Bowel inflammation other than IBD Flashcards
DDx for bowel inflammation
- infection
- Bechet disease
Infections associated with HSP?
GI manifestations of HSP
- abdominal pain (worse post meal)
- GIB (occult>overt bleed+melena>hematochezia)
- pancreatitis
- cholecystitis
- ileoileal intussusception
- perforation
- mesenteric vasculitis –> massive GIB
Histology of HSP
leukocytic vasculitis
IgA and C3 deposits
Investigations in HSP
UA-hematuria and proteinuria
High LFTs
High IgA
Imaging (US): bowel wall thickening, hepatomegaly, GB wall thickening, intussusception
Rx for HSP
Symptomatic treatment
Steroids ? effective in GIB (controversial)
- HUS triad
- Investigations
- Rx
- Hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute renal failure +/- diarrhea (non-bloody>bloody)
- Labs, stool cx (E.Coli O157:H7) + other organ investigatios
- Rx underlying infection + supportive
Bechet’s etiology/Sx
Chronic multi-systemic vasculitis
Painful oral & genital ulcers
aseptic meningitis
EN, pustules
GI: abdo pain, GIB, PA, ischemia, infarct, weight loss, diarrhea
Hirschsprung’s disease etiology
Migratory arrest of neural crest cells
Absence of submucosal (Auerbach) and myenteric (Messiner) plexuses –> spastic contraction of colon involved–>stool retntion–> dilation of bowel proximal to affected segment
Syndromes associated with HD
- T21
- Waardenburge-Shah
- Ondine curse
- MEN2
- Neurofibromatosis
- Neuroblastoma
- Smith-Lemli Optiz
Associated gene: RET proto-oncogene
HD presentations
- Failure to pass meconium
- Chronic constipation
- Abdominal distension
- Feeding intolerance and bilious vomiting
Risk factors for HAEC
- Genetic syndrome (T21, Cartilage-hair hypoplasia)
- Delayed dx > 1 wk
- other major congenital anomylies (Cardiac, GI, GU, CNS)
- Long segment disease
- Post-op complications (obstruction)
- FHx of HD
Radiological findings in HD
- Cut-off sign in recto-sigmoid colon
- dilated bowel loops
- air fluid levels
- penumatosis intestinalis
- sawtooth appearance of inetsinal lining
- free air with perforation
Diagnosis of HD
Gold STD: Full thickness or suction biopsy
Finding: aganglinosis, hypertrophic nerve fibers using ACh stains, calretinin to improve histo accuracy
Rx of HD
Surgery: resection of aganglionic segment and transition zone