Bovine dystocia Flashcards
What are the “3 P’s” of parturtion?
What happens in stage 1 of labor?
Myometrial contractions
What happens in stage 2 of labor?
Calf comes out of vagina
What happens in stage 3 of labor?
Expulsion of fetal membranes
What kind of idodine scrub do we use to clean cow for dystocia?
What may excessive movement of extremities or the tounge indicate in a calf who’s stuck?
What are some signs a calf is alive in a dystocia case?
Positive response to pressure of the pedal, palpebral, eye, mouth and anus by movement reflex
What causes amniotic fluid to turn green but still smell normal? What does this indicate?
Meconium=stressed calf
What causes amniotic fluid to turn green and start to have a fetid odor?
Dead calf
When feeling the calves legs and you feel the parts of the legs bending in the same direction you know you have the ____ legs.
Front: carpus & fetlock
If they were bending in different directions you would have the hind legs: tarsus & fetlock
Process by which the fetus is restored to deliverable fashion
Pushing the fetus out of maternal pelvis into the uterine cavity to enable correction of abnormality
Turing the fetus on it’s longitudinal axis
Turning the fetus on it’s transverse axis into a cranial or caudal presenation
rare presentation in cattle
When describing malpresentation due to a leg being stuck you should be sure to say what?
Which joint the leg is bent at