical purpose and application, such as timing drug dosing of a whole range of medications including anti-cancer, cardiovascular and anti-epileptic drugs
- This means there are peak times for administration of dosage of a variety of drugs to increase their efficacy
Support from the ‘cave study’
- Research to support the existence of CR, such as the work of Siffre, who despite spending seven months in Southern Alps caves found his CR remained at around 24-25 hours
- This suggests the body’s internal clock is set at 24-25 hours in the absence of external cues, and is intolerant of any major alterations to sleep and wake cycles through processes like shift work and jet lag - this is a strength as it shows the concept has research support and therefore may be valid
- Further research by A&W (WW2 bunker study) concluded also that exogenous zeitgebers may have an impact on mediating the cycle after their participants had a CR of 25 hours for sleep/wake cycles
- However, Folkard’s study provides other research, whose participants had a massive impact on their well being after their Circadian sleep/wake cycle was shortened to 22 hours - suggests how much the CR is set in stone
Evaluation of CR - Weaknesses
Issues with case study evidence -
- The Siffre study was on one individual, and A&W and F both only used a handful of people
- Consequently, it is impossible to generalise their results to whole populations as there may be some differences in research samples that make participants sleep/wake in atypical ways
- For example, Siffre noted that when he went in the cave at 60 years old, he found his body responded differently with his body clock following more of a 48hr cycle - Czeisler has found evidence that cycles could vary as much as 13-65 hours
- This is a weakness, suggesting results lack external validity, as factors like age and gender may have significant impacts on our CR
Poor control in studies -
- In cave studies, exposure to artificial light such as torches / phones was not controlled
- It was assumed that it was only natural light that has an influence on our biological rhythms - however, research by Czeisler found that dim artificial lighting could adjust the CR between 22-28 hours
- This is a weakness as it means the results to the original studies may lack ecological validity and the sleep/wake cycle may vary considerably more
- Additionally, the impact of artificial lighting on our CR also has practical implications when it comes to the use of electronic devices such as iPad and smartphones during different times of the day