Bouchra: por contra para Flashcards
Uses of para: Destination (in the direction of, towards)
El sirujano sale de su casa para la clinica a las ocho. The surgeon leaves their house at eight to go to the clinic.
Uses of para: Deadline or a specific time in the future (by; for)
El resultado del análisis va a estar listo para mañana. The test results will be ready by tomorrow.
Uses of para: Goal [para + infinitive] (In order to)
El doctor usó el termómetro para ver si el nino tiene fiebre. The doctor used a thermometer to see if the boy had a fever.
Uses of para: Purpose [para + noun] (for; used for)
El investigador discrubrio una cura para el enfermedad. The researcher discovered a cure for the disease.
Uses of para: Recipient (for)
La enfermera preparo la cama para dona Angela. The nurse prepared the bed for Dona Angela.
Uses of para: Comparison with others or opinions (for; considering)
A. Para su edad, goza de muy buena salud. For her age, she enjoys very good health.
B. Para mi, lo que tienes es gripe y no un resfriado. For me, what you have is the flu, not a cold.
Uses of para: Employment (for)
Mi hijo trabaja para un empresa farmaceutica. My son works for a pharmaceutical company.
No estar para bromas
To be in no mood for jokes
No ser para tanto
To be not a big deal
para colmo
to top it all off
para siempre
para que (lo) sepas
Just so you know
para que
so that
Uses of por: Motion or a general location (along, through, around by)
Me quebre la pierna corriendo por el parque. I broke my leg running through the park.
Uses of por: Duration of an action (for; during; in)
estuvo en cama por dos meses. He was in bed for two months.
Uses of por: Reason or motive for an action (because of; on account of; on behalf of)
Rezo por su hijo enfermo. She prayed for her sick son.
Uses of por: Object of a search (for; in search of)
El enfermo fue por un termometro. The nurse went to get a thermometer.
Uses of por: Means by which (by; by way of; by means of)
Consulte con el doctor por telefono. I consulted with the doctor by phone.
Uses of por: Exchange or substitution (for; in exchange for)
Cambiamos ese tratamiento por un nuevo. We changed from that treatment for a new one.
Uses of por: Unit of measure (per; by)
Tengo que tamar las pastillas cinco veces por dia. I have to take the pills five times a day.
Uses of por: Agent (passive voice) (by)
La nueva politica de salud publica fue anunciada por la prensa. The new public health policy was announced by the press.
por ahora
for the time being
por alli/aqui
around there/here
por casualidad
by chance
por cierto
by the way
Por Dios!
For God’s sake!
por ejemplo
for example
por escrito
in writing
por fin
por lo general
in general
por lo menos
at least
por lo tanto
por lo visto
por mas/mucho que
no matter how much
por otro lado/otra parte
on the other hand
por primera vez
for the first time
por si acaso
just in case
por supuesto
of course