Bourgogne Flashcards
How many AOC Buorgogne has?
100 AOC in Bourgogne, 20% of all French AOS
Who lived in and what was Bourgogne before the romans?
Celtics tribes lived there and was a major trade crossroad between roman empire and Celtic tribes.
From where Bourgogne gets its name?
in 450 AD a Gemaic tribe, the Burgondes settled and founded the kindom of Burgundia. absorved by France under Clovis in 534 AD
What and whom provoked the expansion of vineyards in Bourgogne?
Middle Ages increased religiosity, The Church need of wine for mass.
When many of most famous vineyards in Bourgogne got delineated and named?
They were delineated and named in the early middle ages.
When the Abbey of Cluny was founded and by whom?
It was founded by Benedictine Monks in 909 and was the largest land owner in Burgundy untill French revolution.
When the Abbey of Citeaux was founded and by whom?
It was founded by Cistecians Monks in 1098 between Dijon and Beaune. it was a book shop. Copyists and Illuminators.
When the Abbey of Pontigny was founded and by whom?
It was founded by Cistercian Monks in 1114 in auxerre, they planted the first vines in Chablis.
Name the 4 Dukes of Burgundy
Philippe the Bold: 1363-1404
John the Fearless: 1404 - 1419
Philippe the Good: 1419 - 1467
Charles the Bold; 1467 - 1477
How the wine was known in Burgundy up to the 15th century
Vin de Bourgogne: wine from Auxerre and Chablis
Vin de Beaune: wine from Côte d’Or.
Which grape was outlawed in Bourgogne in the middle ages, when, Where and by whom?
Phillip the Bold outlawed Gamay within the Côte d’Or in the 14th century
What is the Hospices de Beaune, when it was founded, and with what propose?
The Hospices de Beaune was founded in 1443 under Philippe the Good, it was a charity hospital, famous trough Europe.
What marked the end of the Golden Era in Burgundy?
By the 17th Century the wines of burgundy were 10 times more expensive than others. When the Royalty moved to their new Chateaux in the Loire, they stop consuming Burgundy wines.
What happened to Burgundy during french revolution?
Church lands were confiscated and distributed to the farmers. the great domains were brocken up. Only a few Monopoles survived.
What’s a Monopole in Bougogne?
A monopole is a vineyard own by 1 person.
What measure Napoleon adopted that influenced Bourgogne?
Napoleon issued the Napoleonic Code which mandated that the inheritable property to be divided equally among siblings, beginning with the fractionalization of vineyards holdings in Bourgogne.
What happen to Bougogne in the mid 19th century?
King Louis Pilippe of the 3rd Empire in 847, granted the the village of Gevrey the right to append the name of it’s famous vineyard Chambertin to its name. Most villages followed suit. Exeptions are Volnay, meursault and Pommard which didn’t have vineyards of renown to append.
What’s the exception to the Village-Vineyard name combo in Bourgogne?
Lodoix-Serrigny , they are twin hamlets, Serrigny is not a vineyard.
When the first wine auction was held in the Hospices de Beaune?
The first wine auction was held in the Hospices de Beaune in 1859.
when the first official classification system was carried out in bourgogne?
It was carried out in 1861 by the agricultural committee of Beaune
How it was planted after phylloxera in Burgundy ?
It was replanted into orderly rows with Guyot system. Before it was planted “En Foule”.
How is the Guyot training system?
Guyot System trains the vine into one long cane carrying 8 to ten buds and a short cane carrying 2 buds.
When Burgundy boundaries were finally defined?
in 1930 Bourgogne boudaries were finally defined and in 1936 AOC legislation gave form and structure to bourgogne named parcels or “Climats”
How much was the production of red wine in Burgundy in the 80’?
In 1986 Burgundy was 60% red wine, today is 66% white.
Which wine region has more AOC that any other?
Bourgogne has the most AOCs
Location of Bourgogne in the French map?
2 hours from Paris and 1 hour from Lyon.
How’s the Climate of bourgogne?
Bourgogne possesses a semi-continental climate due to oceanic influences from the north and the south.
It’s Burgundy’s Climate affected by a river? and which one?
The Saône runs 12 miles to the east in Burgundy and has no temperature-moderating influence.
How long is Bourgogne?
It’s 140 miles long from north to south and has significant temperature variation.
