bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation Flashcards
what did this theory focus on the idea of
continual presence of care from a mother/mother-substitute is essential for normal psychological development of babies & toddlers, both emotionally & intellectually
when did bowlby state ‘mother-love in infancy & childhood is as important for mental health as are vitamins & proteins for physical health’
maternal deprivation
emotional & intellectual consequences of separation between a child & their mother/mother-substitute
not being in the presence of the mother/primary attachment figure
–> extended separation can lead to deprivation
not having the opportunity to form a bond in the first place
describe the case of genie & what she was an example of
- abused by her parents from 0-13 years
- moved between foster homes/wards
- could barely speak (not taught)
–> example of privation
what are the 4 components of this theory
- delinquency
- critical period
- (effects on development 1) intellectual development
- (effects on development 2) emotional development
describe 1) delinquency
= behaviour violating social rules/conventions (in young children)
describe 2) critical period
- first 2.5 years
- if child separated from their mother in absence of suitable substitute care (and so deprived of emotional care) for extended period of time = bowlby believed psychological damage was inevitable
- bowlby believed continuing risk till 5 years old
- could lead to delinquency
describe 3) intellectual development
- bowlby believed if children were deprived of maternal care for too long (during critical period), they would experience delayed intellectual development
- characterised by abnormally low IQ
- demonstrated in studies of adoption eg. goldfarb 1947
describe goldfarb (1947)
- found lower IQ in children who had remained in institutions (opposed to those who were fostered & thus, higher standard of emotional care
describe goldfard (1955) - follow up study
- followed up 30 orphaned children to age 12
- half of original sample were fostered by 4 months
- other half remained in orphanage
- at 12, their IQs were assessed via stanford-binet test
= fostered group had average IQ of 96
= group which remained in orphanage had average IQ of 68
describe 4) emotional development
- bowlby identified affectionless psychopathy as the inability to experience guilt/strong emotion towards others
- prevents person developing fulfilling relationships & is associated with criminality
- cannot appreciate victims feelings causing lack of remorse
what did bowlbys 44 thieves study examine (aim)
link between affectionless psychopathy & maternal deprivation
method/procedure of bowlbys 44 thieves study
- sample of 44 teenage delinquents (accused of stealing)
- they were interviewed for signs of affectionless psychopathy
- families also interviewed to establish any prolonged early maternal separation
- control group of 44 non-criminal teenagers (with emotional problems) assessed to see how often maternal deprivation occurred