boundaries Flashcards
transfer legal definition of boundary to a map
mark boundary on the landscape
geometric boundary
straight lines
boundaries along cultural lins
antecedent boundary
drawn prior to settlment
example antecedent
colonial america
subsequent boundary
drawn after settlement
example subsequent
superimposed boundary
drawn after colonialism
example superimposed
african states
relic boundaries
are no longer applicable -but impat may still be felt
example relic
Hadrian’s wall (roman empire)
great wall of china
berlin wall
ethno national territorial conflict
fight for teritory for nation states
yugoslavia0boundary conflict
ethnonational terrritorial conflict
india and pakistan boundary conflict
ethnonational terrritorial conflict
iraq boundary conflict (sunnis-shiites-kurds)
ethnonational terrritorial conflict
religious teritorial conflict
fight over holy spaces
palenstine boundary conflict
religious territorial conflict (palenstine vs jerusalem)
definitional dispute
two states disagree on legal defintion
locational dispute
two regions disagree on the interpretation of wheee a boundary is
locational-cuz the river changes courses
lines of longitude and lattitude
georgia and tennnessee-dispute
locationsl(longitude and lattitude disputes)
operationsl dispute
disagree on the operations across the border
us/ mexico dispute on immigrants
allocation of resources around the boundry are in question
river and lake bundaries are mostly
ocean boundaries
-how much of the ocean can the state own?