Name the Grapes of Bourgogne
The grapes of Bourgogne are:
Chardonnay, Aligote, Sacy, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris (Pinot Beurot) Sauvignon Blanc
Red: Pinot Noir, Cesar, Gamay
@ How many exceptions are to the single-varietal in Bourgogne AOC’s,? name and explain
- Passe-Tout-Grains AOC: mostly Gamay but 1/3rd has to be PN and/or Pinot Liebault, it may contain up to 15% Chard, P Blanc, P gris. It can be Red or Rosé.
- Crémant de Bourgogne AOC: Sparkling, can be composed of Sacy, Aligoté, Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Melon, Pinot Noir, César and Gamay.
On which geological region seats Burgundy?
Burgundy seats on the Paris Basin.
What’s the bottom plate of the Paris Basin and where it surfaces?
The bottom plate is a granite massif and surfaces in Beaujolais
What Limestone and Limestone rich clay called Marls are made off, when they formed and how in Burgundy?
180 millons years ago in the warm shallow sea that occupied france, dead shellfish settled and under preassure it formed Limestone and Marl. The Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous had diferent types of sea creatures, ence different types of limestones and Marls
It’s the graben of Burgundy formed by Colluvial or Alluvial soils?
Burgundy has soils formed by Colluvial erosion (rain driven slope wash) not Alluvial (created from river sediment)
What type of shelfish created the soils of Burgundy?
Amonites (related to Nautilus) Oysters and entroques (related to starfish) appears in different layers of soil in Burgundy
Where the vineyards of Burgundy are planted?
Most of the vineyards are planted on slopes, the ones planted on the hill tops are Hautes Côtes de Nuits and Hautes Cotes de Beaune.
Where the Premier Cru are located in Burgundy’s hills?
and why?
They are located on the top of the hills. Thiniest top soil, receives least amount of water since it’s runs down before absorbed, good quality soils, slope not ideal.
Where the Grand Cru are located in Burgundy’s hills?
and why?
Most are located in the middle of the slopes. Moderate ammount of topsoil and adequate ammount of water.
Where the Village AOC are located in Burgundy’s hills?
and why?
They are located at the bottom of the hills, it has the deepest topsoil and receives ample water. Vigorous vines, not so concentrated fruit.
What determines a potential quality level in the vineyards of Burgundy?
Their location on the slopes., and their Aspect (the direction where their are facing) east facing best desired.
what faulting produced in Burgundy’s soil?
Produced that neighboring vineyards can have very different types of soil.
What soil type PN prefers in Burgundy?
PN prefers Limestone or Marls with high content of Limestone:
- PN + Limestone: ligth pigmented but highly elegant aromatic wines
- PN + Marl: Less elegant, more structure and fruit.
- PN + Clay: Less aromatic and complex but plenty of body (needs 5-7 years age to evolve.
What soil type CH prefers in Burgundy?
Chardonnay prefers Marly soils:
- CH + Marl: Powerfull dense with great concentration of flavor, age worthy
- CH + Clay: Stuctured and depf, round and earthy.
- CH + Limestone: High acid, aromas of citrus and mineral.
What AOC regulates on Burgundy?
AOC monitors: zone of production, varieties used, final alcohol level, viticultural and winemaking practices, and label nomenclature. Planting density, pruning technique, start of harvest and yields are regulated by law.
What percentage of Burgundy wine is AOC?
All Burgundy wine is AOC.
Describe the Bourgogne quality pyramid
2% Grand Cru AOC: 33 AOC’s
10% Premier Cru AOC: 635 Aoc’s
36% Village AOC: 44 AOC’s
52% Regional AOC: 23 AOC’s
What the AOC’s of burgundy classifies?
Burgundians classify Vineyards themselves, no chateaux as Bordeaux.
What is the point off differenciation in burgundy vineyards?
It’s the terroir and the producer, since a single vineyard can have multiple owners.
@ What word the regional wines incorporates in their name and which ones are the exceptions?
Regional wines incorporatede word “Bourgogne into the name except Mâcon and Mâcon Villages.
Describe Regional Wine in Bourgogne, how many of them are and which percentage of Burgundy’s production represent?
- Can be made with grapes from anywhere within Bourgogne or from a specific region.
- As a blend of terroirs, it demostral general regional typicity.
- There are 23 regional AOC’s in Bourgogne, representing 52% of Bourgogne total production.
What a Regional wine label can indicate in Burgundy?
-Gpape variety: Ex. Bourgogne Aligote
-Production Method: Cremant de Bourgognr
-Region of Production: Macon
-Production Area: bourgognr Chity
Climat: Bourgogne Côte Saint-jacques
Which one is the most general Regional appelation in Bourgogne? how it used to be called, which grapes can be used and from which part of Burgundy?
