Bovine Anesthesia/Surgery Flashcards
Most commonly sedative
Cattle more sensitive than horses
Reversed with yohimbine
Fasting prior to anesthesia
48 hours
Lasts 90 minutes or about twice as long as xylazine
Inverted L block
Local anesthesia is deposited in all layers of the abdominal wall before the thigh
Paravertebral block
Used multiple nerve blocks to create a large region of flank anesthesia
T13, L1 and L2
Bier block
An IV block of the distal limb
Caudal epidural analgesia
Useful for obstetrical procedures and treatment of prolapsed uterus, vagina, and rectum
Cornual nerve block
Branch of CN V
Used for desensitization of the horn and horn base for dehorning
Et tube size
20-30 mm for mature cows/Bulls
Bp monitoring
Arterial catheter placed in median auricular artery (inside of ear)
Depth of anesthesia
Palpebral reflex may be delayed but still should be present
Eye rolls ventromedially when light
Eye is central and pupils dilate when too deep
After surgery
The animal is positioned in sternal recumbency
Tetanus prophylaxis with tetanus anti toxin or tetanus toxoid must be provided
New berry knife
Surgical knife and emasculators during castration
Most done at 3-4 months
Open castration
Older calves
Burdizzo emasculotome
Closed castration
Bloodless method for older calves
Best in calves less than 3-4 weeks old
Uses rubber rings
Performed to relieve moderate to severe rumen bloats, explore the rumen, or remove foreign objects
Permanent opening of the rumen for chronic bloaters (zipper)
Displaced abomasum
Due to abomasal atony low roughage diet
Left displacement is more common than right
Supernumerary teats
Most common location is caudal to the main teats
They are often amputated