to know persons as caring and to support and sustain them as
they live caring
Focus and intention
It’s an interpersonal process that can occur whenever nurse and others meet under circumstances
The theory of nursing as caring
Who invented the theory
Anne Boykin and Savina Schoenhofer
Is expressed a nursing and is “the intentional and authentic presence of the nurse with another who is recognizing as living in caring and growing in caring”
Is lived by each person moment to moment and is an essential characteristic of being human
It’s a process and throughout life each person grows in the capacity of express caring
Is recognized as constantly unfolding in caring
Is service that nursing offers and lives in the context of the nursing situation
It’s the focus of all that is known and done in nursing and is conceptualized as “the shared, lived experience in which caring between nurse and nursed enhances personhood
Nursing situation
Is what is present in the mind of the nurse whenever the intent of the nurse is “to nurse”
Nursing situation
Involves an expression of values intentions and actions of two or more persons chosen to live a nursing relationship
Nursing situation
Is a process of living that is grounded in caring
Implies being who we are as authentic caring persons and being open to unfolding possibilities for caring
The quality or condition of being an individual person
opens the relationship the true caring between the nurse and the one nursed
Direct invitation
Offers the opportunity to the one nursed to share what truly matters in the moment
The direct invitation
reaches deep into the humility of the nursing situation in uniting and guiding the intention of both the nurse and the one nursed
The power of Direct invitation
Are calls for nurturance perceived in the mind of the nurse
Call for nursing
Are individual relevant ways of saying “know me as a caring person in the moment and be with me as I try to live fully who I truly am”
Calls for nursing
When the nurse enters the world of the other person with the intention of knowing the other as a caring person the encountry of the nurse and the one nurse gives rise to the phenomenon of
Caring between
The loving relation into which nurse and nursed enter and co-created by living the intention to care
Caring between
In responding to the nursing call, The nurse enters the nursing situation with intention of knowing the other person is caring
Nursing response
Clarifies the call for nursing and shapes the nursing response transforming the knowledge brought by the nurse to the situation from general to particular and unique
Nursing respon
Is co-created in the immediacy of what truly matters and is a specific expression of caring nurturance to sustain and enhance the other living and growing in caring
Nursing response
Evolves as nurses clarify their understanding of calls through presence and dialogue
Nursing response
Is a method for knowing nursing in the medium for all forms of nursing inquiry
Embody the lift experience of nursing situation involving the nurse and the nursed
Nursing stories
The content of ______ is generated developed conserved and known through the lived experience of nursing situation
nursing knowledge
Is integral to the connectedness of persons in the dance in which the nature of relating in the circle is grounded in valuing and respecting person
Personal knowing of self
Nursing also grow in the areas of strength knowledge and support
Allows nurses to continually grow on the basis of caring
When a nurse enters the work environment they learn to be caring and understanding and how to live in the moment
Are uniquely situated personal expressions that they cannot be predicted but originate within persons who are living caring in their lives and who hold hopes and aspirations for growing in caring
Calls for nursing
Through presence and intentionality the nurse comes to know the other living and growing in caring
Caring between
Clarifies the call for nursing and shapes the nursing response transforming the knowledge brought by the nurse to the situation from general to particular and unique
The knowing of person