Coteaux Bourgignons is the most general AOC it used to be called AOC Bourgogne Grand Ordinaire, it can be made of Chardonnay, Aligoté, Melon de bourgogne and Sasy for white, and PN , Gamay for reds, in no specific proportions and from anywhere in Burgundy including Beaujolais.
What grapes Regional Bourgogne Blanc allows?
Regional Bourgogne Blanc AOC only allows ChardonnayBoth Bougogne Rouge and Blanc may pull fruit from Beaujolais.
What grapes Regional Bourgogne Rouge allows?
Regional Bourgogne Rouge is mostly PN but allows Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc and Pinot Gris up to a 15% as a field blend.Plus a maximum of 10% César (from the Yonne and a maximum 30% Gamay. Both Bougogne Rouge and Blanc may pull fruit from Beaujolais.
What is the minimum percentage for Bourgogne Pinot Noir?
It has to be a minimum 85% PN, and Maximum 15% Gamay.
Bourgogne Gamay, what’s the percentage?
85% or more Gamay.
What’s the name of the newest regional appelation, not in use yet and what grapes allows?
Bourgogne Côtes d’Or, from grapes from C. de Nuits and C. de Beaune, only permitted PN and CH.
What are the new label terms for Cremant de bourgogne?
- Cremant dde Bourgogne Eminent: 24 month minimum ageing sur lie (vs 9 month standard)
- Cremant de Bourgogne Grand Eminent: minimum 36 months ageing sur lie plus 3 months in the cellar. only de 1st 75% of the juice can be used, only PN and CH for blanc; Rose allows up to 20% Gamay.
Describe Village AOC in Burgundy
In Burgundy, Village AOC is wine made from grapes grown within a specific zone of production surrounding a specific village. they are a blend of different vineyard sites.
If the it hails from a single vineyard, the producer may put the name of that climat on label.
They are 44 Village wines, 36% of B. tot production.
How many AOC Villages are in Burgundy and what % reprecent of total production?
They are 44 Village wines, 36% of Bourgogne total production.
What’s the main difference between Regional and Village AOC?
The zone of production in Village is narrower than regional and start t show tipicity of its focused zone.
Describe Premier Cru AOC in Burgundy
A premier Cru represent a single vineyard or Climat. The name of the vineyard appears on the label along with the village name and the words Premier Cru.
Are Bourgogne Premier Crus single vineyards?
If theVillage name appears on the label with the words Premier Cru but not the name of the vineyard, the wine is a blend of nore than one premier Cru vineyards from that village.
How many Premier Crus are in Bourgogne and what % represent from total production?
There are 635 Premier Crus in Burgundy and they represent 10% of total production.
Describe Bourgogne Grand Cru
A Burgundy Grand Cru represent a single vineyard with a reputation. The name of the vineyard appears on the label with the words Grand Cru with no village name, The exception is Chablis that is always listed on the label along the name of the vineyard.
How many Grand Crus are in Bourgogne and what % represent of total production?
There are 33 Grand Crus in Bourgogne and represent 2% of total wine production.
Qhuicky describe Chablis wines
The whites and reds from Chablis are lean and posseses a racy acidity, pronounced minerality or and flintiness.
What’s the location of Chablis?
Chablis is located on the slopes of the Serein River valley, the Grand Auxerrois vineyards are located around the towns of Auxerre, Tonerre, Vézelay and Joigny. The vineyards of the Châtillonnais are to the east of Chablis.
What’s Chablis Climate?
Chablis climate is continental with Atlantic (maritime) influence. This brings Clowds with lower temperatures and slows the ripening. Results in high acid and reserved aromatic profile.Spring and Autumn frost.
Name the grape varieties of Chablis, Grand Auxerrois and Châtillonais.
- Chardonnay (known as Beaunois); Chab, Chât, and Gr Aux.
- Sauvignon Blanc: St Bris AOC
- Sacy: Châtillonnais
- Aligoté: Châtillonnais
- Pinot Noir: Chât. and Gr. Aux.
- César: Irancy AOC
- Gamay: Châtillonnais
Name the unique atributes of the soil of Chablis Grand and Premier Cru and what type of wine it gives.
The Grand Cru and Premier Cru vinwyards of Chablis are situated on Kimmeridgean Marl, this is a limestone rich Clay formed 160 millons years ago, gives high tensilestrengh and racy edges to wine.
Name the type of soil in Chablis AOC and Petit Chablis AOC and what type of wine it gives
Chablis AOC and Petit Chablis AOC are situated on Portlandian marl, formed 140 to 150 millon years ago, it craft high acid wines with more broad less chisseled flavors than Kimmeridgean.
Name the type of soil in Châtillonnais and Grand Auxerrois and what type of wine it gives
Châtillonnais and Grand Auxerrois are situated on Portlandian Marl, yieldin wines with more broad flavors, less chisseled.
what percentage red/white make the regions of Chablis?
Chablis: 100% white
Grand Auxerrois: 67%white, 33% red
Cha3tillonnais: 95% white, 5% red.
Name the different AOC’s of Chablis, how many they are?
They are 4: Grand Cru, Premier Cru, Chablis, Petit Chablis.
@ How many Grand Crus Chablis has?
Chablis has 1 Grand Cru, divided in 7 Climats, all in one slope facing southwest. Kimmeridgean Marl soil.
- Bougros: well balanced fruit-minerality, easy approach.
- Les Clos: lean wines need ageing to develop
- Grenouilles: Complex, multifaceted wines
- Blanchot:Powerfull, rich wines
- Les Preuses: age-worthy, intense minerality
- Valmur: Rich with intense minerality wines
- Vaudésir: Powerfull, rich wine with ripe fruit.
@ Describe Chablis AOC and petit Chablis AOC
-Chablis AOC vineyards are located on slopes and plains, all arround village of Chablis.
-Petit Chablis AOC vineyards are located on the plains.
In both the soil is Portlandian Marl.
How many Chablis Premier Cru are? what type of soil?
They are 89 Chablis Premier Cru Climats spread along both banks of the Serein River. They are all located on slopes, soil is Kimmeridgean
Name the principal AOCs of Grand Auxerrois
- Bougogne Còte Saint Jacques AOC: R, W, Ros and Vin Gris, the most northerly of Burgundy vineyards.
- Bourgogne Chitry AOC: R=PN, W=CH.Roses must be bottled as Bourgogne rosé or Bougogne Clairet.
- Bourgogne Còtes d’Auxerre AOC: R, Ros=PN, W=CH.
- Bourgogne Coulanges-La-Vineuse AOC: R=PN, W=CH.
- Saint-Bris AOC: W= Sauvignon Blanc and sauvignon Gris, only appelation in Bourgogne with this grapes.
- Irancy AOC: RED+ PN optional up 10% César
- Bourgogne ÉPINEUIL AOC; R=PN
- Bourgogne Tonnerre AOC: W=CH
- Bourgogne Vézelay AOC: W=CH
@ describe Châtillonnais AOC, what is its most famous wine and from which grapes it’s made of.
Only regional wines are produced in Châtillonnais, it is famous for its Cremant de Bourgogne out of PN, Gamay, Chard and Aligoté
@ Where is Irancy AOC, what’s its signature wine and from what it is made
Irancy AOC is a Chablis appelation which makes red wine out of Pinot Noir with optional up to 10% Gamay.
@ Where is Saint-Bris AOC, what’s its signature wine and from what it is made
Saint-Bris AOC is a Chablis appelation which makes hite wine with Sauvignon Blanc and Sauvignon Gris, only appelation in Bourgogne planted with this grapes.
How you simply describe the wines of the Côtes de Nuits?
The wines of Cotes de Nuits are firmly structured with dark berry fruits and earth and spice, the exception would be Chambolle Musigny wich are delicate.
Location of the Côtes de Nuits
Cotes de Nuits extends 12 miles from Dijon to Corgoloin, its named the Champs Elysées de la Bourgogne, with average altitude of 1000 ft/ 300m
What are the Hautes Côtes de Nuits and how are it’s wines?
Hautes Cotes de Nuits are a dozen villages, regional AOC, located above and beyond the Cotes de Nuits, Their wines are robust and firm with significant Tannin-Acid structure, require time in bottle
Describe Climate in Côtes de Nuits
Cotes de Nuits (as well as CdB and C. Chalonaisse) has a more pure Continental climate than the rest of Burgundy. With considerable seasonal and diurnal temperature variation.
Summer is hot/Winters cold. Significant swing between day and nigth temps. This preserves grape’s natural acidity.
Growing season is short.
Which grape varieties we find in Cotes de Nuits?
PN, CH, Aligoté and Pinot Gris (locally named Pinot Beurot)
How Pinot Gris is called in the Cotes de Nuits?
Pinot Beurot
Describe the soil in Cotes de Nuits
The soil in Cotes de Nuits are Limestone and Limestone rich Marls.
They are sedimentary, formed 180 to 170 millons years ago. The 2 sections are quite distinctive. This soils are better suited for PN.
What’s the red % production in Cotes de Nuits?
Cotes de Nuits has a 89% red production.
Does Coted de Nuits produce White and Rose wine?
Cotes de nuits produces a small cuantity of white in Marsannay, Fixin, Vougeot, Morey-st-Denis and Nuits Saint Georges. Marsannay produces Top Quality Rosé.
@ How many Grand Cru are in Côtes de Nuits? any white GC?
There are 24 Grand Crus in Cotes de Nuits, Only 1 is white: Musigny, but most of Musigny Grand Cru is red.
@ Where in Cotes de Nuits is Grand Cru Bonnes Mares located?
Bonnes Mares Gran Cru is shared by the villages of Chambolle and Morey, so it counts in both villages Grand Cru.
@ List the principal Villages of Côtes de Nuits from North to South
- Marsannay
- Fixin
- Gevrey-Chambertin
- Merey-Saint-Denis
- Chambolle-Musugny
- Vougeot
- Vosne-Romanée
- Nuits-Saint -Georges
@ Describe Marsannay, Style of wine, Premier and Grand Cus.
Marsannay has No Premier Cru and No Grand Cru. It’s known for its delicate and fruity Rose.
@ Describe Fixin, Style of wine, Premier and Grand Cus.
Fixin has 6 Premier Crus and No Grand Crus. It has well structured, robust and earthy reds with firm tannins, perfect for cellaring
@ Describe Gevrey Chambertin, Style of wine, Premier and Grand Cus.
Gevrey-Chambertin has 26 Premier Crus (20% of its w production) and 9 Grand Crus: Chambertin / Chambertin Clos de Bèze / Chapelle-Chambertin / Charmes-Chambertin / Mazoyères-Chambertin / Griote-Chambertin / Latricières-Chambertin / Mazis-Chambertin / Ruchottes-Chambertin
This wines have enough Acid, Tannins and Fruit to be Cellar worthy.
@ Describe Morey-saint-Denis, Style of wine, Premier and Grand Cus.
Morey-Saint-Denis has 20 Premier Crus and 5 Grand Crus: Clos de la Roche / Clos Saint-Denis / Clos des Lambrays / Clos de Tart / Bonnes Mares.
Morey Combines the power of the north Gevrey and the delicate aromatics of the south Chambolle.
@ Describe Chambolle-Musigny, style of wine, Premier and Grand Cus.
Chambolle-Musigny has 24 Premier Crus and 2 Grand Cus: Mussigny and Bonnes Marres, Both do Red and White of extraordinary delicate and lacy caracter.
@ Describe Vougeot, Style of wine, Premier and Grand Cus.
Vougeot has 4 Premier Crus and 1 Grand Cru: Clos de Vougeot. 3/4 of the production goes under this Grand Cru. With ageing this wines develop complex aromas of berry and hints of forest. It’s the only Grand Cru that rest at the bottom of the slope. Vougeot produces very little white.
@ Describe Vosne-Romanée, Style of wine, Premier and Grand Cus.
Vosne-Romanée has 14 Premier Crus and 8 Grand Crus: The most prestigious of CdN: La Romanée / Romanée-Conti / Romanée-Saint Vivant / Richebour / La Tâche / Échezeaux / Grand Échezeaux / La Gran Rue.
All with a velvet texture and a melange of berry fruit, violets perfume and freshly shoveled earth.
@ Describe Nuits-Saint-Georges, style of wine, Premier and Grand Cus.
Nuits-Saint-Georges has 41 Premier Crus, No Grand Crus.
Premier Cru vineyards account for 45% of areas production. They are meaty, spicy, earthy and deep.
@ Which Villages produce Cotes de Nuits Villages?
The appelation Cotes de Nuits Villages is shared by: Fixin, Brochon, Premeaux, Comblanchien and Corgoloin. Depending from where its made can be well structured, chalky tannins and high acidity (North) or soft, spiced and earthy (South)
How are the wines of Côtes de Beaune?: quick description
The white wines of the Côtes de Beaune are powefull and concentrated.
The red wines are elegant and full of finesse with more deph in Volnay, Pommard Beaune and Aloxe-Corton.
Location and Climate of Cotes de Beaune.
It comprises a narrow stetch of vineyards from the town ofLadoix-Serrigny to Maranges with Continental climate. Its a escarpment with a 1000 ft altitude (300M) most vineyards face east. at an altitude of 1200 ft (360 m) a dozen vineyards form Hautes Cotes de Beaune appellation.
How are the wines of Hautes Côtes de Beaune?
Both red and whites have firm tannins and firm acidity, they need time in bottle, continental climate
Name the grape varieties of Cotes de Beaune
Chardonnay, Aligoté, Pinot Gris (known as Pinot Beurot) and Pinot Noir.
Name the type and longevity of the Cotes de Beaune soils.
They are Limestone and Limestone-rich Marls.
160 to 150 millon years old. slighty younger than cotes de Nuits. It grafts wines of minerality and acidity.
Whats the white red percentage in Cotes de Beaune?
57%red and 43%white.
How many Grand Crus in Cotes de Beaune? how many red GC?
Cotes de Beaune has 8 Grand Crus, only 1 is red (and White): Corton.
@ Name the principal Villages of Cotes de Beaunes and its GC’s
Ladoix-Serrigny: 11 PC, 2 GC. Aloxe-Corton: 14 PC, 3 GC. Pernand-Vergelesses: 8 PM, 2 GC. Chorey-Lès-Beaune: No PC, No GC. Savigny-Lès-Beaune: 22 PC, No GC. Beaune: 42 PC, No GC. Pommard: 28 PC, No GC. Volnay: 29 PC, No GC. Monthélie: 15 PC, No GC. Auxey-Duresses: 9 PC, No GC. Meursault: 18 PC, No GC. Saint-Romain: No PC, No GC. Puligny-Montrachet: 17 PC, 4 GC. Chassagne-Montrachet: 19 PC, 3 GC. Saint-Aubin: 16 PC, No GC. Santenay: 11 PC, No GC. Maranges: 7 PC, No GC.
@ Describe Ladoix-Serrigny, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Ladoix-Serrigny has 11 premier crus and 2 Grand Crus (1/4 of its vineyards) that share with Corton and Pernand-Vergelesses. A small potion of Corton Charlemagne also lies in this commune.
Most of it production is bottled Coted de Beaune villages.
White Corton: Apple, Pear, hazelnut.
Red Corton: Powerful, earthy game aromas.
Corton-Charlemagne: Weight
and mineral, almost thick.
@ Describe Aloxe-Corton, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Aloxe Corton has 14 Premier Crus and 3 Grand Crus. A large portion of the comunne lies in the GC of Corton (W&R) and Corton Charlemagne (W) they share a single hillside. Aprox 28 climats within Corton, 230 acres.
Corton and C. Charle are shared with Ladoix-Serrigny and Pernand-Vergelesses.
Grand Cru Charlemagne (0.7 acre) is ONLY located in Aloxe-Corton commune.
@ Describe Pernand-Vergelesses, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Pernand-Vergelesses: 8 Premier Cus and 2 Grand Crus.
This vinyards are located in the South West of the Corton hill. Whites have ripe apple and toasted nuts wth a core of minerality and acidity. the Reds take time to mature. It sgares the Grand Cus Corton and Corton Charlemagne with Aloxe and Ladoix-Serrigny.
@ Describe Chorey-Lès-Beaune, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Chorey-Lès-Beaune: Has no PC and no GC. This Appelation lais mostly in flat plains. It produces reds with delicate tannins and slight acidity.
@ Describe Savigny-Lès-Beaune, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Savigny-Lès-Beaune has 22 Premier Crus and no Grand Crus. Most production is red, with silken tannins and soft berry fruit.
@ Describe Beaune, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Beaune has 42 Premier Crus and No Grand Cru. This is Bourgogne Wine Capital. Produces mostly red with substancial tannins, 2/3 are Premier Cru, Dark berryes aromas, develop truffle, spice and leather with age.
@ Describe Pommard, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Pommard has 28 Premier Crus and No Grand Crus. It produces only reds, Its high percentage of CLAY produces intense flavors and aromas. Blackberry, Blueberry, plum. Needs to age and develops leather and wild animal aromas.
@ Describe Volnay, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Volnay has 29 Premier Crus and No Grand Cru. Only Red 45% is Premier Cru. They are soft and supple, aromatic, dark berryes with accented by woody wild animal notes. With age develops prune and spice.
@ Describe Monthélie, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Monthélie has 15 Premier Crus, No Grand Crus.The vineyards are around a coomb. Lay on ALLUVIAL deposits of high quality. Very little white, the reds are delicate and soft, more aroma than flavor.
@ Describe Auxey-Duresses, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Auxey-Duresses has 9 Premier Crus and No Grand crus. It makes tight and lean wine from both CH and PN.
@ Describe Meursault, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Meursault has 18 Premier Crus and No Grand Crus. 96.5% is White and 1/3 is Premier Cru. It lies at the center of a broad coomb, the whites are caracterized by Rich, creamy texture, hints of oatmeal and apple when young. Coffee, hazelnut, cinnamon and honey with age.
@ Describe Saint-Romain, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Saint-Romain No premier Cru and No Grand Cru. 62% White, 38% red and at a high elevation. Both are lean, crisp and chisseled.
@ Describe Puligny-Montrachet, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Puligny Montrachet has 17 premier Crus and 4 Grand Crus. 99%+ white. Grand Crus are: Montrachet / Bâtard-Montrachet / Chevalier-Montrachet / Bienvenues-Bâtard Montrachet (the 1st 2 shared with Chass-Mon)
The wines are powerfull and meaty with marzipan, golden apples, warm butter, toasted almonds and honey.
@ Describe Chassagne-Montrachet, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Chassagne-Montrachet has 19 1er Crus and 3 Grand Crus. Montrachet, Bâtard-Montrachet (both shared with Puligny- Mon) and Criots-Bâtard Montrachet. Powerfull and meaty wines with honey, apple and toasted nuts.
The REDS have Kirsh, blackcurrant and underbrush, they develope leathur and fur with age.
@ Describe Saint-Aubin, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Saint-Aubin has 16 Premier Crus and No Grand Cru. It’s noted for its whites (61%) but also produce reds (39%).
Whites with a bracing acidity and pronounced minerality. red have delicate tannins and raspberry-cherry aromas.
@ Describe Santenay, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Santenay has 11 1er Crus and No Grand Crus. Most appelation is RED 1er cru, same flavors than Chassagne reds but more delicate tannins.
@ Describe Maranges, name it’s Premier and Grand Cus and style of wine.
Maranges has 7 1er Crus and No Grand Crus. It’s the southernnmost appelation of Côtes de Beaune, reds are same as Santenay, like Chassagne but with soft tannins.
@ Côtes de Beaune Villages AOC: Can it be white and red?
Cotes de Beaune Villages can be only RED, they have firm tannins, firm acidity and need time in bottle. All villages appelation can label CdB Villages EXCEPT: Aloxe-Corton, Beaune, Pommard and Volnay.
Which villages cannot label their wines Côtes de Beaune Villages?
Aloxe-Corton, beaune, Volnay and Pommard.
How are the wines of Côte Chalonnaise?
Côte Chalonnaise wines are:
RED: Firm, full bodied with substancial tannin.
WHITE: Well-balanced and hallmarked by white flowers aromas and ripe apples.
Name the location of Côte Chalonnaise (limits)
Côte Chalonnaise limits: North: Côte de Beaune East: Saône River South: The Mâconnais West: Couchois wine region
Name the grapes of the Côte Chalonnaise
The grapes of the Côtes Chalonaise are
- Chardonnay
- Aligoté (Bouzeron AOC)
- Pinot Noir
- Gamay (incorporated into Coteaux Bourgignons and Passe-Tout-Grains, 2 regional AOCs0
How’s the soil in Côte Chalonnaise?
It is Limestone and Marl, 160-220 millons years old, some of the oldest in Bourgogne.
Percentage of White/Red in Côte Chalonnaise
62% Red and 38% White is produced in Côtes Chalonnaise.
It Offer White, Red, Rose and sparkling wine.
@ Name the principal Villages of Côte Chalonnaise. (5)
- Bouzeron: No 1er Cs
- Rully: 23 1er Crus
- Mercurey: 31 1er Crus
- Givry: 26 1er Crus
- Montagny: 49 1er Crus
@ What Bouzeron AOC is known for and where is it?
Bouzeron is in the north of Côte Chalonnaise and its known for its perfumed Aligoté.
@ Where is Rully AOC and for what type of wine it known?
How many 1er Crus?
Rully is located in the north of Côte Chalonnaise, produces white and red but its known for its CREMANT de BOURGOGNE production, Its made with Methode Traditionel.
It has 23 1er Crus.
@ Where is Mercurey AOC and what type of wine it produces?
How many 1er Crus?
Mercurey is located in the Côte Chalonnaise and produces mostly red from Pinot Noir, they have chalky tannins and firm acidity, with strawberry, cherry aromas..
It has 31 premier Crus
@ Where is Givry AOC and what wine it produces?
How many 1er Crus?
Givry is located in Côte Chalonnaise and produces mostly red. Firm with polished tannins and intense berry fruit.
It has 26 1er Crus
@ Where is Montagny AOC and what wine it produces?
How many 1er Crus?
Montagny is located in Côte Chalonnaise and produces only AOC WHITE. medium body with moderate acidity, with delicate minerality.
It has 49 1er Crus.
@ What type of wines the Mâconnais do?
The Mâconnais is known for its fruity whites with distinctive aromas of Hawthorn and Acacia.
Its reds and roses are made of Gamay, and express its fruit and flower profile.
Name the location of the Mâconnais (limits)
North: Côte Chalonnaise
East: Saône valley
South: Beaujolais
West: Grosne Valley
How id the Mâconnais Climate?
The Mâconnais climate is INFLUENCED by the MEDITERRANEAN. Abundant sunshinewith warm temperatures during growing season. This gives riper grapes with prononced fruit aromas.
Summers are warm and dry and Winters are mild.
Which grape varieties grows in the Mâconnais?
- Chardonnay
- Aligoté
- Pinot Noir (ONLY for Mâcon AOC)
- Gamay.
What is the soil type of the Mâconnais?
- Limestone and Marls: as in C. Chalonnais id 160 - 220 millons years old.
- Granite and Schist: This is the only region in Bourgogne where this appears, they are located in the south near Beaujolais.
- Percentage of White/Red in the Mâconnais.
- Percentage of Regional AOC, and how most of the white is labeled?
-85% its planted with Chardonnay on limestone, marls and flinty clay.
- 80% of the production is at regional level AOC.
Most white is labeled Mâcon-Village or Mâcon+Name of producing Village (26 V have the right to do so)
-Is there any Red or Rosé Mâcon Villages AOC?
No, NO Mâcon-Villagees AOC red or Rosé.
Reds and Roses are labeled Mâcon, Mâcon Supérieur or Mâcon + name of producing village.
@ Name the principal AOCs of the Mâconnais
The principal AOCs of the Mâconnais are:
- Pouilly-Fuissé
- Saint-Véran
- Virê-Clessé
@ Where is Pouilly-Fuissé AOC and what wine it produces?
How many 1er Crus?
Pouilly-Fuissé is located in the Mâconnais and is the flagship AOC. Located in a topographical bowl rimmed by 3 Bioherms, ewwf-like composites of starfish limestone. his 3 Biohermes are: the Rock of Soultré, Rock of Vergisson and the Mount of Pouilly. here soils are simmilar to CdOr.
remember neighnor villages Pouilly-Vinzelles and Pouilly-Loché.
White wines of delicate fruit and solid minerality.
@ Where is Saint-Véran AOC and what wine it produces?
How many 1er Crus?
Saint Veran makes quaffable wines from Chardonnay.
@ Where is Viré-Clessé AOC and what wine it produces?
How many 1er Crus?
Viré-Classé is the NEWEST of the Mâconnais AOC (1999), it produces ripe, fruit forward Chardonnays.
What is a negociant in Bourgogne,and what they do?
Its a company who purchase grapes or wine and bottle and market the wine.
There are 2828 domains and 113 wine merchants in bourgogne. 52% of all the wine produced is sold trough negociants.
What is The Bon Probléme?
Global Warming.
Today harvest is 10 days earlier than 20 yrs ago.
Now grapes are chilled before fermentation.
Punching the cap is not used in favour of Pump Over, since punching favours extraction and now grapes are more mature and rippen.
Also maceration is shorter.
Can you Chaptalize or acidify in Bourgogne?
What type of yeast are used?
Chaptalization and acidyfication are permited in Bourgogne, but not both to same wine.
Most fermentations are carried out by native wild yeast., this helps to stay true to their terroir.
Is new or used oak used in Bourgogne?
Most Burgundians use OLD oak as not to impart wood tannins to wine.SOME NEW BARRELS ARE USED AT GRAND CRU LEVELS. (they can stand the oak)
How long to age a bourgogne?
All Bourgogne needs a few years in bottle. with ageing they will express the terroir. A youn Grand Cru only shows 25% of potential.
- GC Chablis: 3-4 yrs in bottle to develop, even more.
- Chablis 1er Cru: ready after 2-3 yrs, but can hold longer.
- The wines of Côte d’Or: 4-8 yrs in bott, the better the vintage and pedigree, the longer it should be keept.
- The reds of C. Calonnaise: 2-3 yrs, whites 1-2 yrs
- Red Mâconnais: Should be consumed young. The whites 2-3 yrs.
Does the Vintage matters in Bourgogne?
Great Vintages hide the subtle differences between climats. Soft Vintages will expose them. After 1 year, the wines of a great vintage will close down for 2-3 years (go dormant).